Theme: «the Server part of content management system (CMS)»
Actuality of work
Abbreviation CMS is deciphered as «Content Management Software» («the software for management of contents», the program for site development). In our country it's accepted «S» to decipher last letter as «System», and in Russian it usually sounds as «CMS». Sometimes it's used more CMS the simple name - "a site cursor". CMS have appeared not so long ago. It is considered to be the first system Vignette has appeared in the west at 1995. At us in the decision country on management of contents have appeared much later.
Necessity of management systems for owners sites has started to be shown while the quantity of materials on web sites were beginning promptly to grow. It has led to traditional "manual" technologies of creation and support of sites when site consisted of static pages and a set of additional specialised scripts, began in time not behind quickly varying conditions of business. Data input on a site demanded (at least) knowledge of technologies HTML/CSS of imposition, changes of structure of sites have been interfaced to cascade change of a considerable quantity interconnected pages. The various automated mechanisms, like guest books and the news lines, introduced on sites as separate scripts and, as a rule, written by different experts, have ceased to satisfy to safety requirements. On many sites «zoos» began to appear from different technologies and approaches to creation of sites, therefore there was a requirement on the one hand in unification of program decisions, and with another in design and contents division into two independent components. CMS really divide sites on two components: design (appearance of a site in whole, separate pages, concrete blocks of the information) and contents (content). The design of a site, as a rule is "sewn up" in templates and the content changes much less often. For content input it isn't required special knowledge, and simple receptions of registration of the text are known practically by everyone who worked in Microsoft Office.
System of management content decide two basic tasks. From the point view of users it is a tool which allows to publish news, to place new pages on a site and to make other operations over contents through the convenient interface. Thus the user havn't own technologies of creation of a site, but he necessarily should understand, how the site is arranged. From the point of view of those who creates sites it is a tool which accelerates creation of difficult sites, allowing to pack decisions from ready blocks, changing in certain limits the logic of work and registration.
In connection with active development of a network, the Internet and the increasing and more information loading working out CMS of systems has a priority direction in the Internet industry without this development will stop, having wallowed in useless manual skills!
The scientific novelty and practical value of work
Scientific novelty of work consists in:
– to development of simple fast-acting algorithm of treatments queries from a client;
– to support of different platforms of XP and Linux family;
– the use of method of static creation of pages, that will do a site fully independent of functioning server;
– the use of combination of methods of encipherement of communication channel, with opened by the key and symmetric (principle of co-operation: "Side A connected to the side B.
Side B creates the pair of the keys (opened and closed) and passes to the side A the opened key is in an uncoded kind;
Side A creates the symmetric key, codes it by the opened key of side B and passes to him the side B in an in cipher kind. Whereupon
both side know the symmetric key and can be exchanged in cipher information.").
The practical value of the project is to bring a subsequent software to commercial use by connecting new modules, the conversion of templates for different commercial sites, and administration of these sites developed with the help of CMS.
The general classification CMS
Till now it is not developed enough accurate classification of CMS. It occurs because market CMS is young enough, and developers of such software products are substantially separated. It is difficult to divide them into any groups also because all of them strongly enough differ from each other. Therefore it is possible to name any classification adequately conditional.
For the generalised classification following criteria are used:
- Presence of those or other functions and modules, clearness and availability to the user;
- Possibility of functioning of system on various platforms, compatibility with databases, possibility of connection of additional modules;
- Adaptability to manufacture — use of the technologies, allowing to raise reliability and speed of system;
- Potential of development system.
"Simple CMS system.
The system gathers from program modules, for each system they the. Modules are once adjusted by the developer, than the project structure is rigidly fixed. For the further change of structure of a site and its parametres participation of technicians is required. From the user of system the knowledge of bases HTML is required. Compatibility. The system is compatible to certain platforms and types CSD. Attempt of introduction of additional modules, depending on used technologies, can lead to full processing of the project. Adaptability to manufacture. Dynamic formation of pages the limited throughput — to 3 000-5 000 visitors a day. The system is installed by the developer. System development is reached by a translation of site on new, more adapted for current problems, the version of a CMS.
Sample CMS system.
The uniform module or a set of modules with rigidly fixed structure of a site. The system contains a set of the service functions, allowing to execute standard actions with a site: to generate a news line, to create / to remove new section, to choose a template for work with the information, to load a file and to place under the text a picture, to establish attributes of the text etc. System it is compatible to certain platforms and types DBMS. Attempt of introduction of additional modules, also, as well as in the previous case, is limited. Dynamic formation of pages or with use of caching of the data. Depending on methods of formation of pages — from 5 000 to 50 000 visitors a day. It is installed by the developer. Improvement is reached by a translation of site on new, more difficult, the CMS version.
Professional CMS system.
Intuitively clear interface, visualisation and the expanded possibilities of editing. Possibility of change of structure of the project — creation of the diversified sites. Compatibility with various hardware-software platforms Possibility of connection of additional modules as from the developer, and applied ON. Caching formed dynamic pages. Throughput is not limited (depends on hardware maintenance). Possibility of painless connection of additional modules without infringement of structure and ideology of management of a web resource.
Universal CMS system.
Has the advanced CMS, adjustment of functionality of system, possibility of redefinition of attributes of objects of a site. The system gives means for working out of new services and possibilities. Technical features. Expanded possibilities ÀPI, presence of ready applied decisions, including with participation of software products of the third firms. Presence of the certificated system of safety — differentiation of access rights to system at intracorporate level. Caching of formed dynamic pages. Throughput — is not limited. There is a possibility of connection of the additional modules expanding functionality of a resource, including ready modules of integration with intracorporate systems. Expansion possibility for the account clasterization." [8]( Author: Elena Zharikova [article])
Creation (in an eventual result) of the universal CMS-system is planned in my work, to it it is needed to aim and it is basic direction of many developers, because such systems in the world are units, their cost thousand of dollar
The analysis of already existing decisions
Let's result some popular CMS and we will describe their basic possibilities:
The CMS Drupal
System Drupal allows for one or many users with ease to spread, operate and unite a considerable quantity of various contents on a web-site. The given system can be used for public web-portals and forums, corporate web-sites and intranet portals, personal web-sites, sites of fans (fans), appendices of electronic commerce. Drupal includes following possibilities: management web-content, blogs, environment for cooperation (collaborative authoring environments), forums, news, art galleries, placing of files. Drupal is the open and free system system.
The CMS PHP-Nuke
PHP-Nuke is written on php, and works with database MySQL. On the basis of PHP-Nuke it is possible to make on a site of news, article, interrogations, votings, the file manager, a forum, the powerful search module, êàòàëîãèçàòîð references, post dispatch, possibility of adjustment of a portal each user under itself, sorting of news, articles, and reviews, on categories, publication date, on the author etc. Is also possibility to load addition to PHP-Nuke from following resources:,, It is the most widespread on the Russian-speaking Internet a CMS, in many respects thanks to free distribution. PHP-Nuke, being the unconditional leader on prevalence, quite often is exposed to breaking up attempts. But the most important minus of system that it is badly adapted for automatic indexation in search cars, this feature is directly reflected in site advancement. One more inconvenience – áëî÷íîñòü the design, leading to that the sites created on the basis of PHP-Nuke are similar against each other, differing only colour scale.
The CMS Nucleus
«Nuclues CMS» is blog engine for a site which functions on PHP + MySQL. The main thing distinctive feature is speed of work and indiscriminateness to server resources. Nucleus gives possibilities for creation news a site, a blog, personal web-page or a full-scale site. Nucleus CMS branches 3.2 is much more flexible and it is powerful, than primary scripts, but till now its basic concept has not changed: flexibility, protection and computing elegance. Thanks to the international distribution among users and developers, Nucleus CMS remains simple for development and flexible enough. The sites made on «Nucleus CMS»:, To expand possibilities «Nucleus CMS» it is possible for the account of additional models which on a site it is a lot of. The standard structure includes function «Fancy URLs» allows to generate static pages in exchange dynamic that is very useful at indexation by searchers.
The CMS osCommerce
osCommerce is a popular system for creation of on-line electronic shop. The given system is free and is accessible as open source the project. osCommerce it has started to be developed since 2000, and for today on its basis it is constructed more than 6 300 electronic shops worldwide. The given decision allows to establish and support system easily.
The CMS phpBB
phpBB is powerful, completely scaled with a considerable quantity of options and with opened codes (Open Source) a package for creation of forums. phpBB has the friendly interface, the simple panel for administration, and useful FAQ (English frequently asked questions – often asked questions). Works in language PHP with databases of following types: MySQL, MS-SQL, PostgreSQL or Access/ODBC. The idea phpBB is invariable – creation and support stable, free, Open Source system for forum creation.
But not one of existing systems does not possess completeness of functions, therefore end users CMS use hundreds versions CMS everyone under the purposes. Ïðèâåäì interrogation of users CMS for the purpose of studying of their opinion.
Valieva Regina: "From the results of the survey 500 people using different CMS ([article])":
"73% sites of total number of respondents studio are using CMS.. More than 70 % interrogated use foreign CMS in the studio, from them only 10 % work with free CMS, and the others prefer the commercial. With what such small percent of use free CMS is connected? According to developers they carry availability, possibility of independent completion (presence of an initial code), localisation possibility to advantages of such systems. However their use is connected from a certain sort by problems: absence of technical support from outside developers (systems are offered basically without technical support and all problems connected with use of such systems the developer should solve independently), narrow sphere of application.
Among the companies using commercial CMS, only 15 % prefer the closed initial code, and the others of 85 % work with an open code. As the most comprehensible form of co-operation of the developer and design studio of 72 % of the companies consider deductions for each copy CMS from each realised project. As show results, presence of an open initial code is of great importance for many studios. Here double opinion: for systems with the fixed structure of completions it is more, but they are easier, and for flexible systems of completions it is less, but they it is more difficult. By the way, discontent of many respondents using foreign CMS, is not only necessity of escalating new ôóíêöèîíàëà, but also complexity of its working out and addition.
44 % of all interrogated completely arrange CMS from which they work. Among pluses used CMS the majority of Internet studios is allocated for themselves with following important points: big own ôóíêöèîíàë CMS, constant development of system (with the plan of release of new versions), the detailed documentation for the developer and ready modules for integration with other systems (1Ñ, and so forth) . However, the same number of respondents (44 %), already using CMS, additional variants are ready to consider, and 12 % are in search new CMS for work. Important points which do not suit them, are: low speed of work of programs in CMS, complexity of management of the maintenance for the final customer, insufficiently operative work of service of technical support of developers CMS and absence of the detailed documentation for the end user. As to regions the opinion on some overcharge on systems and modules was repeatedly expressed, considering that final cost of working out of a site, as a rule, much more low, than in Moscow.
CMS becomes one of the most competitive markets of appendices. Being guided by growing requirements of clients, developers constantly improve the systems. Not to lag behind, users constantly trace the market of CMS. Among our respondents almost half (47 %) study market CMS continuously. To receive an independent estimation of various workings out, experts of the companies visit following sites:,,, among western, also come on sites of our known developers, such as Bitrix, Netcat, Hostcms and so forth...." [7] (Author: Valieva Regina [link])
From all aforesaid (materials of research of the market) it is possible to draw following conclusions:
- interest and demand on CMS systems is extremely high;
- it is more than half of users are not happy with existing systems and are ready to replace it. Them does not arrange:
- low speed of work in CMS;
- complexity of management of the maintenance;
- a lack of technical support;
- absence of the good documentation;
- overcharges on CMS;
- in most cases closeness of code CMS;
- weak integration with other appendices;
Hence, it is possible to consider as a direction of my work: creation CMS (its server part) with a simple and open code, simplicity in filling of the maintenance, the good documentation and qualitative technical support for my part, and as the comprehensible price.
The development and use CMS
A development of site process with the use of CMS consists of a few stages:
1) A designer develops the sketches of design of site. Pictures which it is represented on, as a site will look.
2) Programmers build in an existent site CMS and fill with a site primary information.
3) A site is ready to exploitation and takes place in the Internet.
4) A customer gets access to the management the site and brings in necessary corrections in a site.
5) A site functions and a customer modifies information independently, so often, as it is necessary.
picture 1. Development of the CMS-system process
In the process of exploitation of CMS the division of functions is very important (in general case it is a customer) and web-administrator of CMS. There must be the rights and duties at each of them. Content-manager must have an access to filling of site, and web-administrator to the code of CMS. Such approach provides the quickness of work in maintenance of site and speed of his filling with new information. We will show it on a pic. 2
picture 2. Process of filling and administration of the CMS-system
Development of server side of CMS
In most cases CMS is the inseparable environment of administration and filling of content. As an example, it is possible to bring the CMS-system over of PHPNuke. This interface has surplus functionality. To the ordinary user, to recuperative the ribbon of news it is not needed to be in a position of adjusting the dynamic modules of site and the more so adjusting parameters DB of site.
picture 3. CMS-system of PHPNuke
Systems at which am differentiating between the client and server side of unit, because developers mainly do not want to complicate itself life and to divide adimistratora and user is right. But for a man which watches after filling of information on a site it is not nearly needed to have an access to editing of the modules of CMS, and access to the functions of treatment, it overloads an interface and functionality of interface of filling of content only.
As content-base for a rendering-engine one, and tasks on CMS laid a few, often protivorechaschikh each other (in relation to the most comfortable structure), an optimum exit from such situation will be virtualizatsiya of kontent-bazy and separation of physical structure ot its logical presentation. For example, if ot an user it is needed to hide the details of organization of kontent-bazy, for an administrator CMS, vice versa, to expose. But here to the administrator more comfortable to work not with a physical structure, but with logical, although CMS, from the side, executes queries above a physical structure. Assimetrichnost' of levels of abstraction guarantees that everybody works with the necessary him level of comforts, checking features above CMS and chart of co-operating with a rendering-engine (visual and carrying out system). Consider this direction one of priorities and most essential, such approach allows expressly to differentiate a client and server side, and similarly to do physical inaccessibility separate her komponet, that multiplies reliability of work of CMS.
Assimetrichnost'yu, for example, such chart of construction possesses:

picture 4.Virtualization content of CMS
Using the accumulated experience in the study of materials will bring basic criteria in writing the server side of CMS:
virtualization (physical inaccessibility of the client and server, and as a consequence of the physical remoteness of the content manager);
strict separation of a web administrator and content manager (for the reliability of the different areas: the code and content);
periodically save a copy of the database (for backup, prevent data loss);
- caching frequently used pages (to speed up the server);
- simplicity and reliability of the code requests (which increases the stability of the system);
- modularity (that provides easy add new features);
- complete information system (for simplicity and ease of possibilities CMS);
- creation report of the process (to repeal or control over the processes of filling);
- multiplayer mode (for the joint work of several people);
- splitting modules into classes and applying the basic criteria for the PLO.
Conclusions and research prospects
As a result of the done work it was succeeded to discover many problems in the structure of the modern CMS-systems. Not spared due attention such important criteria as: comfort of work of user with the system, loading on a server. Consider these two directions priorities in development of own CMS, simplicity and code lightness will give the quickness of implementation of operations on filling, and consequently, in final analysis, will economize time and money. And such parameter as an openness of code and naraschivaemost' modules will allow and to bring in the contribution other developers to the improvement sitsety uprovleniya content. In the future see a research prospect - development of methods of cashing in the server of the CMS-system, strengthening of protecting from external penetration in the modules of server side of CMS, increase of the modules, as a result expansion of possibilities of CMS.