Personal page of master Pavlenko Denis Nikolaevich
Faculty: |
Computer science and informatics |
Speciality: |
Computer systems and networks |
Msters's work topic: |
"System of automatic registrations of reports and analytic geometry of work directed to the waing room of DNTU" |
Supervisor: |
E-mail: |
About myself(main):
Average mark during study at university - 4.3
Languages of intercourse: russian, ukrainian and colloquial ennglish. Technical english using a dictionary.
Have a praktice of Delphi development, administration, analytics and service
MS SQL Server, programming on C/C++/C#/WinAPI, pascal, VB, ASM, Java,
HTML, SQL, xml. Have a knowledge of OS Windows 98,XP, Server 2003,Vista, Linux(ASP,Ubuntu),VMWare. Have an expirience of installing and service of local networks
Brief biography:
I, Pavlenko Denis Nikolaevich, was born on January, 26th, 1986 in a city
Zugres Donetsk region in a family of the accountant (mother Pavlenko Galina
Petrovna) and the designer (father Pavlenko Nikolay Vasiljevich).
In a family I was the second child. The senior for 10 years brother name is
Alexander Nikolaevich. In an early age I went to a kindergarten.
From the childhood differed inquisitiveness, did not like to read, therefore
from the childhood has declared itself more as an practical man than the humanitarian person.
In 1993, at the age of 7 years went to 1 form of Zugresskaya general educational
School ¹ 9. During studying there I distinguished myself with intimate knowledge
in exact sciences: mathematics, computer science, chemistry, physics. In
2000, 2001, 2002 occupied 2 place at the city Olympiads.
in mathematics, computer science, physics. From 2001 till 2003 I was engaged
in open mathematical college at Donetsk National
University, took part in the international Olympiads, received
Certificates "Well". From sports hobbies it is possible to mention
football and table tennis.
finishing college I have successfully handed over entrance
testing to Donetsk national university, speciality Mathematics.
In 2003, after finishing school I took part in the rating
Tests to DonNTU, speciality "Electric networks and Systems"(passed
to the target form of studying), in interviews On "the Applied
mathematics" (DonNU) and "Computer networks and systems" (DonNTU).
The last 2 I have handed over successfully and have passed
on the budgetary form of studying. My choice has stopped on
Donetsk national technical University. So I am at CSAI. During
studying I distinguished myself with participation in 2 conferences
and publications on physics, the Ukrainian language and database.
Additionally I studied English language, after that have received
the certificate of course Headway level Upper Interm. At present
I am a student of 5th course, there I have passed on the budget
by results of the state testing and average mark. Last years
I began carry with administration and maintenance of DB. Therefore
the leader I chose is Samoshchenko A.V., which has the direct
relation to them. In the future I plan to work in this sphere