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Pilipenko Dmitriy
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«Grounding and researching structure of the electronic system checking cut-in oxygen aerotank of cleansing buildings»I General characteristics
Relevance of research topics. The situation with the natural reserves of water in Ukraine is very complicated.
Donetsk region is located in the penultimate place among the regions of Ukraine on
water resources. Relationship of academic programs, plans, themes. These studies relate to the plan of «Dongorvodokanala» for reconstruction and development of Donetsk treatment facilities and introduction of advanced monitoring systems. The degree of scientific development problems.
Researching in technology in wastewater treatment since the inception of the first urban sewage and wastewater treatment plants in England. The most significant development in wastewater treatment plants is the use of pneumatic aeration in the presence of different kinds
microorganisms for biological purification of waste water.
Object of the researching. The object of the researching is the phase of biological wastewater treatment in airtank for urban wastewater treatment plants. Item of the researching. The item of the researching is the distribution of dissolved oxygen in the airtank. The target and tasks
of the researching. The target of the researching is
grounding and researching structure of the electronic system checking cut-in oxygen
airtank of cleansing buildings for äëÿ optimization of energy costs.
The main tasks of the researching are: Theoretical sources and methodological basis of research. The theoretical basis for research is the useing of several models of gas exchange: -Model of stationary diffusion.
As a basis for analysis of the transport model of cotton with a homogeneous spherical structure surrounded by a diffusion layer. In this model
we can formulate the problem fixed diffusion and inconsistent diffusion of one or multiple reagents.
Scientific novelty of the results of research. Scientific novelty lies in bringing together disparate models into a single mathematical model describing the spatial distribution of dissolved oxygen in airtank. The theoretical and practical significance of the research. The results can be applied to wastewater treatment plants to optimize energy consumption, monitoring and managing performance of compressor stations, increasing the economic efficiency of the treatment facilities. Publications. 2. Automatic control of compressor station sewage plants. Lupinos Î., Pilipenko D., Fedyun R. Fulltext publication presented in this site at section "Library". II Main contentModern sewage treatment plants implemented stage biological treatment for the release of clarified water from the mineral and organic pollutants that are suspended, colloidal and dissolved state. The technological scheme of wastewater treatment plants is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. The technological scheme of the wastewater treatment facilities. Flash—animation, 16 frames, 5,84kb, infinite repeat The main difficulty is in the work of treatment facilities needed in a constantly changing environment of their operation. The work must be based on a model of the biological treatment plant and maintain a continuous calculation of complex technological parameters and to predict the behavior of the system.
The decisive factor in the treatment plants is control of the concentration dissolved oxygen in airtank. The normalized value of the oxygen concentration is 2mg / l in any point airtank. For objective analysis of the oxygenation is necessary to take design of airation systems and processes of mass transfer in cross—section airtank and its length. Oxygenation occurs during the air bubbles rise to the surface. Task is to create models airtank and establish the laws of distribution oxygen in the spatial coordinates. Researching model is necessary to determine effective locations for sensors of dissolved oxygen. Airtank is a reactor for carrying out the biochemical process oxidation of impurities. For the calculation of the reactor it is necessary to have data on the kinetics elementary act of bio oxidation and know the nature of fluid motion in a reactor. To simulate the majority designs suitable flow reactor of ideal displacement. There is no mixing (diffusion) along the stream and the liquid passes through the apparatus compact mass. Length of stay in the reactor is equal for all its components. In the reactor of the liquid changes the length of reactor. The material balance for the reacting substance is necessary for a basic content ΔV (Figure 2).
Figure 2— Equation of material balance reactor of ideal displacement. Flash-animation, 3 frames, 2,24kb, infinite repeat Consider a simple reactor, which is located at a distance x from the entrance of reactor. If the concentration of reagent at the inlet and outlet of the elementary
content ΔV equal respectively L(x) and L(x+Δx),
it is clear for the time Δt→0 and Δx→0
mass of the reagent is changed to value
To research processes of contamination need to know the medium mixing intensity of the reactor. The best indicator would be the local velocity of fluid flow relative to the center of its rotation. On Figure 3 is represented the cross section airtank and flow of liquid.
Figure 3— Flow of liquid in the section airtank. Flash-animation, 5 frames, 7,85kb, infinite repeat Rotational moment creates an ascending gas stream from the tube. Consumption of liquid able to calculate the expression
where Vï —air flow; H—depth. After diffirentiation get the value of the linear velocity of ascending flow Vmax . As a first approximation, the center of rotation is the intersection of the diagonals airtank (point 0). To determine the velocity of flow in any part of the section at a distance r, you can use the expression
where Analysis model of mass transfer processes and allow gas helps to justify points of control parameters and evaluate the quality work of airtanks. It will reduce the amount complex of technical equipment, increase its informativeness. The volume and composition of sewage varies continuously, depending on time of day, the operational control of the work airtank can reduce energy consumption and improve the quality of effluent. After the phase of establishing points for sensors of dissolved oxygen
we needed electronic information collection and analysis. Electronic system must perform the following
functions: Restructuring scheme illustrated on Figure 4. Figure 4— Block diagram of electronic system Legend: Consider the principle operation of the scheme. DC is constantly monitors readings of sensors, dissolved oxygen concentration (D) and stores the last results in his own memory. In view of considerable length of airtanks, provides the installation of DC for each airtank. By a certain time interval interface transfer (IT) will examine all the DC and receive data from it. Data will be transmitted to the radio gateway (RG ) for wireless transmission in the laboratory complex and the dispatcher in the compressor station. Radio gateway needed to monitor and allocate resources of the radio channel, to conduct indetification and addressing data. Set in a laboratory complex personal computer (PC) is required to operate the software (SW) system and work with the database (DB ). Manager compressor station must know the current concentration of dissolved oxygen in airtank for a controlling influence on compressor units.
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