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Dolzhikova Elena Vitalevna

Physical-and-Metallurgical Department

Specialty «Industrial Power Systems»

Theme of master's work:

Leader of work:Piatishkin G.G.


Materials on the theme of master's work: Main page Abstract Links Autobiography Library Hobby

About myself:

My name is Dolzhikova Elena Vitalevna. I was born on December, 19th, 1986 in Yenakievo in family of workers. My father - Dolzhikov Vitaly Genievich - the miner, at present the pensioner; mother - Dolzhikova Natalia Valentinovna - electrical engineer. In August, 1988 I began to attend day nursery - garden. From the earliest age I grew as little miss “Why, I was interested absolutely at all. All close relatives were tortured with constant questions « Why...? » and « What for...? ». I grew as very mobile, the present “Break Neck”. In garden I visited a circus circle, but it is simple « the boy in a skirt »! But my mum has decided, that as I am girl, when I was five me have given to be engaged in a circle of national dance in which I was engaged with the great pleasure. During this period the most difficult for me was an obligatory strict hair dress which pulled my hair together. But the dances were so delightful for mi, that torture with a hair dress, very strict teachers - all these were nothing!

School years:

In September, 1993 I went to the first class of the school number 28. Employment by dances has not thrown. My life was in it. With what admiration I looked at a bearing and gait of not very young teacher of our ensemble. Always planning, tightened, she was an example for all little girls of collective. And it was very big. But in January, 1995 after desease I stopped dancing under requirements of doctors. After this period still tried to return, but it seemed to me, that it any more those dances, not that group and, at all, is not mine. At school I studied well. The sixth class is significant year. This year I became the honored pupil for the first time, passed examination on the mathematician on "five". But my triumph had not last long. Already in following year I have returned to old achievements: 4 in physics. It was insulting! In a life this event has poured out in stress which has gone through only owing to mother, to her patience and suggestion. It always inspired, that « you can reach everything if you will go confidently and persistently to the purpose. The main thing: trust in yourself and in your forces ». And mother’s wisdom has helped to me. Already in eighth class I again have handed over all perfectly well. And up to leaving the school I did not lose this achievement. School days have passed actively and cheerfully. I participated in various school and city competitions, Olympiads. I was very interested in chemistry, visited a circle of young chemists. Carrying out of experiments, supervision of behavior of reacting substances seemed fascinating for me. From 8 class I has started to be engaged in volleyball section up to leaving the school. At leisure with pleasure knitted a hook, embroidered.

Years of student life:

In 2003 I graduated school with a gold medal. This year I has acted to DonNTU Physical-and-Metallurgical Department, specialty «Industrial Power Systems». To feel a highlight of a student's life and to try independence, I have lodged in a hostel. Our hostel is ¹4. The most cheerful student's life boils, probably, here! In a room 342 where I have lodged, I have found two girl-friends – fifth year students. In comparison with school, at university there are much more requirementsat. First it was complex to change my mind, but then, having handed over the first session, it was involved. My senior girl-friends always tried to support me, to encourage, come to the aid with wise council. The life, appear, boiled. Year has flown by imperceptibly. On the sly in a head the idea that soon it is necessary to leave which oppressed has started to creep in. After they have graduate university, we keep in contact. The first course - the most remembered in the student's life. In educational process there were no problems. I took part in a number of student's conferences. However on the first rates never it turned out to hand over all perfectly well. That examination course - in general, came up though one "four". But even at the distance from the house I always feel my parents love and mothers wisdom. Then I have told to myself: « I can! ». Laid down for myself such aim, I began to achieve new successes. Day after day pairs - tasks ¬library - abstracts - course... And soon I was awarded! Just third and forth I finished excellent. Having handed over also graduation examination on "five" and having a mean score 4,82, I has received the red bachelor's diploma. These efforts have sufficed acting to magistracy where I am studying now. The period of training at university is very valuable time for me which has changed me; time, I studied to make independent decisions and to be responsible for them. There were the friends, new hobbies and plans for the nearest and distant future.

Nearest plans :

My nearest plan is the successful termination of a magistracy. Further, I wish to realize myself in work, not to stop on reached and each time to submit the new purposes.

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Links | Autobiography | Library | Hobby