I, Bondarenko Ivan Igorovich, was born 23 of June 1985 at the town of Severodonetsk Lugansk region. Preschool years I spent primary under the direction of my grandfather and grandmothers, certainly, with the participation of parents. Flashback of childhood related to the town of Krasnuy Luch. Grandfather trained me for labor and high quality performing of task, whatever the task.
My father, candidate of science in economics, Bondarenko Igor Vitalievich, clever, well-educated, strong, and respectable by variety of people and me. He took care about me and especially about my creativeness and health; he purchased me toy kits and cold showered me. You can find so sensible and eminent person rare as at different vital questions and highly tailored questions too.
My mother, master of psychology, Bondarenko Irina Nickolayevna, careful, clever, beautiful, kind, poetic; she exceeds in her nature a man’s abilities and skills sometimes. I have sweet flashbacks with her and childhood, it is mother’s shortcake with plump jam, it’s beyond the expression with words!
Younger brother, Bondarenko Arteom Igorovich. When we were young, we tracked rare, but, nothing in this world lasts forever, and I can’t find better interlocutor and companion now.
I had started school ¹5 in 1991 at the town of Krasnuy Luch, after removal to the town of Donetsk I went to the fourth class the school ¹62. At the school, as in everything at the beginning, I had been away from the perfection; to the leaving school the distance became short. I didn’t feel special impulses in studying any subjects. I liked to find usable and practice in every learning sphere, interested myself with this and went forward. I went in for karate do during school study, for self defending purposes at first, but it helped me became stronger in moral and physical condition with the lapse of time. I went ride and fire training also.
I entered to Donetsk military lyceum with higher military and physical training after ninth form. The most important experience that I received there was communication and direction, skills to find compromises.
Professional way of military didn’t interested me, so I correlated my interests in physics and chemistry with parents’ experience and capabilities of my native town Donetsk, I selected to enter the specialty of "Chemical technology of fuel and carbon materials" of Donetsk national technical university.
I went in for rock climbing and powerlifting over the time of university studying. I passed third elder grade in powerlifting.
Last two courses of bachelor study were the most interesting. I interested in application of cavity and ultrasound in different technical processes during communication with supervisor of my master’s work candidate of science in chemistry Oshovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich, who is the associate professor of “Korobchansky I.E. department of chemical technology of fuel” also. I appreciate the experience gained in communicating with the teacher. My master’s work theme is “Research of physical and chemical properties of carbon materials during thermal-chemical transformations with using measurement computer's system”.
Plans for future
Works with the leaders of their professions. Create the strong family and business.