At the present stage of development of a society innovative activity is an integral part of effective functioning of economy. Creating a basis for the further economic growth, innovations also is the productive characteristic of a well-being of nation as a whole. Last property, first of all, connected with contradictions between needs and possibilities of introduction of innovations.
Nevertheless, the majority of heads in Ukraine does not understand strategic value of technologies. The data of the State committee of statistics of Ukraine testifies to it concerning innovative activity of the enterprises. So, development of manufacture of new kinds of production was a principal view of innovations which were carried out at the Ukrainian enterprises. At the same time, technological innovations which promote economic growth not only now are the most profitable in long-term prospect not to a product, and.
Urgency and novelty
Despite constant expansion of the offer and reduction of prices on hardware-software to a product, introduction of an information technology demands today essential capital investments. In such conditions for the majority of the domestic enterprises actual the problem an estimation of economic efficiency of an information technology today is.
For the first time the analysis of dependence of a significance value of an information technology and level of a maturity of the enterprise is carried out.
Research objectives
To receive optimum model and algorithm for an estimation of economic efficiency of investment of an information technology.
Research problems:
- To study essence and the nature of an information technology (IT);
- To study features of economic efficiency IT;
- To carry out the analysis up-to-date experience of estimation IT at the domestic enterprises;
- To define specificity of an estimation of efficiency of investment IT;
- To define dependence IT and level of a maturity of the enterprise;
- To carry out the comparative analysis of existing techniques of an estimation of efficiency of an information technology;
- To develop model and algorithm of an estimation of efficiency of investment IT;
Material and research technique
Object of research is process of introduction and an estimation of efficiency of an information technology at the modern enterprises. In work methods of the system analysis, the analysis, economic-mathematical modeling, functional standardization were used. [1, c. 11-13]
SECTION 1. Concept and essence of an information technology [Endurance]
To make definition of concept «information technology», we will address to term technology which has set of interpretation. In a broad sense the technology is understood as a science about laws of manufacture of material benefits, putting at it three organic laws: ideology, that is manufacture principles; instruments of labour that is to impose, cars, units; shots which own professional skills. These components name according to information, tool and social. For concrete manufacture technology understand as set of methods and receptions which define sequence of actions for production realization. Level of technologies is connected with scientific and technical progress of a society and influences social structure, culture and ideology. For any technology the purpose, a subject and means can be allocated. Improvement of quality of production, reduction of term of its manufacturing and cost price decrease is the technology purpose in industrial manufactures also.
The methodology of any technology combines in itself: production decomposition on separate linked and dependent making (stages, stages, phases, operations); realization of certain sequence of performance of operations, phases of stages and production stages according to the technology purpose; the technological documentation,
Which formalizes performance of all components.
Information manufacture is directed on expedient use of information resources and supply of elements of organizational structure by all of them and realization by creation of information system. Information resources are basic raw materials for a control system of any organizational structure, an end-product is decision-making. Decision-making is in most cases carried out in the conditions of shortage of the information therefore degree of use of information resources in many respects defines an organization overall performance.
In the formation any branch including information, took place stages of manual production of the handicraftsman to manufacture.
In development of technologies allocate essentially different two stages: one is characterized by continuous improvement of basic technology and achievement of the top marginal level when the subsequent improvement is unjustified through the big economic injections; another differs refusal of existing technology and transition about essentially new that develops behind laws of the first stage.
Thus, the information technology can be defined, how set of methods and ways of reception, processing, representation of the information which are directed on change of its condition, properties, forms, I will make and carried out in interests of the user.
It is possible to allocate three levels of consideration of an information technology: [2, c.22-23]
The first level – theoretical. The basic task – complex creation linked models of information processes;
The research. The basic task – working out of methods which allow is automated to design an optimum information technology;
– applied that it is expedient to divide the third level on two striations: tool and subject.
Tool level (analogue – the equipment to impose, the tool) defines ways and implementers of an information technology which can be divided on methodical, information,
Mathematical, algorithmic, technical and program.
Subject level connected with specificity of concrete subject branch also finds display in a specialized information technology, for example, organizational management, management of technological processes, is automated designing, study and so forth.
The information technology is intended for decrease in labour input of processes of use of information resources. The result of application of information technology is personified in so-called information products. The information product is the information which is prepared according to requirements of users and presented in the form of the goods. Information products are software products, bases and data-banks and other information.
In modern conditions an information technology is realized with use of means computer and office equipments. Therefore, in modern understanding under an information technology mean set of methods, industrial and technological means which are united in a technological chain which provides gathering, storage, processing, deducing and information distribution. The made definition displays use in an information technology of principles of the modern automated systems. Taking into account their application, the information technology can be called as the automated information technology (АIТ). [11]
SECTION 3. Features of estimation of efficiency of an information technology [Endurance]
The estimation of economic efficiency of the project is key at decision-making on expediency of investment. Not so, the estimation of efficiency of investments is usually spent to an information technology or at intuition level, or not spent at all. On the one hand, it is caused by unwillingness of suppliers of decisions to test considerable efforts to carrying out of the previous analysis, on the other hand, there is a considerable particle of mistrust of consumers to the received results of such researches. However, both problems follow from one source, namely – to absence of clear and reliable techniques of an estimation of economic efficiency of an information technology.
IТ-as difficult structures, make especial demands to an economic efficiency estimation. The basic problem of an estimation of an information technology develops that ІТ-investment answer a standard situation which is considered in the theory of economy of the enterprise. In case of carrying out of investments, for example, in the new industrial equipment, the sphere of action and which realization – except for some cases – accurately limited is a question of decision-making in the structured situation. Any investment can be considered as sequence of receipts and payments of money resources. Their size is defined by a gain from realization of production and residual cost of the equipment, expenses on acquisition and the equipment maintenance, and also an interval of time which is considered. Besides, classical investments generally concern only one subsection of the enterprise. [6, c. 19-25]
In different branches of economy the purpose and a place of an information technology have an essential difference. Thus, generalizing classification of types of the enterprises and the organizations, behind degree of direct influence on primary activity of potential consumers an information technology can be divided into two types:
1. The organizations for which an information technology is technology of the basic manufacture (the telecommunication companies, kinds of business which are connected with information service and information movement and so forth).
Such organizations practically do not need to be convinced of necessity of an estimation of investments into an information technology.
2. The organizations for which an information technology is means of improvement/development of administrative activity. In this case an information technology promotes better management of the organization, reduces the price and raises efficiency of decisions which are accepted. For such organizations IT is the factor which promotes
Primary activity, but does not accept participation in it directly.
From this we do a conclusion that the basic feature information technologies, together with the main barrier to their introduction – intermediary character. Thus, the estimation of efficiency of an information technology is connected with considerable problems. The given interrogations that was spent Gallup testify To it. Yes, in 46 % of the investigated companies employees do not have experience and knowledge to estimate an information technology from the economic point of view, in 82 % - have complication with an estimation of return IT, and only 26 % efficiency ІТ-projects. According to Forrester Research, less than 30 % of the companies in the world own methods of measurement of efficiency ІТ-projects, less than 5 % ІТ-projects are spent with efficiency definition, and less than 5 % measure benefits or losses upon termination of the project.
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While writing the abstract diploma was still in the process of writing. Now there completed three sections. The final completion of the diploma is planned in December, 2009. Full text and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or scientific leader after named date.