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Masters of DNTU   

Master of DNTU Sergey N. Svistunov Faculty: Computing engineering and science
Sub-faculty: Electronic computing machines
Speciality: Computer systems and networks
Master work theme:”Research and development on FPGA SPP-architecture of the control post of digital devices” .
Scientific headmaster: Irina Zelenyova







The motivation

Now computer facilities has strongly entered into our life. It is used everywhere: in a life and in the industry, for carrying out of scientific researches. Digital schemes were included into our life and have taken in it of a position of the reliable and true assistant. However, as any mechanisms and devices, digital schemes fail sometimes. Therefore it is necessary to carry out their diagnosing. The primary goals are solved by system of diagnostics:

  • checking of serviceability of a computer  - with delivery of the answer of a kind regularly/is faulty;
  • directly troubleshooting - localizations of a place of malfunction.

Presently in Ukraine there is a following situation: at the enterprises old integrated microcircuits which have been let out during Soviet times are widely used. It is clear, that this element base is already very obsolete and requires replacement, but for replacement of old microcircuits on new it is necessary to spend a lot of money and time for designing. One of solution of such task is diagnostics and repair of schemes which are used. For diagnostics of schemes it is very convenient to use specialized devices intended for diagnostics of the equipment. The analysis of the market shows absence in the Ukrainian market of the specialized devices intended for functional diagnostics of the equipment. In the world market such systems are but their cost reaches $200 000 and above. Such price is inadmissible for the Ukrainian consumer. Also it is necessary to note absence in the Ukrainian and foreign sources of the information on internal structure of such systems and descriptions of process of their work. On the one side it speaks labour input and complexity of development of such algorithms. On the other side structures already developed, but they make a trade secret of firms-developers of these systems and consequently are not published.
The given work is directed espesillya to development of structure of a post of the control of diagnostics for digital schemes which are constructed with using of microcircuits of a small and average degree of integration.

The review of existing researches

For diagnosing computer facilities is used diagnostic maintenance, in particular, the automated systems of diagnostics (ADS). The huge quantity of systems of diagnostics Now is issued. In the lead positions in the world hold such companies, as Teradyne, Agilent, World Test Systems, Ingun, Credence, GenRad, Schlumberger systems (systems are used for testing more than 85 % of microprocessor systems in the world). They make huge quantity of versatile systems of testing and diagnostics.

The review of existing diagnostics systems

System Javelin 1004 with the robotized probes  firms Teradyne
System of automated diagnostics for payments with superficial installation. It uses four operated probes of one length. Independent movement of probes occurs in one plane that raises accuracy of their positioning and reproducibility of results. The automatic conveyor optimizes movement of printed unit (PU) through a tester. Time of measurement - is less 50 ms on one stage of the test. Javelin 1004 satisfies to conditions of small-scale manufacture and manufacture large PU. Fast adaptation to new conditions of the control and a new configuration of software makes one of the most important properties of system. Short time of programming, flexibility and simplicity of installation do by its suitable device for the control of pre-production models.
Modules of the so-called not vector control expand a covering of malfunctions for any integrated scheme, including with BGA and heat-conducting paths, and also connectors. The system of technical sight with a videocamera automatically checks presence and orientation of integrated schemes.
The system of intracircuit control TestStation 12X firms GenRad
The Advanced system of family TestStation Carries out all functions of control PU of this group:

  • definition of breaks and short circuits;
  • not vector control;
  • the control of discrete analog components;
  • the digital vector control;
  • peripheral scanning at the reduced access;
  • the control of components over the mixed signals;
  • the functional control over modern industrial conditions.

Automated testing system ITS 9000IX companies Schlumberger
ITS 9000IX, constructed with application SPP of architecture, provides speed of data transmission with frequency 400MHz through 768 channels I/O. 9000IX reaches the seventh generation of norms of testing of microprocessors CISC, new projects RISC and other highly technological devices logic devices.

The automated diagnostic complex "Diana-4.11"
The Automated diagnostic complex "Diana-4.11" is intended for diagnosing complex digital replaceable elements of the electronic equipment, constructed on any combination from TTL-, CMOS-, ECL - logic.
The instrument block of a complex carries out following functions:

  • Power supplies of a tested circuit board;
  • Testing of a circuit board from its regional sockets with simultaneous registration of reaction of a circuit board on the test;
  • Intracircuit testing of circuit boards.


 Problems which are solved in the work

The object of master’s work is development of the structure  diagnostics  control  post for the control board circuit  an average and small degree of integration with use HDL-and FPGA-technologies. The purpose is creation of  the  diagnostics control post of digital devices portable and convenient in operation  with SPP-architecture of the test sequences generator (figure 1).


Figure 1 – SPP-architecture of digital devices testing system (Animation,21 shots, 8,33 Kbyte, 10 repeats, for viewing it is necessary Flash player ver. 8 or above download)


Basic functions of diagnostics  control  post:

  • send  test signals on object of diagnosing;
  • recieve  test reactions on outputs of object or in its control points;
  • information interchange from the COMPUTER.


Expected scientific novelty and practical value

Scientific novelty of  given work consists the  attemption  of application of SPP-architecture. Such approach will create an opportunity considerably to simplify process of generation of test programs for object of diagnostics. Also the technique of "stratification" that would allow to lower equipment rooms and consequently also material inputs, thus having increased speed will be applied. The test complex with developed structure should possess such qualities as compactness, universality, accuracy and speed of definition of malfunction. Planned practical value of work consists in an opportunity of application of the given technology for diagnosing and repair digital electronic a component of the most various purposes.

The description of results.

Planned results of masters work:

  • HDL-model of control post;
  • Basic scheme of control post;
  • a file of an insertion for microcircuit FPGA;
  • program maintenance for work with control post;


1.  Sequencer Per Pin Test System Architecture,Burnell West and Tom Napier   
Schlumberger Technologies -ATE Division 1601 Technology Dr. San Jose, CA
2. Ñîëîâüåâ Â.Â. Ïðîåêòèðîâàíèå öèôðîâûõ ñèñòåì íà îñíîâå ïðîãðàììèðóåìûõ
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