The author's abstract    Work is devoted researches of results of long-term workings out on creation of the perspective equipment of water preparatory installations in three directions: ion exchange technology, thermal desalination and membrane technology of desalination natural waters.    Now water preparatory installations of the country annually develop over 220 million ton of desalination and over 805 million ton of softened waters. Traditional ion exchange technology of water preparation provides some steps of filtering and for a long time provides standard of water - chemical modes of steam coppers. However this technology which is based on application parallel-exact ion exchange filters, morally obsolete. Thus working costs of reagents in 2- 4 times surpass necessary stoichiometric quantity, their most part is dumped with sewage, polluting hydrosphere.     Two - and three-stage schemes ion exchange waters are completed with a considerable quantity parallel-exact ion exchange filters with armature, kontrol - measuring devices (BALES) and front pipelines. It demands considerable capital investments, attraction of the numerous operational and repair personnel that complicates and complicates automation of water preparatory installations. Also in natural water impurity growth by technogenic organic connections is constantly marked: fertilizers, herbicides, mineral oil etc. Removal of these pollution by means of traditional technologies of water purification does not give due effect that leads to numerous infringements water- chemical modes.     From the stated the urgency of a problem of modernisation of water preparatory installations of station for maintenance of the set quality of a feedwater of coppers follows at use of a wide spectrum of initial waters and the minimum ecological and economic costs.     In work double-thread counter flow filters and their technological calculation are represented. These filters are applied as a part of block water preparatory installations of various productivity. For the water preparatory installations the steams having high efficiency, the design of the high-speed counter flow filter is original. Technological indicators of these filters were defined in the course of work desalination and water softened installations.     Results of technological tests have shown, that in the range of the initial waters having salt-contain 170 … 1050 g/m3, counter flow filters provide economy of reagents on regeneration 0,55 … 2 г - экв / г - экв. Quality of a filtrate is thus defined by quality of the water used for preparation of a reclaiming solution and cleaning ionite.     One more perspective direction of technological perfection of the water preparatory installations on the steam, in my work, industrial development membrane technologies is considered.     The scope membrane method in power extends. It is caused both their technological advantages, and the economic reasons. Here reasons of ecological safety are added also.     One of the possible technical decisions allowing considerably cutting expenses on water preparation, application membrane methods waters desalination, such as return osmosis and an electrodialysis is.     Wide interest to use of a method of the return osmosis as method desalination by preparation of water for steam coppers is caused by that its application allows to reduce to 90 % of quantity of consumed reagents (acids, alkalis, table salt) and simultaneously to get rid of the drains containing these reagents.     Lately in practice technical, and also drinking water supply to take root began widely new membrane methods: ultra filtrations and nan filtrations. Depending on diameter of a time of a membrane effectively detain colloid and organic pollution. Now steel membranes, perhaps, the only thing effective and at the same time without reagent a method of decrease in chromaticity. Thus, it is possible to draw following conclusions: - application membrane method of the return osmosis for water preparation of power objects has the big prospects both with ecological, and from the economic point of view as allows to refuse a considerable quantity of expensive reagents and simultaneously to get rid of the drains containing these reagents; - application of an ultra filtration as preclearing before reverse-osmosis desalination stabilises quality of initial water and cuts down expenses on preclearing, raising competitiveness of reverse-osmosis technologies; - at processing of natural waters with high chromaticity membrane methods of an ultra filtration and nan filtration appear are extremely effective in comparison with traditional reagent clearing methods.     It is necessary to notice, that the problem of modernisation of water preparatory installations on the steam is actual for today. Articles testify to it in magazines:     1.Слесаренко В.В., Андреев Л.Е. Особенности применения мембранных технологий водоподготовки на ТЭС//Энергосбережение и водоподготовка, 2006, №5.-с.18-21.     2. Федосеев Б.С. Современное состояние водоподготовительных установок и водно- химических режимов ТЭС//Теплоэнергетика, 2005, №7.-с.2-9,     а также книги:     1. Кремневская Е.А. Мембранная технология обессоливания воды. М.: Энергоатомиздат,1994.     2. Глебов В.П., Мамет Л.П., Юрчевский Е С. Обратный осмос в технологии водоподготовки на электростанциях //Теплоэнергетика, - 1987.     3. Пат. РФ № 1361789. Противоточный ионитный фильтр/ Д. Л. Цырульников, Е. Б. Юрчевский, А. В. Яковлев// Зарегестрирован в Государственном реестре изобретений 24 февраля 1995г.     4. Герзон В.М. Управление водоподготовительным оборудованием и установками. М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1985 |