Sergey Pavlenko

Faculty: Physical-Metallurgical Faculty

Department: Metallurgy of Black Metals

Speciality: "Electric Metallurgy"

Master's work theme: "The invastigation of  refining process of iron-carbon melts from the dissolved copper by a sulfur-contenting phase "

Project head: docent Yuriy Kostetsky | DonNTU | Master's portal |
My biography

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The list of references

1.                 and Tin in Steel Scrap Recycling” / Luben Savov, Elena Volkova, Dieter Janke // RMZ - Materials and Geoenvironment, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 627-640, 2003

2.                 Library of technical literature

3.                 a site is devoted metallurgy

4.                 - a site is devoted manufacturing problems.

5.             Books     on metallurgy

6.                 - a site is devoted metallurgy, on him the wide spectrum of publications, related to the most different areas of this industry of industry is presented.

            7.    - a site contains the articles in an electronic kind (mainly format .PDF) off metallurgy.

On main


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