One of the ways to improve the economic stability of the state is diversification of sources, their complex processing; using their own sources of raw materials, the search for new and optimization of existing recycling processes.
The main focus of the use of coal at this stage is its use as a reductant. At the same time, the source of hydrocarbons for various syntheses is natural gas.
In order to obtain the synthesis gas can be used coals of various stages of metamorphism and enrichment. To implement these processes in the world have been developed various methods, such as: different types of gasification [1,2], plasma-chemical methods [3,4]. Obtained synthesis gas may be used as for the implementation of various syntheses, and used as fuel gas for use in internal combustion engines and steam engines to generate electricity [5].
Non-equilibrium plasma has a relatively low temperature of gas (usually several hundred degrees), low values of enthalpies and pressures, but the high electronic temperature (approximately 10 4 K) and contains the primary electrons with an energy of about 10 2 eV. Generators of non-equilibrium plasma are glow discharge, different forms of high-frequency discharges, corona and some others discharges. Cold non-isothermal plasma can be induced in the discharges of different types: high frequency induced, a high-frequency capacitive and microwave. The capacity of the generators of this type of plasma is significantly lower than that of arc plasma torches. In a non-equilibrium plasma disrupted the distribution of particle velocity and energy of the Maxwell-Boltzmann. To describe the chemical processes occurring in a non-equilibrium plasma, we cannot use the presentation of classical kinetics, including the Arrhenius equation. In the description of non-equilibrium chemical processes must take into account not only elastic but also inelastic collisions, leading to changes in electron energy, vibrational and spin excitations. In non-equilibrium systems, chemical interactions, not only atoms and molecules in energy state, and excited atoms and molecules, ionized particles. Thus, to describe the kinetics of chemical reactions in non-equilibrium plasma of essential information about the electron-vibrational levels and the generation of reactive molecules, cross sections of excitation and deactivation, population of electron-vibrational states, the density of electrons and their spatial and temporal distribution, the distribution functions of electrons and their spatial and temporal distribution. Physico-chemical description of non-equilibrium plasma-chemical processes consist of two parts: 1) the equations of the kinetics of homogeneous chemical reactions, and 2) the Maxwell equations of electrodynamics, reducing under certain conditions to known stationary wave equation. The system of nonlinear differential equations considerably, as the rates of speed of chemical reactions may depend on the electric field, which is the solution of the wave equation. Permittivity, which is part of the wave equation, in turn, depends on a time-varying concentrations of electrons, resulting from the decisions of kinetic equations, as well as the characteristics of the field. Naturally, the model of non-equilibrium plasma-chemical processes can be written only for simple reactions of the type of excitation of vibrational and electronic levels of molecules, dissociation and ionization of diatomic molecules, the recombination of heavy particles, dissociative recombination of molecular ions with electrons, etc., and to describe such complex processes as the plasma-chemical conversion of coal in a non-equilibrium plasma, the available information on all of the above phenomena is not sufficient [2, p. 39-40].
Relevance of research
In this research seeks to determine the possible parameters of reference of the gasification of carbon in liquid phase under the influence of discharges, their quantification and ways of optimization. The work is relevant in relation to the poorly understood reference liquid-phase gasification carbon materials under the influence of discharges and plasmas.
The practical value of the research
Possible practical results are to identify indicators of reference, assessment of the feasibility of using carbon containing mixtures of water as a substitute for natural gas as a source of carbon mono oxide and hydrogen.
A review of research by the theme in the DonNTU
At the time of wrote this article, the author found no material work DonNTU related to plasma gasification of coal in a liquids.
A review of research by the theme in the Ukraine.
An example of one of the most close to the subject of the work may serve to anode oxidation of coal and graphite [6, p. 56-74]published the staff of the Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry and Coal. However, the processes described in this work to benzol-hexa-carboxylic acid and graphite oxide prodution, as well as other compounds of similar processes occur in electrolysis, which is not a direct match of the work embodied in the physical and chemical processes.
Another example of such work is [7]. It describes the unit of underwater spark. Here, under the influence of discharge on the fluid volume, where air bubbles are sparging, there is destruction of dissolved compounds in the form of plasma. It should be emphasized that the work [7] aimed at the treatment of wastewater from organic impurities.
A review of research by the theme in the World.
The closest work is patents [8, 9]. This documents provides a devices and the principle of the apparatus of liquid-phase plasma gasification of different hydrocarbons, one of which may be coal, with microwave plasma. However, the technical process indicators are not defined. One example of the possible implementation of a patent [10], can serve the work of [11] performed by J.-L. Naudin, which shows that in the process of arc discharge in water forms certain amount of gas of the following composition, tab. 1:
Table 1 – Composition of gas
Compound of gas
Volume fraction, %
Carbon oxide IV
Carbon oxide II
As an electrode material can be used different carbonaceous materials and metals. In the patent [10] was showed the possibility of
usage of graphite electrodes as a source of carbon for receiving carbon monoxide and hydrogen, and a supply energy device.
Important parameters are the conditions of arc discharge: current and voltage -controlled by software-hardware complex.
An important issue is the selection of environment in which the arc discharge, as that can be applied various suspensions and mixtures of substances based on water.
"Figure 1 – Sheme of device"
1 - hardware-software complex, 2 - cluster analysis of the gas mixture, 3 - power supply unit, 4 - tank, 5 - cathode, 6 - discharge volume (indicated circle), 7 - anode, 8 - a mixture of substances based on water
One possible way to manage the plasma formation process and maintain the necessary level format may be the imposition of an external magnetic field to the field level fig.1, which would force generated charged particles moving along the lines of magnetic force field.
Expected results of the research
Expected results of the process:
Keeping the process without the application of excessive external pressure.
Injection the energy is carried out directly to the reaction volume.
Simple design of reactor.
Lack of chemically-aggressive initial components. It is possible usage of additional compounds [12, p. 23-32].
Integrated processing of coal [13].
To conduct the process is supposed to use a pre-crushed coal and the tails of its enrichment [14].
Potentially high level of automation at low capital investment for their implementation.
Potentially it can be the existence of stable reactor in the event of changes in carbon fractions of water-coal mixture.
The process does not require the presence of inert gas environments.
It is the use of water without any preliminary chemical preparation.
Reactor safety in the startup and shutdown thanks to the water and coal properties [15, p. 8-24]
Insensitivity to the sulfur content in coal.
There are no additional costs for heating the mixture.
It should be emphasized that the above figures are only expectations, and their credibility is in doubt to the practical multilateral verification.
For obvious potential disadvantage of this process should include the use of electricity to generate the discharges and the plasma, determination of energy parameters is one of the tasks of implementation and optimization of process in this paper. The use of electricity requires the increased security requirements, grounding reactor vessel and inlet pipes, special training, sealing equipment, control of combustible gases in the working zone, especially the hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
A distinctive feature of plasma-chemical processes of organic materials is their high selectivity: obtaining the target products is accompanied by only a negligible formation of by-products [2]. Water-coal suspensions can be one of the ways of direct injection into the apparatus for production of synthesis gas [8] Study and optimization of formation conditions of discharges and plasma gasification of carbon in liquids is a novelty and challenge, both in scientific and practical side. Potentially application of discharges and plasma for carbon mixtures gasification can have several advantages over other methods of coal processing.
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