My name is Yevgeny Viktorovich Usatyik. I was born on 18 March 1984 in Dokuchayevsk.
My father’s name is Victor Grigoriyevich Usatyuk. He was born on 10 May 1959 in the village of Golma in Denetsk region. He graduated from Dokuchayevsk trade college of speciality “Technology of cooking food”. At the moment he works at PFD factory.
My mother’s name is Natalya Leonidovna Usatyuk. She was born on 22 January 1963 in Dokuchayevsk trade college of speciality “Commodity research and commerce”. At the moment she is unemployed.
My brother’s name is Vadim Victorovich Usayuk. He was borh on 22 January 1982 in Dokuchayevsk. He graduated from Dokuchayevsk mining college on speciality “Maintenance and service of mining equipment” and DonNTU on speciality “Energetik complex of energy consuming production”. At the moment he works at PDF factory.
I studied at Dokuchayevsk comprehensive school ¹3 from 1990 until 1999. During my training there I participated in contests on Byology and Phisics. I finisched 9 years of a comprehensive school.
In September 1999 I went to Dokuchayevsk mining college. My speciality was “Maintenance and service of mining equipment”. During my training there I took an active part in the college social life.
In June 2003 I graduated from college recording a diploma with high grades.
In September 2003 I went to Donetsk National Technical University. My speciality was “Mining of deposits” (Faculty of Geotechnology and management of enterprise).
In Juli 2007 I received a Bachelor’s degree with high grades.
In Juli 2002 during my practice in college I started a job at PFD factory. After finisching the practice I started a full job as an excavator operator.
In February 2003 I started a job as electrician there. In August 2003 I left my job because I had entered Donetsk National Technical University.
From November 2004 until June 2005 I worked in DonNTU as an electrician.
From July until August 2005 I worked as an operator at a petrol station.
From September 2005 until June 2006 I worked in DonNTU as an electrician. In July 2006 I worked at mine “Zasyadko”as a miner.
From October 2006 until March 2007 I worked at State Guard Service as a guard.
From May 2007 until September 2007 I worked at State Guard Service as a guard.
From November 2007 until February 2008 I worked at mine “Krasnoarmyeyskaya Zapadnaya ¹1” as a probator.
From March 2007 until now I work as a researcher at DonNIGRI.
From 1994 until 1999 I did wrestling. I took part in many tournaments and competitions and received many prizes.
1. Writing and defending a maser’s research work.
2. Getting an interesting job.