Portal of masters DonNTU DonNTU
Grinchenko Anna

Grinchenko Anna

Theme of master's work: Design and Architecture of specialized computer system of forecasting of blood cell process adhesion parameters in vitro

Faculty:The Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automatics

Speciality: The speciality of Automatic System Controlling

Leader of work: The senior lecturer Privalov Maksim Vladimirovich
"To Be" or "Not To Be"
Report on search


The setting of a problem
The decision of a problem
Construction of kinetic model of process of an attachment neutrophil.


The estimation of a complex of parameters of cells is necessary for the decision of diagnostic and medical problems in modern cytology. The forecasting parameters of process of an attachment the neutrophils could allow to raise efficiency of diagnostics and treatment.

The setting of a problem

The purpose of the master’s works is development of specialized computer system (SCS) which will predict parameters of process of an attachment of blood cells, on an example neutrophils. The input data are geometrical parameters of cells, in particular, perimeter (P), the area (S), compactness (C = P2/S), a set of the moments of the first (F1), the second (F2) and the third (F3) orders, a difference F3 - F1 and also integral of set descriptors Fuorier (FF) on. The output data are the predicted geometrical parameters of cells, which will be presented to the specified moment of time and prospective.

The decision of a problem

The capillary blood was gather volunteers f 1 ml, then the blood was defend 40 mines at temperature 37°. Then the selection of suspension of the leukocytes was made and analyzed under a microscope (Lumam-R3, x90). The process of an attachment of the neutrophils investigated in time (t). The photo of projections of cells were made everyone 3 mines by digital videocamera CCD Oscar Color Camera OS-35II. The diagram of SCS is presented on pic. 1.

Images of the neutrophils received with help the program ASUS Live Version 4.6 B2
The images of the neutrophils were processed in specially program. Getting the contour and automatic calculation of geometrical parameters were include into processing.
Allocation of a contour of the neutrophil was made with help the manipulator "mouse" during the different moments of time, the contour is presented by a matrix of (xi, yi) points. Allocation of a contour was spent with 10 times for each image of the neutropli, the average value and a confidential interval defined with confidential probability 0,95.

Construction of kinetic model of process of an attachment neutrophil

Kinetic model it is model which describes the performance of the system components in time. The concentration and the geometrical sizes of system components are usually variables in such models.
The view of dependences P and S has allowed to assume, that they can be described by the kinetic equation of the first order. This assumption has been made on the basis of appearance of dependences of perimeter and the area from time.
Thus, knowing kinetic model of process and entrance data, SCS can predict parameters of process of an attachment and a level of its completeness during any specified moment of time. That will allow to reduce time expenses for 75-80 %.


© DonNTU 2008, Grinchenko A.