Gayduk Dmitriy
Faculty: | Physical and Metallurgical |
Department: | Industrial heat-and-power engineering |
Speciality: | Heat-and-power engineering |
Theme of masters work: | Influence of the conditions of supplying a mixture of fuel gases on the characteristics and mode of operation steam-gas combined cycle plant.* |
Supervisor of studies: | associate professor Safonova E.K. |
Average mark for the period of study for the degree of "bachelor" was 4,82
Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages. In a level sufficient for reading and correspondence, speak English.
I have experience of working with:
- Microsoft Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista;
- Microsoft Office 97/2000/2003/2007;
- Borland Pascal, Delphi, VBA, HTML;
- ÊÎÌÏÀÑ-3D, AutoCAD, MathCAD;
- STATISTICA 6, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver;
At the time of the site creation :
- I get a second degree in the specialty «Economy»;
- I'm a chairman of Council of student self-government on FMF, DonNTU.
I'm keen on following sports: swimming, soccer, volleyball, ping-pong.
Additional skills, abilities:
- I graduated from the military departments of DonNTU with the specialization "Application of military units with a radio"
- I have a driver's license category "B"
I was born October 8, 1986 in the town Bulgan, Mongolia republic. Why so far away, you ask. The reason is in the job of my parents: Gayduk Irina and Gayduk Eugene. At that time they were militaries. The next place of parents residence became a city Tskhinvali, Georgia, wherefrom I with my younger brother were sent to the grandparents in Druzhkivka because of the outbreak of hostilities in South Ossetia.
School years
I began to learn the school routine in the 93 year in Slovyanoserbsk district of Lugansk region, where the family moved again. Here, I studied 2 years and have a lot of memories. This is the first call, first class, first teacher, who began to develop me as a person.
The next town where we have moved - Lugansk. I continued studying in school number 13. The process of adapting to a new team was good. I began to study responsibly and consciously from the first years of school education. I appreciate to my mother for the great donation in that. She took control over educational process, for misconduct in which we were punished. So I studied almost on «excellent».
Another change of residence occurred in 98 year. Location was chosen Donetsk and the school number 48 where I continued my education. In Donetsk, I began to get involved in painting and dance, visits the house of creativity. I started to develop my body going in for sport –swimming. in this kind of sport I reached a certain level in this kind of sport and have the rating. I studied fine, so I was often delegated to school championships in mathematics, foreign language, biology and other disciplines.
In 2002, I joined in Donetsk College. The level of education in the College was higher than in the school. There I met a beautiful and wonderful people and, in consequence, made a friendship with them. College gave me not only substantial knowledge, but developed me as a person. During the eleventh form I spent a lot of time for mathematics. This helped me to write a rating test for a high mark, which was the recommendation to transfer to the ranks of students DonNTU.
There was no question of choosing the university. I’ve already defined, that it had to be the technical university and the technical specialty. I chose between the three specialties: mechanical engineering technology, telecommunications and heat-and-power engineering. I chose the last one because I thought it more ambitious and extensive. And I think did not mistake. I was enrolled in a group of ÒP-04. I want to express my gratitude to my classmates for the assistance and support which was provided when it was needed. During the second course I was involved in social activities. Firstly I became a assistant chairman of the Council of the student self-government, then I was elected as chairman. Now I also get a second degree in the specialty «Economy». As a result, the two specialties, plus social activities and free time almost doesn’t remain. But I try to find a time for everything, even for the rest, solving the problems and difficulties.
Plans for the future
The objectives and future plans are the follows. Firstly, get two diplomas and find interesting and promising work that would bring me wealth, pleasure, career and individual growth. Create a strong family, and, as the saying goes, build a house, plant trees and raise a son. Create and bring a lot of goods for friends, and for the native company. To accomplish these objectives and plans it is necessary to work a lot which I am actually going to do, overcoming all difficulties. The main idea is having the objective and desire to achieve it!