ResumeThe average grade while study at the university: 4.88. Knowledge of languages:
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Curriculum Vitae:: Childhood ::I was born on April 24th, 1986 year in Donetsk. I am grateful to my parents for this event: Vyacheslav Astakhov and Natalia Astakhova. Father was a chief engineer on coal mine in that time, nowadays - in institute UkrRMI. Mother worked in a pet-shop for a long time, therefore we always have in our home different animals, birdies, fishes and rodents. My parents have given me a good education and love that is very important. In family I am not firstborn, my brother is elder than me for 8 years and he is staunch ally in my life. Spring, summer, autumn, winter and again spring. My childhood was passing in this way. Like all children, I used to play toys, walk in the street, go to kindergarten, wait for summer in winter with impatience and vice versa. I was very liked take to pieces everything that fell into my hands, and was doing it with special diligence. I seldom had been collecting an initial variant, it would be more desirable to construct a new design from already received details. Sometimes I was drawing circuits of my inventions and constructions. It's a pity it hasn’t a great value now. I was dreaming of becoming a designer or an architect. I didn't like to go to kindergarten and I was waiting something major from the first trip to school. :: School ::At the age of 8 I went to school aside from the school was not yet. More truly, there was no construction of 120th school, it only was building. Therefore at the first year studies were being conducted in school of militia. I poorly remember my first class. I was studying not so well. The liberal arts attracted me not enough, but in mathematics I concerned with pleasure. I have mastered the multiplication table quickly, I was learning it in a train when I was visiting my grandmother. I was modest and silent pupil. The second class I have passed in a premise of kindergarten and only at the third year I have started education in new school. Any special events didn't occur at that time. I was studying, doing home tasks, getting excellent grades. I didn’t take part in any groups and didn't engage in music like many of my friends. I attended to biology because my class teacher read this subject. Among special talents - I well recited verses. Russian and Ukrainian teachers marked out six for this (and it was in the time of 5-mark system). I read verses on school holidays, and once I took part in the House of creativity. However something did not suffice me at school. A low educational level, an unfriendly atmosphere and injustice of one pupils in relation to anothers – it all caused unpleasant feelings. In some moment I have precisely decided for myself, that is necessary to enter in Donetsk college. Once my brother studied in the same place and I was not at all regretted that had made this step. When I reached the 8th class I started working assiduously, went to preparation room in college and as the result I’ve successfully passed preliminary examinations. There are good teachers, excellent friends and a lot of new sensations. I have got to a physical and mathematical class though initially I tried to find oneself in a class where computer science was being studied strenuously. I was visiting special courses of math and physics. A special thanks our teacher of math to Schigolev Ivan Petrovich who tried to carry away and impart love to the subject. We have underestimated him and so we are strongly guilty towards him. I’ve got good grounding and took part in competitions thanks him. The best achievement is 2nd place on city competition. In regard to physics I had remarkable teachers, and there was a separate love to this subject. In college I have started writing verses, mainly on Ukrainian. :: University ::The choice of the future speciality and university has risen in 10-th class. There was a desire to enter into a faculty of law, however with the lapse of time I had understood decidedly, that I want to learn programming. Among universities only Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) was the most desired for me. It was necessary to choose a speciality. In same 10th class I went to ratings for the first time to test my strength. It has considerably helped me in the next year then I felt myself more confidently. For this purpose I was learning computer science. I went to the rating tests three times and have successfully entered speciality «Software engineering». The first year of training at university was difficult for me. I didn't set special goals and have passed most subjects on 4 mark as the result. Further I've taken a situation in my hands. I was learning subjects by speciality, working independently. The visiting of pairs, fulfilment of laboratory works, passing of course work – it’s very monotonously, sometimes boringly and not interesting. The liberal arts attracted a little. In university I have found new reliable friends with whom it’s not terrible to reconnoitre now. During all time of education I’ve mastered many modern languages of programming, various environments of development and have raised the professional skill. Summer practice on 3rd course I've passed in firm "AMI" where I've acquired base knowledge in Visual C#. In 2007 I've get diploma of bachelor and have continued education in magistracy. With a choice of the scientific adviser I have been decided before the beginning of my scientific activity. He is Y.V.Ladyzhensky. In that moment I didn’t know precisely what I want to do. I had a motivation, but the overall goal was not assigned yet. Then compute cluster had been placed in university, I was lucked to be in number of those students who began to look into it. Studying of the documentation, the presentation with the report about cluster on conference, visiting of lectures from Microsoft - all of this has precisely defined the future orientation of research work. I have interested with analysis, optimization and simulation of computer networks. It also has served as the basis for theme of my master's work - "Distributed simulation of computer networks optimization tasks on compute cluster". :: Plans for the future ::Current objective is successful passing degree project and is search a job by speciality where I'll have gotten important practical experience, and where I’ll have learned to work in collective and will be taking part in interesting projects. I haven't plan to finish education. I want to get the second economy education and with the lapse of time, probably, the juridical education. Further I’ll move to Kiev and already there I’ll start the career advance. One of possible variants is going to study abroad. The public benefit in my work is very important for me, my works and diligence in something must help future generation. It must be no work for itself. So I shall aspire to such purpose and I’ll be developing in this direction. I shall necessarily engage in studying at least two foreign languages. I’ll give more consideration to yoga and spiritual progress. And in the future I plan to travel. |
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