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Christina LarionovaAutobiography Abstract Library Report of search Individual task |
Faculty: Computers and Information Science Speciality: Computer Ecology-Economic Monitoring Department: Monitoring Computer Systems Theme of master's work: on the base of linguistic resources in computer texts Scientific supervisor: Ph.D Nataliya Y. Gubenko |
The specialized sites, servers, portals | |||||
Thematic sites and portals links
1. Information about the linguistic steganography performed research, improvements in this area and beyond. 2. A site dedicated digital methods of information protection, encryption and decryption algorithms, and software products in this scientific area. 3. A site dedicated about steganography - the hidden science of transmitting information by preserving the secrecy transfer. Various information which is already known for the development, algorithms and methods of concealing data. 4. Modern methods of ensuring security through steganografic algorithms according to the scientist Bikenin. 5. Perimetrix Secret Documents Lifecycle Publication date: 22.02.2008 Company Perimetrix informed about innovations in the area of information security: prospects, advantages and disadvantages, as well as the further development and are already available. 6. FORUM "Ekho Moskvy" Information from first-hand, the various facts from the professionals and amateurs. Here, share experiences, talk about their achievements and asked Council. 7. WWW-server VINITI - a huge library of various publications which are freely available. 8. SECRET DOCUMENTS LIFECYCLE!" The development a new generation of technologies to protect corporate secrets from the company Perimetrix: advantages, disadvantages, preimuschestvai prospects. 9. Steganography and stegoanalyze.
10. A review of known cryptographic algorithms: principles, examples of implementation, applications. 11. Program realization cryptographic algorithms: results of the work, the advantages, disadvantages. 12.,lxqol!grjuwoys: Information about the existing and the most common cryptographic algorithms and their software implementation, the principle of operation, the area of application. 13. Information security by hiding data using the cryptographic algorithms. Theory and practice, the application and implementation. 14. Collection of articles the concealing data science - cryptography. 15. Information about the existing and the most common cryptographic algorithms and their software implementation, the principle of operation, the area of application. 16. Concealing information through steganografic algorithms and digital watermarks. Algorithms description, principles of action, examples of implementation. 17. A site dedicated to steganography - the hidden science of transmitting information by preserving the secrecy of the transfer. Various information is already known for the development, algorithms and methods of concealing data. 18. Study synonymous and identification of a synonymous English Dictionary. The concept of a synonym. Options, the value of the synonyms in the language. The grouping of words and phrases, which is systemic in nature. Identify values synonymous funds. Principles of synonymous dictionaries of English. Activities. Bilingual. 19. The database of electronic dictionaries Russian language in a variety of subjects: Russian grammar, a brief Russian grammar, V.V. Vinogradov History keywords, V.V. Vinogradov "Russian Language" Bibliographic Index of literature on linguistics, Bibliographic Index of literature on Russian linguistics, and many others. 20. The explanatory dictionaries and specialized dictionaries that include the terms of jurisprudence, psychology, medicine and philosophy. 21. A compilation of dictionaries and encyclopedias on various subjects and directions, headings of knowledge and dostotochny amount of words. 22. Free library Wikipedia. A huge collection of interesting articles, papers, bibliographies and etc. 23." The team of professional translators «LINGVOSTAR» Case sets out the understanding of synonymy in English, its characteristics and differences. 24. L. KH. Kuharevich. Training materials. Stylistics of Russian language. Lesson 10. Wealth synonymous tools of Russian language. 25. N.S. Valgina , D.E. Rosenthal, M.I. Fomina Modern Russian Language. The book contains all the sections modern Russian language course : the vocabulary and rhetoric, phonetics, phonology and pronunciation. graphics and spelling, word, morphology, syntax and punctuation. In preparing this edition takes into account developments in the field of Russian language in the last 15 years. In contrast to the fifth edition (Moscow: Higher School, 1987) in the textbook includes material covering the active processes in the modern Russian language, supplemented by a list of ways to word. marked trend in the use of grammatical number, type and case, took into account changes in the syntax. 26. Z.YE. Alexandrova Dictionary of Synonyms Russian Language: A Practical Guide The dictionary contains about 11 000 synonymous series words and phrases, identical or similar value. The dictionary tells the reader how to avoid a repetition of the same word in the text than it can be replaced. In many states a synonym for their compatibility and stylistic identity. This edition is a 11-m, revised and enlarged edition. 27. The encryption intelligent search engines information : principles, advantages, disadvantages, the prospects for development. 28. System of agreed vocabularies. Some examples of universal semantic encoding and perevoda.Sravnenie with the usual machine translation. 29. Description of emerging and existing techniques for hiding and encrypting information in various media: DWM, audio, video, images, text, etc. 30. Steganografic techniques, principles of operation of certain algorithms, the advantages and disadvantages of development of computer steganography. 31. Software products in the area of computer steganography: algorithms, advantages, disadvantages, and significant differences between them. 32. Steganografic tools use to encode and decode information. The various planned developments in this area. 33. Digital library of concealing data science information - steganography. 34. Methods of concealing inforormation in the texts: the advantages and disadvantages, an analysis of existing and emerging theoretical description of algorithms, as well as their analysis and comparison between them. 35. Description steganografic attacks. Description and analysis. The principle of the impact and remedies. 36. The most common steganografic algorithms and their software implementation. 37. The developed software products of computer steganography: description, analysis, comparison, characteristics. 38. Freely available steganografic programs : the description and the required characteristics. 39. Computer steganography tools. Application of the results, further improvements and development prospects. 40. Sufficient information on the science steganography: methods, algorithms, properties, development, advantages and disadvantages, and comparative analysis of characteristics.
Links of Masters DonNTU abstracts
41. Autor: Andrey Khotov
Scientific supervisor:N.Ye. Gubenko
42. Autor: John Mikhaylyuk
Scientific supervisor:N.Ye. Gubenko
43. Autor: Alina Gidkikh
Scientific supervisor:V.I. Kostin
The sites devoted to programming language Borland C++ Builder
44. Viktor Aleksankin, Nataliya Elmanova. Computer-Press, 1997, N 4. Started in Borland C++ Builder 45. Tutorial of C++ Builder 46. Computer technology. Information on existing programming languages: description of the principles and applications. 47. The collection of books C++ in the development of C++ Builder. 48. COD::NET
49. Description of the files structures in C++ Builder. A site dedicated to C++ Builder: source principles programming, data types and etc. 51. Description of a new C++ Builder 2009: comparative features and improvements. |
© Ch. Larionova 2009 |