I went to school in the age of seven. By that time I have learned to read, write and count, that I learned from my older brother. After the first tests in my life I went to the class that as specialized in math and English.
I studied well. My marks and behavior at school were always a pleasure to get to know for my parents. Studying and training a lot I almost didn’t have my free time, so that was the reason why I gave up gymnastics in the future.
The rest of my free time I spend in the dancing school training and participating in the competitions. I did what I really liked. It was great for me to reach those wins and awards. Nevertheless studies were always important for me. I liked sciences at school. I liked to solve math tasks of any kind.
Starting from the 9th class i decided to give all my time for studying. That’s why I had to give up dancing as well. I studied well taking part in competitions at school. Then I realized that it’s not always we must study, it is also interesting.