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Christina LarionovaAutobiography Abstract Links list Report of search Individual task |
Faculty: Computers and Information Science Speciality: Computer Ecology-Economic Monitoring Department: Monitoring Computer Systems Theme of master's work: on the base of linguistic resources in computer texts Scientific supervisor: Ph.D Nataliya Y. Gubenko |
Own publications | ||||||
I International scientific-technical conference of young scientists and students "Computer monitoring and information technology" (CMIT -2005) DonNTU 2005 Abstract. This article discusses the possibility of lower environmental pollution through the construction of residential house cleaner. This paper explains the principle of ecological design, development and future prospects available similar structure at this time . 2. ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОГО ТЕСТИРОВАНИЯ В ЭЛЕКТРОННОМ УЧЕБНИКЕ «ЭКОЛОГИЯ» (рус) ORGANIZATION OF PEDAGOGICAL TESTING IN ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOK «ECOLOGY» (eng) Author: Ch.Ye. Larionova, A.V. Gritsenko, N.Ye. Gubenko
III International scientific-technical conference of young scientists and students "Informatic and computer technology" DonNTU 2007 Abstract. This article discusses the pedagogical testing methods, which is already used in the educational electronic book "Ecology". This product is made using a graphical package Macromedia Flash Professional v8.0 and programming language Action Script 2.0. 3. ІНВЕСТИЦІЙНА ЕФЕКТИВНІСТЬ В ЕКОЛОГІЧНОМУ БУДІВНИЦТВІ (укр) INVESTMENT EFFICIENCY IN ECOLOGICAL BUILDING (eng) Author: Ch.Ye. Larionova, A.Yu. Makeyev
International Economic Forum of students and professionals "Challenges transition economy: the experience of Ukraine and Poland" Kyiv 2007 Abstract. This article discusses the investment effectiveness of the ecological construction "at the national and international level. There are charts and graphs of return and the prospects of the project. The basic principles of ecological design and the existing examples. 4. СИСТЕМА ВНЕДРЕНИЯ ЦВЗ В ГРАФИЧЕСКИЕ ФАЙЛЫ НА ОСНОВЕ МЕТОДА КАРТЕРА (рус) SYSTEM OF IMPLEMENTATION OF DWM IN IMAGES BASED ON CARTER METHOD (eng) Author: Ch.Ye. Larionova, N.Ye. Gubenko
IV International scientific-technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Informatic and computer technology" DonNTU 2008 Abstract. This article discusses the principle of embedding DWM in graphics files, using the method of Carter. The main concepts and presents the own algorithm, which is an improvement already. Examples of use and flowcharts, visualized schematically the principle of action. Author: Ch.Ye. Larionova, N.Ye. Gubenko
IV International scientific-technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Computer monitoring and information technology" (CMIT-2008) DonNTU 2008 Abstract. This article describes the method of stochastic modulation applied to image files. There are the principle of embedding information on the basis above method. Present the advantages and disadvantages, and analyzed with other methods and ways to embed information. 6. ИСТОРИЯ ЗАЩИТЫ ИНФОРМАЦИИ ИЛИ СКРЫТЫЕ ПОСЛАНИЯ В ЭПОХУ ВЫСОКИХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ (рус) HISTORY OF INFORMATION PROTECTION OR HIDDEN MESSAGE IN AN ERA OF HIGH TECHNOLOGY (eng) Author: Ch.Ye. Larionova, A.Yu. Makeyev
VIII International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "World of youth - young people around the world" Vinnica 2008 Abstract. Information security problems have preserved its actuality. This article contains interesting preliminary results of searches for student research work in the protection of secret information. 7. КОМПЬЮТЕРНАЯ СТЕГАНОГРАФИЯ. ВНЕДРЕНИЕ ИНФОРМАЦИИ ПО СРЕДСТВАМ ГРАФИЧЕСКИХ ФАЙЛОВ (рус) COMPUTER STEGANOGRAPHY. INFORMATION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION TOOLS GRAPHIC (eng) Author: Ch.Ye. Larionova, N.Ye. Gubenko
IV International scientific-technical conference of young scientists and students "Informatic and computer technology" DonNTU 2008 Abstract. This article discusses various methods of embedding information in images. Description an algorithm and examples of implementation. 8. ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ОБЩЕНИЯ – СООТНОШЕНИЕ ВЕРБАЛЬНОГО И НЕВЕРБАЛЬНОГО (рус) PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF COMMUNICATION – CORRELATION OF VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL (eng) Author: Ch.Ye. Larionova, A.Yu. Makeyev
VIII International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "World of youth - young people around the world" Vinnica 2008 Abstract. This article describes the basic methods of human communication: verbal and nonverbal. This scientific area is vast and constantly evolving, because of the main points certain human actions definition by studying their gestures, facial expressions and attitudes. Author: Ch.Ye. Larionova, N.Ye. Gubenko
XII Ukrainian (VII International) Student Research Conference of Applied Mathematics and Informatics SNCAМІ – 2009 Lvov 2009 Abstract. This article describes the method of stochastic modulation applied to image files. A principle of encryption is based on the method outlined. Presented advantages and disadvantages, and analyzed with other methods and ways of encoding information. 10. МЕТОД КОДИРОВАНИЯ ПРОИЗВОЛЬНОЙ ДВОИЧНОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ НА ОСНОВЕ ЛИНГВИСТИЧЕСКИХ РЕСУРСОВ (рус) Author: Ch.Ye.Larionova, N.Ye. Gubenko
V International scientific-technical conference of young scientists and students "Computer monitoring and information technology" (CMIT-2009) DonNTU 2009 Abstract. This article presents the algorithm for encoding information in the text with a variety of linguistic resources. This method is based on replacing them synonymous with the preservation of the original content of "conversation". 11. КОНЦЕПЦИЯ ФИЛОСОФИИ НАУКИ Т.КУНА (рус) Author: Ch.Ye. Larionova, L.A. Alekseyeva
DonNTU 2009 Abstract. This article sets out the vision of philosophy of science according of Thomas Kun - American historian and philosopher of science, which believed that scientific knowledge is developing step by scientific revolutions. Any test is meaningful only within a certain paradigm, a historically established system of beliefs. The scientific revolution - this is a change of the scientific community mental paradigms. 12. МОИ СУЖДЕНИЯ, МОИ МНЕНИЯ И МОИ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ НА ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ИНОСТРАННЫХ ЯЗЫКОВ (рус) Author: Ch.Ye.Larionova, G.G. Levchenko
DonNTU 2009 Abstract. This work - summary of public speaking course. It sets the general framework of our speech, of my views, my opinions and recommendations for the foreign languages study . I hope, it be interesting not only for the university, but also to humans. 13. СТЕГАНОГРАФИЧЕСКИЕ СИСТЕМЫ, ОСНОВАННЫЕ НА ЛЕКСИЧЕСКИ ЕСТЕСТВЕННЫХ ЯЗЫКАХ (рус) Lexical Natural Language Steganography Systems with Human Interaction (eng) Authors: Brecht Wyseur, Karel Wouters, Bart Preneel
Author of translate: Ch.Ye. Larionova Abstract. This paper describes an implementation for linguistic steganography based on word substitution over an IRC channel.A typical problem with linguistic steganography is that it is difficult to pay attention to the semantic cohesion of the result. If automated, sentences can be ripped out of context or appear unnatural. Therefore, we propose asolution that involves human interaction with the steganographicengine. This results in sentences that fit perfectly into the context of the IRC conversation. To provide a continuous flow of parts of the message to be transferred, it is encrypted withastream cipherwhile it is embedded. A challenging aspect ofthis workis the generation of the word substitution table based on a session (stego)key. This is because an acceptable number of synonyms must be available for each word such that the interacting user is able to choose synonyms that produce a credible sentence that fits into the context. As we are dealing with an IRC channelthough, spelling errors and abbreviations can be introduced to generate more alternatives. We also indicate how our implementation is related to other steganographic systems, such as automated linguistic steganography systems. Source: |
Specialized articles | ||||||
14. Два метода синонимического перефразирования в лингвистической стеганографии Author: J. A. Bolshakov Center for Computer Science Institute Polytechnic National (IPN) Mexico, 07738, Mexico City Abstract. This paper proposed two methods of linguistic steganography based on replacement synonyms and retain the sense of carrying the text. Provided steganografic density in each method is close to 1/200. they can be applied simultaneously, then these figures are added, because the methods are based on almost independent phenomena, . Source: 15. Разработана эффективная система стеганографии через чат Date of publication: 10.12.2007 Article in the magazine “Information Security” Abstract. This article analyzed the methods of information protection, the existing algorithms for encryption and decryption, consider advantages, disadvantages and future prospects. Source:
16. Большой электронный словарь словосочетаний и семантических связей в русском языке Author: J. A. Bolshakov Institute Polytechnic National (IPN), Mexico City (Mexico) Abstract. A large dictionary of Russian collocations and semantic links is developed. Its core is ca. 820,000 collocations of noun/adjective/verb/adverb/modifier, verb/complement, verb/subject, and noun/noun complement types. The user can access collocations from both their sides. The semantic links are of synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, meronymy, and semo-derivation types. The applications are text editing, study of Russian by foreigners, syntactic parse, word sense disambiguation, malapropism detection/correction, and linguo-steganography. Source: Author: J. A. Bolshakov Abstract. This article sets out the basis of linguistic steganography, the principle of coding. The main linguistic resources needed to implement a text encryption. Source: 18. Компьютерная лингвистика и перспективные информационные технологии Author: G.G. Belonogov, Yu.P. Kalinin, Alexander A. Khoroshylov, Aleksey A. Khoroshylov Abstract. We consider the linguistic and algorithmic problem of creating a system of automatic processing textual information. Particular attention is paid to the choice of language and speech, on the basis of which the linguistic process. We discuss ways to improve the machine translation and information retrieval systems in text databases. Source: 19. Автоматическое выявление видовых глагольных пар на базе корпуса глагольно-именных словосочетаний Author: И. А. Большаков Abstract. This article describes methods automatically identifying species of verb pairs Russian language. The main program takes input a large corpus of combinations of nouns, verbs with administering supplements. Studied the frequency of different morphological tools in the formation of one species from another. Source: 20. Рубрикация словосочетаний в базах данных по элементам толкования сочетаемых слов Author: J. A. Bolshakov Abstract. This paper describes a method of classification and headings attributive phrases in the language of large databases. Contents based on elements of the interpretation of words within the phrase. Demonstrated the universality emerging rubrics, both within one language, and between different languages. Source: 21. Стеганография - искусство пряток Date of publication: 03.07.2003 Abstract. This article is about steganography: methods, principles, algorithms and relevance of science. Also, attention is paid to practical applications. Source: 22. Криптографические системы: теоретические основы, принципы построения и перспективы Authors: A.T. Aliev, D.V. Sergeev Russia, Rostov-na-Donu, FGNU Research Institute "Spetsvuzavtomatika" Abstract. This article describes the basic cryptographic and steganografic system. Based on the strong theoretical basis are the principles of construction of such systems and prospects for further development of this science area. Source: 23. Средства информационного поиска и навигация в больших массивах неструктурированной информации Author: Yu.V. Lipinskiy Abstract. This article describes the means of information retrieval in large arrays unstructured data that is now crucial working with the Internet. We describe the methods of navigation, and detailed development prospects. Source: |
© Ch. Larionova 2009 |
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