Master Pilipenko D. Баннер

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Pilipenko Dmitriy

Faculty of computer information technologies and automation
Cathedra electronic technique
Speciality: Electronic systems
Theme of master`s work: Grounding and researching structure of the electronic system checking of cut-in oxygen aerotank of cleansing buildings
Scientific adviser: Korenev Valentin
RU  UA  EN   



Own publications

1.Design of dynamic processes bioscrubbing of sewages on cleansing buildings [in russian]
Authors: Pilipenko D. Korenev V.
Description: Collection materials of 4th international scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and youths scientists  «Information and computer technologies», 25-27 November, 2008, DonNTU, Donetsk.
Source: Інформатика та комп'ютерні технології — 2008 / Матеріали 4 науково-технічної конференції студентів аспірантів та молодих учених — 25-27 листопада 2008,ДонНТУ, Донецьк — 2008 — 530с.; с іл.

2.Automatic control of compressor station on cleansing buildings [in russian]

Authors: Lupinos О., Pilipenko D., Fedyun R.
Description: The article considers possible methods for control of compressor station treatment plants to make effective use of electricity.
Source: Article prepared for publication in scientific collection of faculty CITA Donetsk National Technical University in 2009.

Thematic articles

3. Management system «airtank — secondary sump» [in russian]
Authors: О.Kurnilovich, О Kolesnichenko, engineers(PUVKH ,  Krivoy Rog)
Description: The article examines the approaches to the calculation of supply air to airtank
Source: Water and Sanitary Engineering.1995. № 12

4. Kinetics of transport oxygen in the air pneumatic aeration of natural and waste water [in russian]

Authors: B. Grishin, С. Andreev, Т. Malutina
Description: Article with detailed mathematical calculations of kinetics gas exchange in airtank.
Source: Penza State University of Architecture and Construction

5. New sewage treatment facilities.  [in russian]
Authors: К. Tavashtein, А. Elov, В. Bazenov
Description: This  article is about construction of wastewater treatment plants in Electrostal Noginsk district of Moscow region on 30 000 m3/day: experience of design and mathematical modeling of wastewater treatment plants, based on European technology of wastewater treatment and application of modern and energy-efficient technology mathematical calculations on kinetics of gas exchange in airtank.

6. Processes and equipment protection hydrosphere: Tutorial.  [in russian]
Authors: Vetoshkin G.
Description: This  article is about processes and apparatus of technology and equipment for the protection of the hydrosphere of liquid discharges, using various methods and techniques: mechanical, chemical, physical, biological. The basic design of vehicles, plant and waste water from the suspended and dissolved impurities. There are methods of calculation used in wastewater treatment apparatus, the main technological and structural parameters of septic tanks, filters, floatators, adsorbers, electrolyzers, extractors, rectification plants airtank and filters.
Source: Penza State University  

7. Abstract of thesis grace candidate of technical sciences.  «Grounding and design methods of operation biological wastewater treatment plants, using waste products and sorbents for environmental safety» [in russian]
Authors: Sherbinin А.
Description: This work was done in the Tomsk State Architectural — Building University. The work performes theoretical and experimental studies developed by the technological and technical solutions to significantly improve the efficiency of water protection from pollution of domestic waste waters.
Source: Томsk State  Architectural — Building University  

8. Methods of treatment urban waste water from nutrients. [in russian]
Authors: Е. Krychihin, А. Nikolaev, Н. Zhilnikova, Н. Bolshakov
Source: Magazine «Водоочистка"» №1 2007 с.30-34.
Description: The relevance of the problem disposal of sewage nitrogen and phosphorus due to increasing degree of eutrophication of surface waters, which largely determines the ecological situation both in Russia and abroad. The article considers the methods of chemical deposition of phosphate, biological treatment of phosphorus and a combination of chemical deposition of biological treatment of phosphorus.

9. «The problems of adopting the theory of torsion fields in modern science». [in russian]
Authors: Pilipenko D. Rovnyakov O. Fedosov A.
Source: The article was not published in a compendium of philosophy scientific conference in the Donetsk National Technical University in 2006.
Description: Students' academic work in philosophy deals with the emergence and development of the pseudo science of «torsion fields». The main provisions of the «science» and the refutation of the existence of these «torsion fields». 



10. Water Quality Sensors FAQ. [in russian]

Authors: Hach Environmental Company
Source: Site of Hach Environmental Company
Description: Advanced sensor designs and technologies give you high-quality data that you can trust. Hydrolab’s sensors are the key to the value we provide – reliable data, long life, and simple maintenance result in the lowest possible operating costs for you. In addition, all of these features are backed by our sensor warranties, which are the best in the industry.

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