Experience of construction and operation of shafts in Donbass shows, that more
than 15 % of mining outputs carry out and sustain in a close conditions
stipulated by availability of geologic violations (approximately 80
% of such productions fall layer). The disturbance of mining layers will
increase in a direction west-to-east, thus an expansion of the productions
bolstered in zones of geologic violations, variates about 8 % up to
22 %.
Eastern carboniferous areas of Donbass are defined by diversification of kinds
of geologic disturbance. The soul interest in this plan represents
the area Gukovo-Zverevsky occupying one master places in basin on production of
anthracites. Its industrial value is determined by major reserves of
quality power-station coals.
Characteristic violations are thrusts, resets, uplifts,
scours, injection-blow-mouldings, riser pads, scissions and turns of stratum. It
is necessary to mark, that there are combinations of geologic violations
of miscellaneous kinds.
In catchment areas of geologic violations slowing down of passing
in 2-3 times and increase of costs at realization and repair of productions in
1,5-2,5 times that is stipulated, primarily, by the considerable breaking-downs
with an altitude up to 4 m in forefront of a yield, by the bound with an
intensive fracturing of a rock mass is marked.
From total amount of geologic violations most the considerable are
In conditions of fissures 50 % of mining outputs, including 68 % sheet
which are conducted in geologic violations are sustained
approximately, and specific weight of fissures in costs of repair reaches 70 %.
Thus, it is possible to assert, that a urgency of scientific probes,
directed on the substantiation of ways of stabilization of development workings
in the composite geological conditions, it is doubtless.
The complex of plump probes is dedicated development of scientifically
reasonable technique of definition of resistance of development workings,
parameters fix also guarding in a catchment area of disjunctive
tectonic disturbances, and also to drawing up of special programs of calculation
of the indicated parameters on a computer according to a designed technique.
Magister activity is dedicated development of ways and a means of guarding
and fastening of development workings, staggered by disjunctive geologic violations.
The purpose of activity - the substantiation of ways of stabilization of
development workings in the composite geological conditions (in zones of a
disjunctive disturbance of a rock mass).
The idea of activity consists of a comprehensive approach to problem solving
selection of ways of fastening and maintenance of development workings in a
catchment area disjunctive geologic violation on the basis of study
of geomechanic relations of a condition of hills and action of supports with
allowance for influences on activity of stopes.
Research techniques. At fulfilment of activity the complex method of
probes including methods of mathematical statistics and a theory of
probabilities, correlation and regression the analysis, analytical probes of a
tense - strained state and resistance of adjoining rocks in the composite
geological conditions, mining tool supervision,
application of the modern methods of computer simulation of the rock mass
located under an extraction influence and geologic factors, complicating
conditions of maintenance of development workings, development of new methods of
calculation of parameters of fastening and guarding of productions
and their feasibility report utilised.
Outcomes of made activity
- The analytical relations are received, permitting to predict
an expected homoplasty of a yield in a catchment area of disjunctive geologic
violations, depending on parameters of a breakage and geological
conditions of operation of a yield, and with allowance for extraction influences.
- It is revealed, that on an expansion of a catchment area of fissure the
greatest influence is rendered with an angle of incidence of a fissure, an angle
of meeting of a slaughter of a yield with a plane of an extension and almost
depth of an arrangement of a yield and a modulus of elasticity of adjacent
strata does not affect.
- It is established, that on an altitude of distribution
of a zone of inelastic deformations of roof rock the greatest influence renders
an angle of incidence of a fissure and mechanical properties of rocks of a roof
covering (modulus of elasticity).
- It is determined, that the altitude of distribution of a zone of
inelastic deformations of roof rock in a trailing downside exceeds on 30 + 40 %
an altitude of distribution of a zone of inelastic deformations -
in a lying downside.
- On the basis of received relations and scientific rules
the design procedure of optimal technological parameters of fastening and guarding of development workings, staggered is developed by
fissures at which their maintenance at all stages of operation is ensured. The
technique differs from earlier known knowledge not only use content the writer
of relations but also alternative designing on a computer with application of complex economic evaluation of efficacyy of designed scientific
Scientific and practical value:
- Detection of the factors influential in selection of parameters fix also
guarding of development workings in a catchment area of
disjunctive geologic violations;
- Development of a design procedure of technological parameters fix also
guarding of development workings in a catchment area of
disjunctive geologic violations.