Discovered that the major trends of
development is to expand SHSGP grades strips thickness up to 0.8 mm, the
increase in mass slabs up to 45 tons and achieving a speed of rolling up to 25 m
/ sec. Achieving these targets is possible only in the construction or
reconstruction of new mills that are operating. SHSGP operating in Ukraine, the
level of technology and equipment morally and technically obsolete. Follow
reconstruction complicated by the fact that existing SHSGP located in limited
spaces and therefore the installation of modern equipment difficult. In this
regard, the task of reconstruction is invited to decide, using innovative
technology solutions. In relation to become 1680 OAO "Zaporizhstal" developed a
new scheme of equipment. The novelty of the scheme is to host a heating furnace
between roughing and finishing groups crating, which allows placing equipment in
the existing plant. Slabs come in heating furnaces and heating are issued after
the interim roller, which until that time, freed from to roll under. Then comes
slabs in a continuous roughing group crating, prokatyvaetsya, receiving six
compression. After this roller reversiruyut, cages rebuild immediately after the
rear end to gather momentum from the rolls. Applications drive allows it to
adjust the speed of rolling in trehkletevoy group. If there are stands with
vertical rolls upset at the same time to gather momentum in the vertical and
horizontal rolls. Trehkletevaya черновая group allows for 6 passages, which in
turn allows for a thick slabs up to 300 mm. The difference with this group in
reverse mode and adding another pair of vertical rolls.
Thus, the proposed new
scheme of basic equipment allows to deploy new equipment in the existing plant.
This leads to improved technology and increased productivity rolling mills. In
the future, is scheduled to choose a mathematical model of rolling and study
energosilovyh process parameters.