Portal of masters
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Master of DonNTU Sydorova Helene Vladimirovna


Faculty:  Faculty technical french
Speciality:  Mechanical engineering technique
Thème of job final:   Physical-chemical bases of choice of technological coolants
Chief scientific:  Professor Bogouslavsky V.A.

   Curriculum vitae    Curriculum vitae

Trainings courses
2008: Student of the first year of magistracy of DNTU (Ukraine), faculty Mechanical
2003...2007: Student of DNTU, faculty Mechanical
2000...2003: Pupil of Donetsk college
1993-2000: Pupil of the school of secondary education
June 2003: Diploma of the secondary education
January 2007: Certificat de français scientifique et technique de la Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Paris
June 2007: Baccalaureate
February 2008: DELF B2
Totals knowledge’s
Computer: Microsoft Office, КОМПАС, MathCAD, T-FLEX CAD, ТехноПро, ANSYS, Adobe Page Maker, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Flash, Programmation en C++
Lang’s: Lang native: Russian and Ukrainian (reading, writing, speech)
French (reading, writing, speech)
Experience //training
July 2006: Training technical special in the department of machine works of Donetsk (Ukraine)
July 2005: Training technical in the department of machine-building (awarded rank the turner of second grade)
February 2004: Training linguistic of French in DNTU
Centers of interests
  • Theatre (actress of the theatre francophone university)
  • Journal (editor-in-chief of newspaper francophone university)
  • Music
  • Literature
  • на русском языке русский en français français українською мовою українська english english
    abstract library links task individual

    Portal of masters
    Donetsk National Technical University
    Faculty Technical French
    address: 58, street Artiom 83000 Donetsk, UKRAINE
    phone: 8(062)3052469

    © ДонНТУ Hélène SYDOROVA