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Kirill Selickii

Selickii Kirill

Educational - Scientific Institute „Higher School of Economy and Management” DonNTU

Faculty of economics

Speciality: Management Innovative Activity

Theme of masters work:

Improvement of a logistics control system by innovative processes

Scientific leader: c.e.s. Bondareva Irina




In the conditions of market relations and integration of Ukraine in outer economic space there is a requirement in development of strategic plans of development of types of economic activity, which are potentially profitable and competitive at the international market of commodities and services. Innovative activity, which in the modern terms of menage needs creation of theoretical base, development of perspective plans and mechanisms of effective management and promotion innovative product, on ductings of production. Ponderable payment in research of problems of innovative activity was done by such domestic and foreign scientists: V. Aleksandrova, U. Bazhal, P. Belen'kiy, A. Bodyuk, A. Vlasova, L. Vodachek, O. Vodachkova, V. Geec, N. Goncharova, M. Dolishniy, U. Zikov, S. Il'enkova, N. Krasnokutska, S. Kolupaeva. Paton, S. Pokropivniy, A. Petro, P. Interruption, I. Plotkin, A. Prigozhin, A. Perlaki, A. Savchenko. S. Tviss, M. Tugan-Baranovskiy, I. Terekhov, M. Chumachenko, A. Shumpeter, A. Yakovlev and other. The increase of efficiency of management innovative processes needs development of naukovo-teoretichnikh approaches and practical mechanisms of introduction of logistic control system. During the last decade large enough experience of improvement of general principles and mechanisms of logistic is accumulated. To the different aspects of theory practices of logistic are devoted labour of such domestic scientists, as L.V. Balabanova, G.I. Britchenko, M.U. Grigorak, M.S. Doronina, A.G., M.A. Oklander, V.L. Pilyushenko, O.M. Tridid, N.I. Flay, O.O. Shubin but other ponderable payment was done by such research workers of the CIS, as B.A. Anikin, A.M. Gadzhinskiy, E.A. Golikov, L.B. Mirotin, I.E. Tishbaev, A.I. Semenenko, V.I. Sergeev and specialists of other foreign countries, in particular, D. Bauersoks, D. Busher, D. Kloss, D. Keskett but other basic attention is spared these research workers a general theory and features of transport, warehouse and production logistic. So far not spared the questions of logistic management mikroekonomic structures sufficient attention, and forming of mechanisms of logistic management innovative enterprises remained out of eyeshot domestic research workers, though market transformation of economy requires the new going near a management these enterprises. Without regard to a certain scientific inheritance, the question of management innovative processes is developed not enough on the enterprises of production sphere on the basis of the logistic system, basic conceptions of logistic are not adapted to the sphere of innovations, not certainly subjects of logistic management; the methodical going absent near the construction of the logistic systems of enterprises of this sphere, forming and realization of innovative product. It can not be decided the problem of competitiveness of national products without forming market of innovations and innovative processes and technologies, in spite of existence on the large enterprises of industry of considerable free powers, increase in them of production, leadthrough of policy of state stimulation of demand, through the increase of social payments and grant of the special privileges. Innovative approaches, including uses of the logistic system, are needed, as one of factors of management of innovative processes. Importance of application of the logistic going near the sphere of innovations, study of features of technological process of grant of innovative services, determination of basic models of sale of innovative products, at the market, classification and structure of innovative processes as a basic subjects management of the logistic system, stipulated the choice of theme of master's degree work.

The purpose of the study

The purpose of master's degree work is grounded on theoretic and methodological bases of forming of logistic control system and development of methods and mechanisms of their realization in innovative processes. In accordance with a purpose such tasks are put in master's degree work and decided:
- the evolutions of existent conceptions of logistic and logistic systems are investigational;
- conceptions of management an innovative enterprise are developed on logistic principles;
- grounded process is approach of the systems to forming of logistic processes and classification of methods of logistic management;
- appraised progress of existent control system and proved expedience of transition of enterprises trends on a logistic model;
- the mechanisms of logistic management an innovative enterprise are developed;
- the mechanisms of planning of logistic financial, labour, informative streams are improved ;
- grounded methods of optimization of logistic streams innovative enterprises;
- modelled processes of introduction of logistic control system in activity innovative enterprise;
- grounded systems of the informative providing of logistic control system;
- it was diagnosted efficiency of logistic management an innovative enterprise on the basis of the complex system of indexes.

Object of study

The object of research is innovative processes on enterprises in the conditions of market relations.

The subject of research studies

The subject of research was become by the theoretical and methodological features of logistic control system by innovative processes on the industrial enterprises of Ukraine

Methods of research

Research methodology is built on the base of modern theories of management the economic systems, which take into account objectivity of changes which take place under act of changeable external environment. Empiric basis of research are labours of domestic and foreign scientists from the problems of logistic management, economic theory, economies of enterprise, organization of innovative processes, organization of investment processes, etc.; for the decision of the put tasks the used methods of, statistical and economic analysis of the systems.

Content of work

Master's degree work consists of entry, three sections, conclusion and list of literature. In master's degree work grounded theory and methodology of logistic control system, which became basis of development of mechanisms of optimization of processes of forming of logistic streams as subsoil of innovative transformations of practice of management enterprises.

In an entry certainly actuality of theme of master's degree work, a purpose and research methodology is formulated, a task is put, an object, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical meaningfulness of work, is exposed.

In the first section "Theoretical bases of logistic control system by innovative processes are on an enterprise" generalized basic interpretations of concept "logistic", author vision of essence of logistic, logistic process of management is exposed, logistizacion, considered functions and types of innovations and innovative processes, certainly pre-conditions of logistizacion of innovative processes. Separated theoretical features of concepts "logistic" and "logistic process". Development of theory of logistic allows to examine it not only as science but also as an aggregate of mechanisms of menage. Therefore logistic, is it considered from one side as science about the economic relations of forming and integration of different business - processes, connected with motion of financial values and him financial, informative and service providing, and from the second – by the computer-integrated system of forms, methods and instruments of management some processes, in particular by the processes of purchase of resources, production, distributing and realization of the prepared products and creation of innovations and innovative processes. Conception of logistic, which is basis of ground theoretic and methodological to going near a management innovative processes by the logistic system, is formed in master's degree work. A requirement in the improvement of forms and methods of management innovative processes foresees the decision of tasks of logistic under the corner of management. Developed methodology of planning of logistic financial streams of innovative enterprises and the new model of complex optimization of financial streams, directed on the receipt of effect of sinergizmu, is offered. Logistizacion is considered as a purposeful process of introduction of the logistic fitting to for organizationally economic activity of innovative processes as constituting elements of production. The logistic going near organization of innovative activity is based on the system complexity of economic processes, foresees their effective integration and creation of the logistic systems and chains. He engulfs the complex of principles of optimization of stream processes. Investigational problems of the logistic system in an innovative process, where the product of labour is the special commodity – innovative product. Basic pre-conditions of creation and development of mechanisms of logistizacion of innovative processes of all hierarchical levels is integration, informatization and globalization of economic processes and structures which are caused the necessity of increase of efficiency of the use of resources in the conditions of their narrow-mindedness. Exactly principle of efficiency of logistic activity caused the necessity of integration at first of functions and structures (subsections) for the middle of separate business entities, and then and between them.

In the second section of "Design and estimation of control system by streams resources in an innovative process" the dynamics of innovative processes is analyzed both on internal and on external, markets, certain and the analyzed factors which influence on logistic processes as control system, the estimation of the informative, financial, labour providing of innovative processes is carried out. In master's degree work grounded status of innovative enterprise as a mikrologistic system, and generalization of research of different models of enterprise allows to expose his essence on logistic principles. The logistic model of enterprise is based on processes and approaches of the systems to organization of his activity which shows up in unity of stream processes and formation of the mikrologistic system. Innovative enterprise as mikrologistic system is integral a socio-economic structure which integrates the spacious processes of introduction of innovations and innovative services in time is dissociated from an external environment, executing the finishing stage of rotation of capital. Management mechanisms are in-process grouped after the types of resources and types of activity, after the periods of management and general methods of ground of decisions. The mechanisms of logistic management engulf all activity of innovative enterprises, beginning from the resource providing and concluding the results of activity. Therefore at forming of mechanisms of logistic management such requirements are taken into account: systematization of administrative decisions within the limits of the logistic system, accordance nature of management object, flexibility, adaptiveness, variant, resource material well-being, clearness of presentation, about current status both in the guided subsystem and in an external environment. A near-term value for innovative enterprises during realization of processes of logistic management is acquired by information which is for them a leading logistic and production factor, selected and the basic stages of ground of mechanisms of logistic management an enterprise are considered, which are fixed in basis of research of these mechanisms: monitoring of the operating system of mechanisms of management an innovative enterprise, development of strategy of logistic management, ground, and specification of models of estimation, control and prognostication of efficiency of logistic activity of enterprise, determination of the system of measures and methods of introduction of new methods and technologies, is in practice of logistic management.

In the third section "Methodical recommendations from optimization of models of logistic control system by innovative processes" are developed conception of logistic management, grounded procesno is approach of the systems to forming of logistic stream, tipologiyu of methods of logistic management is offered, concrete methodical recommendations are offered and grounded on principles of logistic, their estimation is done, grounded essence of logistic as to the process of management financial, financial and skilled streams, and also by a necessity by an informative potokovim process for the acceleration of the physical distributing and minimization of general charges during realization of process of supply, production and sale of products. The developed system of measures is on perfection of work of logistic control system by innovative and informative processes industrial enterprises. It is well-proven that a logistic management needs orientation of all functions of management on the unique criterion of efficiency of work of enterprise, essence of which consists in maximizations of correlation of the combined volumes of profit and charges, and also achievements, by balanse of logistic streams of necessary level of adaptiveness of enterprise to the external changes. Under a logistic management enterprises transformation of logistic as sciences and control system is understood in practice of management. The of principle difference of logistic management an enterprise from traditional is obligatory combination of technology of motion of resources with the logistic streams of enterprise. Methodical approaches and practical recommendations are considered in relation to determination of efficiency of logistic control system by innovative processes. The "logistic system" as indissoluble unity of financial, informative, financial, labour and service streams comes forward the object of logistic management in concrete spatially – sentinel co-ordinates/vacuum, and by an object is optimization of logistic processes on the basis of balanced of their co-operation and use of synergistic connections. Thus, in master's degree work a logistic management as process of purposeful influence is considered on logistic processes with the purpose of balans of their motion in space and time. It is in-process well-proven that functions of logistic management are a complex of generally accepted administrative actions with specific properties of the concrete logistic system, related to planning, organization and control, after innovative processes. The tool of embodiment of administrative decisions in practice of menage is an aggregate of methods and mechanisms, developed on logistic principles. Belonging of methods and management mechanisms to logistic is determined the specific of receptions and methods of influence on an object management, the ultimate goal of which optimization of functioning of any logistic systems comes forward.( by minimization of charges and effective organization of forms of influence on a concrete logistic situation).

Basic job performances are generalized in a conclusion, grounded feet of achievement of the put aims and tasks of analysis, there is a necessity of optimization of informative streams. Generalized and the determinations of categories grounded in theory "logistic" and "logistic system" in relation to the features of functioning of the production systems of industrial enterprises in the conditions of market economy. On an innovative enterprise specific processes are used – innovative which are in-process certain as object of logistic control system. In master's degree work theoretical generalizations are resulted and the new decisions of issue of the day, which appears in complex development of theoretic and applied positions of forming of mechanisms of logistic control system enterprises, directed on providing of steady development and competitiveness after integration of Ukraine in European and world space by innovative processes are got. It is rotined on the basis of study of development of infrastructure of national innovative market, that changes which accompany this process need from innovative enterprises in ability adequately to react on periodically arise up contradictions in surrounding dynamic world.

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