"Improving the competitiveness of enterprises"
1). The role of innovation in enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises
Main objective of the internal activities of any enterprise or organization operating in a market economy, is to maximize profits. However, the main purpose of the innovative activities of enterprises or organizations can be designated as receiving a certain number of innovations in the form of new products, technologies, materials, methods of organization and management, etc., with certain (to meet the requirements of the enterprise) characteristics. It is obvious that the main objective of the company and its main goal in innovation are not identical. However, innovation is crucial to maximizing the profits of the enterprise.
The reason for this contradiction is that the enterprise as an open system achieves its internal goal - making a profit by giving the results of its
activities in the form of products (goods) characteristics that meet the requirements of the environment of the enterprise as part of the consumers and the state.
In this case, the innovation as a result of innovation activity, on the one hand, should focus on better, more customer satisfaction,
and on the other - to a certain economic benefits in the form of profits for companies that initiate their development and implementation.
In the most general terms, the gross profit of enterprise (organization), regardless of the scope of activities can be calculated by the following formula:
To understand the effectivity of this formula, we can remember the statement of Chairman of the Board of Directors of General Electric - Jack Welch, whom Fortune magazine named the best manager of the XX century. In his view, the business - is a simple pesch: you have to make cheaper, faster and better than anyone, and for this we need to increase productivity and efficiency of business management, as well as to introduce as many innovations. This statement reaffirms the crucial role of innovation and the benefits resulting from its implementation of innovations in the development of economic systems. However, it should be noted that the increase in productivity and business agility will also be the result of innovation.
2). Improving the competitiveness of industrial enterprises by automating systems management
In a market economy, efficient operation of modern industrial enterprise is ensured not only through the successful organization of the production and use of resources, but by automating key business processes and use of information technology in all spheres of its activities: from market analysis to develop, implement and sales . One of the main methods for improving the efficiency of industrial enterprises is to automate the planning and management based on modern computer technology. And the focus should be primarily on integrated systems planning, resource allocation, performance monitoring, timing of decision problems, etc., can provide all kinds of businesses, not one or more functions.
In the Soviet Union widespread introduction of automated production control systems (CAM), computer-based began in 1970. In the early 1990's in Russia appeared in the market and Russia's foreign computer systems, automated management company to help you integrate all the key processes undertaken in the company, including procurement, inventory, production, sale and distribution, planning, plan monitoring, the costs , finance, fixed assets, etc. As a rule, the modern machine-building factories in different services installed a group of related automated systems. With their help implement the basic functions of management: planning and scheduling, control over resource allocation and deadlines, accounting and stock control. The cost of such systems, depending on the extent of use can be measured in hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars.
In the Ukrainian and Russia's literature do not enjoy a single terminology to describe such systems. They are called the corporate information system (CIS), Corporate Information Management System (KIAS), integrated enterprise management system, system of financial and economic management (PMT).
The purpose of this article - to consider the prospects for improving economic efficiency of enterprises through the introduction of integrated computer-automated control systems based on modern information technology.
The concept of computer production control allows the use of economic-mathematical methods to account for a large number of input data, to minimize all the backlogs and costs, optimize the timing performance of production processes, reduce time to market, automating routine and time-consuming process to obtain material for the right strategic and tactical decisions based on timely and accurate information. Application of computer systems provides timeliness of data and reduces the burden on senior managers, frees time for strategic management.
So, in this paper, we examined the main factors that increase the profitability of the enterprise as a long-term, and in the short term.
Among the many existing methods, in particular, were considered:
- An innovative model of business development, were given the basic expression of innovation processes in the enterprise, has been established between company returns and the level of the internal culture of innovation;
- Introduction of automated control systems as an effective method of improving the efficiency of industrial enterprises;
- Budgeting in the form of strategic planning of company development, the direction of cash flows, as well as its application in the planning of procurement, marketing and accounting activities of the enterprise;
- Market Research, competitive market conditions and the overall impact of marketing services for the performance of the company and create a positive image of the company.
Of course, this is not the entire list of possible strategies for improving the profitability of the enterprise in a competitive market, but they are classic versions of the company's development and a thorough description will also help to understand some of the other, more complex economic category of deductive method.
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