Sergey Pavlenko

Faculty: Physical-Metallurgical Faculty

Department: Metallurgy of Black Metals

Speciality: "Electric Metallurgy"

Master's work theme: "The invastigation of  refining process of iron-carbon melts from the dissolved copper by a sulfur-contenting phase "

Project head: docent Yuriy Kostetsky | DonNTU | Master's portal |
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 In modern metallurgy quality of scrap-metal is constantly worsened due to the admixtures of a color metals it results the considerable variations of the copper consistence in the metal. For example, the  consistence of the cop7per in a metal  which is produced by a remelt in arc furnace of the classified scrap of the different classes and it hesitates from 0,06 to 0,54%. Increasing requirements of the steel’s quality create the problem of  copper  removing very actual.

A copper worsens a cold and hot deformation and so enhances the degree of crackdeeps. [2, p.14]. Among other colour admixtures a copper is one of most problem of the refining it contingently that a copper as compared to iron is more noble element, that does not allow to utilize the traditional methods of refining [4, с.31]. Its concentration in a scrap can reach to 0,5% and more. Thus, for the guarantee of the required quality level  of the metal product the consistence of the copper in steel must not exceed 0,2%[3, p.87].

Thus, removing of the copper and tin from a offcuts are aimed for the useing of muddy and cheap scrap steel to make more high grade of the steel [7].

In the conditions of electrofusion all processes of refining have oxidizing character and such as a copper has a less chemical similar to oxygen the iron then removing of the copper is impossible.

The modern industry have the following methods of utillize:

1. The control of the scrab quality by sorting and separation of it (magnetic separation of the crushed scrab, cuprum smelting, anodal dissolution of the scrab and other).

2.The method of the vacuum evaporation with gas stirring.

3. The refining of the iron fusion  from a copper by sulphide slags on the basis of different sulfur-containing connections of a sodium (Na2S, Na2SO4 and other).

4.The method of a cast-iron dilution.

5.A neutralization of the copper in steel by additing of elements.

        6. The removing of the copper by a filtration of fusion through ceramic filters.


Aims and tasks


The purpose of research conducted in this work is development of effective method of copper removing from the iron-carbon fusion by extraction of it in a sulphide phase.

 For achievement of the put purpose it is necessary to execute the followings tasks:

1)                             to investigate the terms of copper transfer from the iron-carbon fusions in a sulphide phase;

2)                             in experimental terms to research and  realization the features of sulphidizing method

3)                             to develop the technological receptions of effective of  the refining at the iron-carbon fusion and it applies to the concrete industrial terms.


Teoretical part

The organization of the removing of copper from the iron-carbon fusions has next circumstance, the sulphur possesses is very active to the copper then for the iron.

The chemical reaction of the copper removing from a liquid metal to a sulphide phase can be presented as follows:


From the equalization of the balance constant this reaction we can obtaine  the expression of the distributing coefficient of the copper:


where C - the concentration recounting coefficient from a molecular to the mass percents;

K- to is a constant of equilibrium of reaction;

 - a activity of  component i;

 - a coefficient of activity of component i.

For the increase of the distributing coefficient of copper occur due to high activity of sulphide of iron and high coefficient of copper activity in a liquid metal, and also the low coefficient of activity of copper’s sulfide in a slag. It is accepted on well-known sources, that the coefficient of distributing of copper due to the using of slags on the basis of sulfide of iron matters about 9, and at addition of sulphides of alkaline metals (in particular NAS) allows to promote it in 3 times.

The treatment it by the sulfide slags a degree of copper removing is 67-68% in the interval of temperatures of 1673-1773К in the flow of 6 min [6, p.31] and during treatment the concentration increases in fusion in 2-3 times.[3, p.88].

At addition of sulfide of aluminium a distributing coefficient increases to 30 [9].


Experimental part

Experiments have made in the laboratory terms of problem laboratory at department «Electrometallurgy» in Tamman’s furnace  and in experimentally-industrial terms on OAA Konstantinovskiy factory of “Vtormet” in a 200 kg induction furnace too.


List of literature


1.                              Perspective methods of delete of admixtures of the coloured metals from iron-carbon расплавов/ V.A.Kudrin/in-t «Chermetinformaciya» M., 1992 (Obzorn. Inform. Grey. Steel-smelting production. Vyp. 1. 26 p.).

2.                              Problems of delete of copper from steel // «Steel».№7.1991г.

3.                              Y.V. Kosteckiy of Prospect of the use of sulfides for the affinage of iron-carbon fusions from a cut-in copper // «Metal and casting of Ukraine». №3-4, 2005г.

4.                              A.I. Hare and other Analysis of reality of technology of delete of copper from liquid iron, built on evaporation // «Electrometallurgy». №10, 2003г.

5.                              Problems of delete of copper from steel // «Steel».№7.1991г.

6.                              V.I. Kashin and other Fiziko is chemical conformities to the law of co-operation of copper and sulphur in fusion of iron at treatment a sulfide slag // «Steel». №3. 1991г.

7.                              Copper and Tin in Steel Scrap Recycling” / Luben Savov, Elena Volkova, Dieter Janke // RMZ - Materials and Geoenvironment, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 627-640, 2003

8.                               Wang, C.; Himara, J.; Nagasaka, T., Ban-Ya, S. “Copper Distribution between FeS-Alkaline or – Alkaline Earth Metal Sulfide Fluxes and Carbon Saturated Iron Melt”, ISIJ International 1991, Vol.31, 11, 1309-1315.

9.                              Shimpo, R.; Fukaya, Y., Ishikawa, T., Ogawa, O. “Copper Removal from Carbon-Saturated Molten Iron with Al2S3-FeS Flux”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 1997, 28B, 1029-1037.


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