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of books and scientific articles on a theme

"Synthesis and research of compositional microprogram control units with use of a compatible microoperations fields coding method"


Electronic editions


  1. Методика синтеза устройств управления в составе бортовых ЭВМ

    А. В. Казачанский, И. Я. Зеленева, Донецкий национальный технический университет.

    Article text

    Article is devoted working out and the description of compositional microprogram control units as a part of onboard computers with application of a compatible microoperations fields coding method for hardware expenses reduction in an operational part of the device. Article has been published in the collection of articles of IV international scientific conference of students, post-graduate students and young scientists "Computer monitoring and information technologies", passing in Donetsk national technical university on May, 13-14th, 2008.

  2. State Machine Design


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    AMD article is devoted the description of the finite state machines theory. In it functioning and scopes of finite state machines is described, features of their work are shown, ways of the graphic description of finite state machines are resulted.

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  3. The Anthology of the Finite State Machine Design Patterns

    Paul Adamczyk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Computer Science, 1304 W. Springfield Ave, Urbana, IL 61801.

    Article text

    This paper brings together many Object-Oriented FSM designs and compares them from the perspective of added flexibility as well as the cost associated with it. The final product is summary of the competitive advantages of different FSM designs in a specific set of conditions (e.g. problem domain, user expectations). This paper is intended to assist software engineers faced with the task of designing an optimal FSM implementation in a specific context.

    Article primary source
  4. Finite State Machine Synthesis with Concurrent Error Detection

    Chaohuang Zeng, Nirmal Saxena and Edward J. McCluskey, Center for Reliable Computing, Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.

    Article text

    A new synthesis technique for designing finite state machines with on-line parity checking is presented. The output logic and the next-state logic of the finite state machines are checked independently. By checking parity on the present state instead of the next state, this technique allows detection of errors in bistable elements (that were hitherto not detected by many previous techniques) while requiring no changes in the original machine specifications. This paper also examines design choices with respect to parity prediction circuits.

    Article primary source
  5. Эффективный метод программной реализации дискретных управляющих автоматов во встроенных системах управления

    Козаченко В. Ф.

    Article text

    In article the new method of program realisation of discrete finite state machines for systems of the built in management of real time, such as systems of a direct digital control power converters and drives with engines of various types, is offered.

    Article primary source
  6. The Fundamentals of Efficient Synthesizable Finite State Machine Design using NC-Verilog and BuildGates

    Clifford E. Cummings, International Cadence Usergroup Conference, September 16-18, 2002, San Jose, California.

    Article text

    This paper details proven RTL coding styles for efficient and synthesizable Finite State Machine (FSM) design using IEEE-compliant Verilog simulators.

    Article primary source
  7. Analysis of Finite State Machines in Unknown CMOS Integrated Circuits

    M. Franke, M. Brutscheck, A. Th. Schwarzbacher and St. Becker.

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    The investigation of unknown integrated circuits is increasingly more important in today’s digital integrated circuit analysis. Up until now, different invasive strategies have been developed for the analysis of unknown circuits. A novel non-invasive approach to determine combinatorial and sequential finite state machines will be described in this paper. Furthermore, an analysis environment will be used for the description of the transition and the result functions.

    Article primary source
  8. A New Paradigm for Synchronous State Machine Design in Verilog

    Randy Nuss.

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    This article will first describe the basic architectures for synchronous state machines, then describe a method of State Machine implementation which leads to glitchless, minimum-delay operation. The Verilog Hardware Description Language will be utilized.

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  9. Misunderstandings about state machines

    Ferdinand Wagner and Peter Wolstenholme.

    Article text

    This paper tries to put the concept of a state machine into perspective and shows how the VFSM concept and its practical implementation StateWORKS realize the original, classic definition of a state machine. In addition, it shows how StateWORKS realizes a system of state machines.

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  10. A structured VHDL design method

    Jiri Gaisler, Fault-tolerant Microprocessors for Space Applications.

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    Article is devoted the description of language VHDL with which help digital logic schemes and their behaviour are described.

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  11. Using VHDL cores in system-on-a-chip developments

    Sandi Habinc, European Space Agency.

    Article text

    Article is devoted the description of equipment description language application VHDL for working out "system-on-a-chip" on FPGA.

    Article primary source


Printing editions


  1. Проектирование цифровых систем на основе программируемых логических интегральных схем

    Соловьев В. В., Москва, Горячая линия-Телеком, 2001.

    The book is devoted problems of logic designing of separate digital devices and complicated digital systems on the basis of programmed logic devices (PLD).

  2. Современные семейства ПЛИС фирмы Xilinx. Справочное пособие.

    Кузелин М. О., Кнышев Д. А., Зотов В. Ю., Москва, Горячая линия-Телеком, 2004.

    The book acquaints with production nomenclature (microcircuits and design tools), let out firm Xilinx at the present stage (on the beginning of 2004).

  3. VHDL. Эффективное использование при проектировании цифровых систем.

    П. Н. Бибило, Н. А. Авдеев, Москва, СОЛОН-ПРЕСС, 2006.

    The most widespread packages in practice STD_LOGIC_1164, NUMERIC_STD, EXEMPLAR_1164, TEXTIO, STD_LOGIC_TEXTIO, VITAL VHDL language and their use are considered at designing of digital systems on element base of the very large integrated schemes, including base matrix crystals.

  4. Полезные схемы с применением микроконтроллеров и ПЛИС

    Вальпа О. Д., Москва, издательский дом "Додэка-XXI", 2006.

    The book is practical guidance on independent studying and application in practice of various microcontrollers, digital adapters for the personal computer of type IBM PC and others useful in practice of the developer of devices.

  5. Синтез микропрограммных устройств управления

    А. А. Баркалов, А. В. Палагин, Киев, 1997.

    In the monography the basic concepts and history of development of micro programming are considered. The basic attention is given to methods of microprogram control units logic schemes synthesis.

  6. Синтез устройств управления на программируемых логических устройствах

    Баркалов А. А., Донецк, ДонНТУ, 2002.

    Principles of synthesis of single-level and multilevel logic schemes of microprogram finite state machines and compositional microprogram control units on PLA, PAL and PROM are considered. The basic attention is given methods of hardware expenses optimisation in logic schemes of projected devices.