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Магістр ДОННТУ Юденков Євген Михайлович

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Магістр ДОННТУ Юденков Євген МихайловичYudenkov Ievgen

Faculty: Physical-metallurgical

Specialization: Electrometallurgy of steel and ferroalloys

Speciality: metallurgy of ferrous metals

Master's work theme:

The research of foaming influence on nitrogen behavior during the smelt in EAF (electric arc furnace)

Research manager: Korzun Ievgen Ph.D

Middle mark in the period of teaching in an university - 4.7. In a scope, that is sufficient for reading and correspondence, speak English. I have skills of computer at the standart of user. I have an experience in the environment of Mathcad, STATISTICA, COMPASS-3D, by an application of Microsoft Office package. I take a great interest in sports, especially football.


I, Yudenkov Ievgen Mikhailovich, was born in June, 14, 1987 in Enakievo, Donetsk region.

In September, 1, 1994 entered first form of school 11. In a fifth form, I entered musical school

In 1999 I changed school and entered school 25. At new school everything was other. I got in a friendly form I took part repeatedly in city olympiads, sports and athletics competition, actively participated in life of school. In senior forms I began have a lessons with tutor on mathematics. I played football in spare time.

In 2004 entered a Donetsk national technical university.

Student years were extreamly wonderful. On the second course I began to study economic speciality yet

I participated in All-Ukrainian conference of the advanced studies in Kramatorsk. My report was deserving and took 2 place. But I am not going to stop on these achievements. Now I'm driving away at my master's degree work.

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© Юденков Е. M.