Personal page of master Pavlenko Denis Nikolaevich

    Abstract of dissertation 'System of automatic registrations of reports and analytic geometry of work directed to the waing room of DNTU'



       A campaign on the reception of university entrants in an institute of higher is business troubled and labour intensive: it is necessary to take into account mass of information about university entrants and results of passing by them entrants tests. Therefore different facilities for computerizing of work of receiving commissions are used in many institutes of higher. However used the considerable volume of information, entered during work of receiving commission, can be not only for the issue of technical documents (lists of groups, lists, orders on including etc.) but also for the analysis of choice of specialities and faculties by university entrants, quality of preparation of graduating students of different educational establishments and etc Such analysis is needed, because for support of acceptance of administrative decisions complete enough, reliable and represented in a comfortable form initial information is required. The organs of management by education (regional departments of education, departments of formation of different levels) need information about jurisdiction educational establishments and amount of studying, quality of education, results of receipt of graduating students of different educational establishments in institutes of higher and etc Institutes of higher need a similar information for determination of prospects of development and planning of vocational orientation work. Can become other users of this information government, services of employment, enterprises and other of organization, which also need information, where, what specialities specialists prepare on, and what regions they represent.

Essence of task

       Organization of the special collection of information for these aims is business difficult and dear, therefore for support of acceptance of decisions there is logical the use of information of receiving commissions. The analytic system of receiving commission is used In the Donetsk national technical university, providing along with the data entry and issue of documents of receiving commission the extended functions of analysis. The results of analysis appear in a table form or as diagrams, graphs and ïð. The system is realized with the use of the MS SQL and Borland Delphi facilities. Among the most often used data retrievals it is possible to mark the following:

• Amount of giving documents in DonNTU on different stages of receipt(rating tests, ahead of shedules interviews, testing in an institute of higher, reception on results the allukrainian independent testing) with laying out on the forms of teaching.

• Amount of included in DonNTU on the same criteria.

• Choice of faculties (specialities) by university entrants.

• Correlation of number of giving documents and included in DonNTU.

• Amount of giving documents and included on separate faculties and specialities.

• Comparison of amount of university entrants for different years (increase / diminishment).

• Comparison of amount of included for different years (increase / diminishment).

• Middle marks got on preliminary examinations on a certain object (to mathematics, history and ïð.). Its introduction allowed substantially to improve an administrative account in an university, put in order an underlying structure, shorten the amount of output documents to the minimum, it is considerably to reduce the terms on the analysis of performance indicators of Institute of higher.

Used facilities

       The informative system of the architecture «client-server» is organized on the base of MSSQL Server 2000 . Introduction of the system supposes the presence of network and telecommunication equipment providing an operative, continuous and steady exchange by information between the knots of network. As a server SOFTWARE the operating system Windows Server is used. As servers the systems on the basis of the Intel Pentium processor are used. Client SOFTWARE is kept on a file-server. On client computers the operating systems of the Windows family can be set. No additional requirements to the client vehicle providing are present, actually any modern computer possesses sufficient resources. The small, but fully sufficient resource kit of administration enters In the complement of MS SQL Server (see the img 1).
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Example of simle query to the database

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Results and conclusion

Lately there is the tendency of increase of prestige of higher education and today without the use of the modern automated informative sensor-based systems, the kernel of which there is a database, it is difficult to represent all processes of activity of Institute of higher. A competitiveness and effective development of institute of higher education is provided by a continuous permanent innovative process, basic directions of which:

• introduction of new information technologies;

• use of modern methods of management.

To promote efficiency of the such difficult system, as institute of higher, it is possible only by the adequate adjusting of the varied communications between different types of activity. Providing of guidance by analytical information will allow to manage an institute of higher with the maximally possible degree of efficiency.
