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The abstract on a theme of final work
THE INTRODUCTIONModern development of network technologies has led to occurrence of some the alternative decisions actively used by consumers. As an example of such decisions modern technologies of wireless communication Bluetooth and Wi-Fi can serve. In spite of the fact that both these technologies are used, as has been told above, for the wireless communication organisation, between them there is a number of the important distinctions, first of all concerning areas of their application and hardware-software means necessary for their use.If to contemplate a problem of use of alternative network technologies from the point of view of the consumer without dependence from that technology to which it prefers at present, it is necessary to provide a certain degree of quality of service given by information service demanded to it.For the decision of this problem generally it is necessary to solve a number of the interconnected questions:• To define set of the network technologies which support will allow to capture most a wide range of users and to give them the fullest access to some service;• To establish borders of a scope of each technology separately and to define hardware-software means necessary for it;• To develop a technique which allows qualitatively and with the minimum expenses realise necessary mechanisms of support of diverse network technologies without dependence from type and complexity of information service.The urgency of a considered problem and necessity of the decision of the put questions are caused, first, by that that, the current condition of the market of network technologies shows the tendency to occurrence and development of various decisions which differ first of all with a scope, and, hence, and circle of their users. Secondly, it is necessary to consider that level of integration of polytypic digital devices grows, therefore for the consumer presence of possibility of use of information service without dependence from further will be more and more desirable what device (and as consequence, and which network technology) it uses at present.The work purpose is development of the approach which will allow to create new or to modernise already existing information services for the purpose of expansion of a circle of their users, at the expense of fuller coverage of set of diverse network technologies used by them.Object of research of the given work of the master are modern information systems and methods of their construction, and an object of research are methods of construction of the multilevel information systems providing interaction with a wide range of users by means of support of various interfaces.In the course of a writing of the given work following methods of research were used: the comparative analysis of the most widespread network technologies, for the purpose of definition of area of their application and hardware-software means necessary for it; the object-oriented analysis for revealing of the important elements of architecture of information system which supports plural interfaces of access.Scientific novelty of a technique offered in given work consists in research and development of modern approaches to designing of information systems in the field of their interaction with the consumers using the polytypic equipment and various network technologies. In turn practical value of the given work consists that use of the technique offered in its frameworks allows to develop and realise the information system providing granting of one or several information services to a wide range of users at the expense of realisation of necessary quantity of various and is mutual-independent mechanisms of interaction with them.Practical use of results which have been received in the course of a writing of the given work, consists in working out and realisation of a prototype of information service "Schedule" which can be used within the limits of university ability to live.According to a considered problematics it is possible to allocate following adjacent subjects which have demanded research in the course of a writing of the given work:• Network technologies – processes of interaction of the user considered within the limits of given work and information system are based on knowledge of some modern network technologies, therefore studying of the given subjects is necessary for understanding of the problems solved in given work;• Architecture and methods of construction of information systems – necessity for research of the given subjects has arisen in connection with requirement for revealing of the basic tendencies, the standard methods and practical operating time in the field of working out and realisation of modern information systems;• The object-oriented analysis and designing – at the heart of an offered technique the assumption of necessity of use of an object-oriented paradigm as a basis is necessary by working out of modern systems, therefore detailed studying of the given subjects is necessary aspect of understanding and use of the offered technique.
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