So, shall we be acquainted. My name is Golban Alexey, and in general I am a nice guy.
I was born in Donetsk on July, 21, 1986. I was born on a two signs of the zodiac boundary and, as Michael Zadornov said (he was also born on July, 21), I’m a cancer in a pose of a lion… but not on the contrary!
The first thing I made after the birth – I sneezed, and only then cried. Probably, I was frightened.
What was further, I don’t remember well. My first word, my first step, my first game in «butylochka» have not embodied in my memory. It seems I went to a day nursery. Precisely I remember, that went to a kinder garden – till now I don’t like a cream of wheat and kissel.
Once to be serious, the childhood was the most important period of my development. It was the time of my character and system of moral values formation, which in many respects define the further human life. By today in me, of course, some abracadabra has formed. But all began absolutely wonderfully, owing to, first of all, my beloved parents.
I was born in the family of workers. My dad, Petr Golban (born on December, 3, 1951), an engineer by education, for already 20 years works as a miner. My mum, Nadezhda Golban (born on December, 12, 1956), for all her life works as a weaver at Donetsk cotton combinate. I also have an elder brother, Sergey Golban (born on November, 5, 1978), a car mechanical by education, now he works in the sphere of game business.
These three persons gave me all their free time, took care of me, erased diapers, played with me, helped me to make the first decisions in my life, and the most important – on the sly, unostentatiously brought me up. On their example I learnt to be kind and sympathetic, lovely and affable, hardworking and fair, quiet and cheerful. And I succeeded.
It’s true, in childhood I was a very good boy. I didn’t put lots of muck in my mouth, I didn’t fall from trees, I didn’t break any part of my body (the only time I hurt my head badly was when in 14 years me and my cousin little sister fought with pillows, and I casually hooked a desk lamp), I was never lost, I didn’t fight with my brother (try to fight, when your brother is almost 8 years older than you), I didn’t drink alcohol, didn’t smoke, and paid no attention on girls.
It was much more interesting for me to play in desktop games (especially in lotto thanks to which at three years I already knew all figures and was able to count), to play with my friends in a sandbox or to read a good book (the main criteria of «goodness» was the presence of bright illustrations). Parents didn’t force me to do anything, I was allowed to choose what to do myself, therefore all day long I did nothing. Probably, I intuitively understood, that in future there would be no such opportunity.
So, by seven years I was a cheerful and sociable, well-read boy. And once my mum led me to a very interesting place called "school". A nice woman asked me some questions. I remember one: what is the difference between a bus and a trolley? For some reason I decided not to say about "horns", but to show them on myself (I don’t know, whether it affected my further life). After such actor's master-class this woman defined me to the strongest first class – "A" class of school ¹92.
My school (since 2001 it is a gymnasium) was, and still remains the best. All successes of native school our pupils relate first of all with a name of a nice person, a remarkable teacher and a wise head, director of the gymnasium (1985ã.-2005ã.) Victor Gusev. Under his management my school began cooperation with mathematical faculty of Donetsk National University (DonNU), with the embassy of France in Ukraine, with «Peace Corpse». This person put maximum of efforts for the development of profile education in the senior classes and, at last, getting in 2001 the status of gymnasium. But the most important – Victor Gusev managed to gather highly professional, sincere, cheerful and creative collective. To study with these people was not only useful, but also pleasant. But… about all under the order.
Already in the first school day I became a telestar. I remember, some people from local TV came to us, set different questions, and I sat and silently ate my pie. I was even shown at the evening news. To tell the truth, I did not become well-known after that: people didn’t recognize me in the street, didn’t ask for autographs.
Instead of that everyday school life began. It passed like this:
1 class: lessons-lessons-lessons-lessons-lessons. At elementary school I studied much and with pleasure. English Lessons were especially interesting. My teacher was Elena Kostyukova, who for all 10 school years tried to teach me of something good and struggled for my development as a personality.
5 class: lessons-performances-lessons-dances-lessons. At middle school there were more lessons, but I spent less on them. The circle of my school interests was already defined: mathematics, computer science, literature and foreign languages. Every year I participated in olympiads on these subjects (once, by some mysterious way took part in an olympiad on physics), sometimes even gained prize-winning places. Especially interesting were the Internet-olympiads on English, in one of them I took 4th place in Ukraine (it’s a pity, for 4-th place there were no diplomas).
Outside of school stage was the greatest hobby. My new class teacher, Anna Ryabtseva, the teacher of Russian language and literature, tried to make us interested not only with her subject. She often organized class evenings, campaigns in forest to shish kebabs, but the most interesting happened to me in the 6-th class – for the first time I visited a theatre. The performance «Insidiousness and love» which I saw, made a great impression on me. That day the stage became my dream. And owing to Anna Ryabtseva, the dream was embodied. I didn’t become, of course, an actor of big stage, but for me school stage, applause of my schoolmates and respect of my teachers for this work was enough.
Dances were another hobby at school. I took them up for not so long, therefore kept normal man's gait. But long enough not to come on girls’ legs during slow dances. Frankly speaking, I am always skilful to find "golden mean".
9 class: performances-debate-lessons-wall newspaper-rap. My creative life proceeded. During school years we made many performances. I remember roles of Ole-Lukoye in the evening of H.K.Andersen, lyceum student Delwig in performance about Pushkin's lyceum friends. And the most significant success – of course, the role of Chichikov from Gogol's «Dead souls». The only thing I regret about – I left school too early and didn’t have time to play Hamlet.
An important hobby were debates. Unfortunately, when I came to the debate team, there were no all-Ukrainian competitions. But even those few games I played, helped me to develop good speech, to learn to give reason for my position and to convince surrounding peolpe of the correctness. It’s a very important skill, don’t you agree?
As soon as there appeared a wall newspaper at school (and it happened only at 11th class), I began to take part in creation of its each issue. I wrote some articles with a nice sense of humor I have. But the editor tried much and threw out the most interesting parts.
The culmination of my creative activity was the last school day when for the only time in my life (meanwhile) I sang rap before a wide audience of parents, teachers, schoolmates. I understand, that my mumbling with music can’t be called rap, but also it’s hard to think up a better name.
What concerns studies, I spent on it less and less time. The only subjects I continued to learn with pleasure were literature, mathematics (left with distinction Open mathematical college at DonNU), computer science. Probably, intuitively I felt, what I will take up in the future.
And I took up economic cybernetics at Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU). Why I have chosen this speciality and this university is a secret. Personal secret. I shall not say no matter how you ask.
My choice was, certainly, realized not up to the end. I didn’t represent, what I would study and where after that I could work. Though… I didn’t think much about it. I simply registered on ratings and properly prepared. I came, saw the task, felt an attack of amnesia, coped with this attack, coped with the task, and left. I coped, probably, not bad as by the results of ratings I became a student of DonNTU.
At university all my past hobbies somehow came to naught. Probably, I didn’t want to begin all over again with other people (and then unlimited Internet also appeared…). Therefore I began to give the most part of time to education. Each semester passed hard. But, as it is said, what doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger. And the university made me stronger: both in the field of professional knowledge and skills, and in psychological field, too. I learnt to make effective decisions in critical situations, to carry out huge amounts of work during short period of time, to get on with administration, to explain the impossibility of finishing separate tasks in time.
I studied this art (to work in such a way that to work less and less often) on my own. And if not fine teachers of my university, I would remain an idler! But I was lucky. I was taught to write abstracts, even to read them, to remember, and the main thing – to understand them. I was taught to go to library and to use Internet resources for search of the necessary information. I was taught to state precisely and clearly the ideas in abstracts, articles and explanatory reviews.
And, certainly, I was given good knowledge: knowledge of mathematical and economic sciences, modeling and programming, humanitarian and general educational disciplines. I learnt to calculate percents in Excel and to model complex economic processes. I learnt to find a point of break-even and to build forecasting models of high accuracy. I learnt to define mean and dispersion and to create quite nice sites. Yes, my knowledge baggage seriously replenished!
And all this owing to wonderful collectives of remarkable departments: department of applied mathematics and information science (AMIS, my native, favorite and the best!), department of economic theory, economy of enterprise, the finance and banking. Each teacher of these departments is a personality. Usually a very original personality. It is possible to say many warm words about everyone: to recollect fine sense of humor of each of them, wonderful lectures (with feeling, efficiently, with arrangement), a good atmosphere on credits and examinations. Now I would like to say «Thanks! Thanks for wonderful student's years!» to all my teachers!
And to my group! It was wonderful to come on lectures, to discuss our teachers, to discuss laboratory and course projects, to complain of how there little time and how many tasks we have, to hear shouts «Lesha! Rescue! We don’t understood! We don’t have time enough!», to help those who managed to attract my attention, and to go home with a feeling of executed duty. Thank you for nice days, boys and girls (especially girls!). It's a pity, that these times come to an end…
But! Ahead we have one more semester. A semester of an active writing of a master’s dissertations. Perhaps, it is necessary to tell more about it. Being the student of an «Economic cybernetics» speciality, I actively monitored the development of the economic situation in the world and in our country. Especially I was interested in the question, in what area foreign experience can be most useful for Ukraine. This area was opened for me by my supervisor – Alexander Smirnov. The disciplines of «Dynamic management of the capital», «Technical analysis of the markets» and «Theoretical bases of stockjobbings», which were read by Alexander Smirnov, gave precise representation of the lack of good experts on the stock and currency markets, and also about the lack of qualitative (qualitative!) information on methods of construction of effective trading systems. This direction is interesting enough for me, there is much space for new decisions, what more? That’s enough, I decided. Therefore right now I am writing master’s dissertation on the theme of «Development and research of algorithms of adaptation of trading systems to a market situation» under guidance of Alexander Smirnov.
Plans for the future are, of course, grandiose! First of all it is necessary to finish researches within the master’s dissertation and to receive the master diploma. Right after that it is necessary to find a good job, with high enough salary (it is desirable from the first month), with an opportunity of career growth. And to grow, grow, grow. Yes, I would like to achieve high professional successes, to become authority on some field, and then to go worldwide, to read two-hour lectures, and the rest of the time to enjoy life! And in these two hours of lecture to earn enough for subsequent enjoying life!
But it is not the main thing. A special place in my plans I give to creation of the family. Yes, you know, I already want to nurse children! A fine girl will fall in love with me (oh, poor!), we shall get married, and we’ll have children (a boy and… one more boy, and a girl too, and not one) – then it will be happiness! What concerns children: it is desirable, that they all appear not at once but one by one.
And more. Not so global plans, but nevertheless. First, it is necessary to receive driving license and to buy a car (maybe, also to learn drive). Secondly, it would be desirable to go on travel to the most interesting corners of our planet. But it would happen already with my wife, for her not to feel offenced. Thirdly, I wish to learn to play on a guitar, just for my soul.
As you can see, I have grandiose plans, it is necessary only a bit – to start their performance.
The last thing I would like to make – to wish myself success. Good luck, Leha!