Sergey Pavlenko

Faculty: Physical-Metallurgical Faculty

Department: Metallurgy of Black Metals

Speciality: "Electric Metallurgy"

Master's work theme: "The invastigation of  refining process of iron-carbon melts from the dissolved copper by a sulfur-contenting phase "

Project head: docent Yuriy Kostetsky | DonNTU | Master's portal |
My biography

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Published articles on the topic:

1.     Technological aspects of realization of method of sulfide affinage of iron-carbon fusions from the copper” of Y.V. Kosteckiy, V. P. of Koropiv, V. I. Omel'chenko, S.V. Pavlenko. Donetsk national technical university, OAO of «Konstantinovskiy is a factory of «Vtormet» UDK 669.187.26


Unpublished materials:


1.     The invastigation of  refining process of iron-carbon melts from the dissolved copper by a sulfur-contenting phase ”  of Pavlenko S.V.


Most informing articles on the topic:


1.     "Copper and Tin in Steel Scrap Recycling” / Luben Savov, Elena Volkova, Dieter Janke // RMZ - Materials and Geoenvironment, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 627-640, 2003

2.     Theses of lectures of scientific and technical conference of young specialists of «Azovstal'-98». Mariupol, 1998, P. 10–11. «DELETING of COPPER FROM IRON-CARBON FUSIONS» of Samborskiy M.V., Aleshnikov A.V., Kosteckiy Y.V., Troyanskiy A.A.  the Donetsk state technical university

3.       Kudrin, V. “Perspective methods of delete of admixtures of the coloured metals from iron-carbon fusions”. Labours of I  congress of steel-workers: Moscow, 1993; pp.130-132.

4   SIJ International, Vol. 40 (2000), No. 2, pp. 95–104 «Evaporation of Cu and Sn from Induction-stirred Iron-based » Luben SAVOV and Dieter JANKE, Institute of Iron and Steel Technology, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, D-09596 Freiberg, Germany.

5.     Resources Processing 51 : 158–162 (2004) «Enhancement of Evaporation Removal Rate of Copper in Molten Iron by the Silicon and/or Carbon Addition», Graduate Student, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University.

6. it is Useful information of graduating student of 2003 Mironov D. Y.


     Useful information of graduating student of 2006 Eres'ko R. L. 

8. it is on-line reference book of chemical elements


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