

       Чайка по имени Джонатан Ливингстон   

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Дзёба Владимир Васильевич
Dzeba Vladimir Vasilevich

Faculty: Computer facilities and computer science

Speciality: Computer systems and networks

Subject of master's degree work:

Modeling of GRID-systems

Scientific supervisor: associate prof. Anoprienko A. Y.

Email: mag.DONNTU@gmail.com

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About itself (main):

The average mark during the education in the university is 4.62. I know Ukrainian Russian,. English I speak at middle level. I have an experience by a system administrator and programmer. I was developed programs in Delphi, JAVA programming language. Except for computers, I carry with east philosophy, healthy way of life.

Short biography:


It was born on May, 13, 1986, in Donetsk, where until now I am happy to live. I was born healthy, weight 3600. A mark on a hand which to all children gave at birth was even saved somewhere. Parents on the sphere of the activity were engaged, in it would seem quite different, but the union of two hearts happened and I became the result of it, but my sister became earlier than I. I yelled in childhood very small , how me tell. In childhood well trained memory, when some object could not find, asked me where he lay, I showed, although spoke yet badly.


It is foremost necessary to mark that went to two schools: 1-6 class in school #64, 7-11 class in school #1.
I went out into school in 6 years, as the saying :"earlier we will sit down - earlier we will go out", but in 4th class, as many, I didn’t jump over this class. The first teacher is - Aleksandra Andreevna, that lived on one stair ground with me, good woman with an enormous soul. I do not remember the class leader of a 5-6 class, remember only, that she taught physics. We will be frank, a contingent at 64 school wasn’t the best, and when I came to visit an old class, I was perceived in bayonets. The most distinct and memorized moments were saved about school #1. There was the first fight for status, first evening-party, first truancies of school... in general impressions much.


How I spoke before my parents were engaged on the type of activity in different. A mother is a mathematician-programmer, a father is an economist. How you guessed I went in mother footsteps, and sister strangely enough on the way of father. The choice of university of time did not occupy long, yet at the end of a 10th class I knew already, that I want to bind life to the computers. On that moment at me the choice stood before: Institute of artificial intelligence (IAI), Donetsk National University (DNU), Donetsk National Technical University (DNTU). After reading about IAI, I understood that is there very interesting, but very much nonsensical with their robots. DNU - faculty of mathematics, spoke that there and prepare programmers, but as the name contained the word "mathematics", I understood that learning mathematics will be however necessary in earnest. DNTU on faculty of Computer Science and Informatics, there were 3 specialities in consideration: Software Development, System Programming, Computer Systems: PO - to me not strongly pleased, as considered that they only by the programs and get busy, without co-operation with hardware; System Programming and Computer Systems were enough alike, but Computer Systems name pleased anymore to me, therefore went exactly on this speciality.
In a group I was select by the deputy of head, and in the flow of 1,5 years congratulated each of our group with the day of birth. In first track of teaching got, only one 4 ball - for physics, other disciplines 5 balls. How it seems to me now, the first course of teaching was the best. On the first course participated in the debut of students, where we took honoured first seat from the end. Acted by the forces on a military department, was select by the commander of platoon. On ending of department to me was appropriated rank of the second lieutenant of supply.
State examination on a 4th course wrote on 5 (there was a 3 five in all). By results of government exams continued teaching in university, on government budget on speciality Computer Systems.
Theme of my master's degree work: «Modeling of the GRID systems». This theme is actual in current time, because modern computing facilities already do not get along at that volume of information which on them is laid. The GRID systems are called to multiply productivity of calculations due to distributing of task between plenty of computers. Leader of my master's degree work Anoprienko A. Y.., dean Computer facilities and computer science, Candidate of engineering sciences. Hi one of most well-informed in this theme teacher of our department.

Plans on the future:
To rear a tree, son, house. And on the nearest future to work for the good of Ukraine, develop with a country. After successful defense of diploma I plan to settle down in a domestic firm on development software or a different type of the computer systems. And after work of experience and facilities I plan to open an own firm. But it while is plans, and time will show there.

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