Gayduk Dmitriy
1.Influence of reconstruction, carried out by OJSC "AISW", on reducing air pollution
The problems of protecting the environment, reduce emissions into the atmosphere, the effective use of secondary energy resources today are particularly relevant. To a large extent, this relates to the metallurgical industry. It has become the exception and OJSC «Alchevsk iron&steel works»...
1. The modern approach to the generation of electric energy based on gas turbine engines TEG-65
Currently, issues of energy conservation and energy efficiency occupy a leading position in modern energy. As we know the energy efficiency of modern steam turbines is small enough. Efficiency of modern steam turbines does not exceed 30%. The most promising is the development of electric energy in combined cycle with the use of parogazoturbinnyh plants. Efficiency of such installations can be about 60%...
2. The extent of implementation of PSU and the GAC in the medium term
Recently utilities have shown increased interest in introducing progressive - steam and gas turbine - electric power generation technologies...
3. Steam-and-gas installation
Installation of steam - power generating station, which provides for the production of heat and electricity...
source: wikipedia
4. Steam turbine
Steam turbine - first steam engine to the rotational movement of the working body - a rotor and a continuous working process...
sources: Лосев С. М., Паровые турбины и конденсационные устройства. Теория, конструкции и эксплуатация, 10 изд., М. — Л., 1964;
Щегляев А. В., Паровые турбины. Теория теплового процесса и конструкции турбин, 4 изд., М. — Л., 1967.
5. RES
The use of secondary energy sources (RES) can provide greater fuel economy...
6. Energy gas turbine plant, which uses heat from the gas foundry
The problem of improving the environmental performance of enterprises of metallurgical industry seeks to find ways of recycling heat from entering the gas mixture at a temperature of 1073 ... 1023 K and the content of particulate matter...
Осипов М.И., Моляков В.Д., Тумашев Р.З., Иванов В.Л., МГТУим. Н.Э. Баумана, Москва, Россия
Красный Б.Л., Тарасовский В.П., НТЦ «Бакор», г. Щербинка Московской области, Россия