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Pilipenko Dmitriy
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LinksMeasuring instruments1. Galvanic sensors DC series. The site contains information about products of the company "IONSOVT ". We present the technical characteristics of sensors, applications and schemes. http://www.insovt.ru [in russian] 2. General description of LDO sensor. This page will present design of luminescent dissolved oxygen sensor http://www.ecoinstrument.ru [in russian] 3. FAQ about LDO sensor. The site explains the principle of operation and the application of dissolved oxygen sensors. Website in English. http://www.hydrolab.com [in english] 4. Specifications of LDO sensor http://www.ecoinstrument.ru [in russian] 5. Newsletter LDO sensor. We can see visible appearance of the sensor, examples of use and operation. http://www.ecoinstrument.ru/pdf/LDO.pdf [in russian] 6. Lange newsletter LDO sensor. Newsletter of the advantages of using this type sensors in the industry. http://www.hyxo.ru/brochure/ldo_gb1.pdf [in russian] The theory of wastewater treatment7. The theoretical basis of technology of wastewater treatment and gas emissions. An excellent resource covering the analysis, forecasting and monitoring of treatment facilities. It is an assistant in writing of the work. http://www.gaps.tstu.ru/ [in russian] 8. Overview texnology of biological wastewater treatment. Review article of technology of "intermittent" airation, its advantages and disadvantages of technology. http://www.lekolux.ru/ [in russian] 9. Admission of oxygen into the water. Article is about mechanism of gas exenge in the reservoir. http://msd.com.ua [in russian] 10. Patent for automatic airtank. The invention relates to environmental protection. System controls an average concentration of dissolved oxygen in the system of airtanks. http://www.ntpo.com [in russian] 11. Biological wastewater treatment. Моsin О. This article considers stage of the treatment of urban wastewater in airtanks. http://www.gaudeamus.omskcity.com [in russian] 12. Increasing efficiency of water supply and rural sanitation facilities. Grafova E. Manuscript. Abstract is abput problems of rural water supply and sanitation facilities. http://www.spbgasu.ru [in russian] 13. EVALUATION OF EFFECTIVENESS OF SELECTED LINKS CLEARANCE. В.Krasnikov. This work coveres issues of poor performance of water treatment plants, dealing with the causes problems in technological parts. http://vodovedy.ru/Effect.doc [in russian] 14. Stand-alone sewer systems. Theory and practice. Ratnikov A. Article is about autonomous sewerage through reactors bioseptiks. We consider the planning and implementation of individual sewage treatment systems in private homes. http://www.abok.ru [in russian] 15. Useing household waste water for agriculture. Ratnikov A. Useing household waste water in agriculture, especially in countries with dry climates. This saves water, mineral and organic fertilizers to increase food production. http://biostroy.com [in russian] 16. Features of water and sewerage areas of citizens' horticultural associations. Ratnikov A. This article discusses the legal issues arrangement of water in the citizens' horticultural associations. http://biostroy.com [in russian] 17. Work of cleaning stations in San Diego. Gergardt Ivan. An example of effective use of treatment facilities is wastewater treatment in San Diego (City of San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater Department, MWWD) http://www.gerhardt.com.ua [in russian] 18. Wastewater. Chebakova. I. There is information of waste water treatment industry from suspended particles of organic and inorganic contaminants from the use of physical and chemical methods. Methods of calculation and design of treatment. http://wowkolak.narod.ru. [in russian] 19. Geoecology for builders. Geoecological consider issues related to the characteristics of technology operation of treatment plants. http://edu.pgtu.ru [in russian] 20. Air airation wastewater. This article considers the low-airation system "INCA", its weaknesses and prospects for development. http://engineeringsystems.ru [in russian] 21. Disposal of industrial waste. Palgunov P. This article considers sources of industrial waste, their classification, describes modern methods and equipment used in the USSR. http://www.galvanicrus.ru [in russian] Related works22. The treatment facilities of towns on river Dniepr Republic of Belarus. Report of wastewater treatment plants in the Republic of Belarus with biochemical indicators http://www.dnipro-gef.net [in russian] 23. Group of companies "Ekopolimer". Company «Ekopolimer» covers the large spectrum of engineering and construction services for water and sanitation. http://www.ecopolymer.com [in russian] 24. Modern systems of aeration.
On this site you can see reconstructed airtank with disc airators. [in
russian] 26. Experience of introduction integrated automation of water and sanitation . There were several interesting reports of automation economic-managerial tasks, automatic system of accident prevention at facilities with the uses chlorine. [in russian] 27. New sewage treatment facilities in Electrostal. Experience of design and mathematical modeling of wastewater treatment plants, based on European technology of wastewater treatment and application of modern technology and energy-efficient equipment. Article is about successful application of advanced technologies for wastewater treatment plants. http://www.petroplanpro.spb.ru/newwwtp.pdf [in russian] 28. Processes and equipment protection hydrosphere: Tutorial. This article is about processes and apparatus of technology and equipment for the protection of the hydrosphere of liquid discharges, using various methods and techniques: mechanical, chemical, physical, biological. The basic design of vehicles, plant and waste water from the suspended and dissolved impurities. There are methods of calculation used in wastewater treatment apparatus, the main technological and structural parameters of septic tanks, filters, floatators, adsorbers, electrolyzers, extractors, rectification plants airtank and filters. http://window.edu.ru [in russian] 29. Abstract. "Grounding and design methods of operation biological wastewater treatment plants, using waste products and sorbents for environmental safety"
Sherbinin А. This work was done in the Tomsk State Architectural —
Building University. The work performes theoretical and experimental studies developed by the technological and technical solutions to significantly improve the efficiency of water protection from pollution of domestic waste waters.
[in russian] 31. Development and implementation mobile station of deep cleaning industrial and municipal wastewater. The main features of this technology is pooling biological oxidation and removal of biogenic compounds in a single reactor. http://www.ocmo.ru [in russian] 32. Abstracts of the conference "Technology — 2005". Reports of students Technological Institute of East-Ukrainian National University and other institutions. http://www.sti.lg.ua [in russian] 33. Composition and properties of sewage sludge. Grevchev Н. Moskalenko Е. Abstract Ural Mining decade 14-23 April 2008. s.247. This work examines composition of sewage sludge, measures for their separation. http://www.ursmu.ru [in russian] 34. Comparison classical models of airtank. Shmirina О. Simulation and data management systems for most important part airtank. http://www.ict.edu.ru/ [in russian] 35. Abstracts "Resource and energy-saving technologies in the chemical and petrochemical industry" Москва, РХТУ им. Д.И. Менделеева 11-12 октября 2006 г. Abstracts contains advanced scientific, technological and industrial development in the field of energy and resource saving technologies in the chemical, petrochemical and allied industries. Abstracts is intended for scientific, engineering and technical staff and postgraduate research institutes, universities, industrial enterprises. http://www1.muctr.edu.ru [in russian] 36. Complexation processes in the mechanism of toxic effect pollutants technogenic origin. www.sevin.ru [in russian] 37. Model of the surface layers of liquid. Ipatov О. Sedov I. Baltic State Technical University. D. Ustinov. This report reviewed information of measuring system for determining parameters of moving fluid, which is used for identification of non-state network. System is used to diagnose the state of non-aggressive transportation network, varying the density and viscosity of liquid media with viscous and solid inclusions of different size. http://www.rtc.ru [in russian] 38. Simulation system motions of fluid and gas FlowVision. FlowVision is designed to simulate three-dimensional fluides and gases in the technical and natural sites. Modeling of flow include stationary and unsteady, compressible and incompressible flow of liquides and gases. http://www.sapr.ru [in russian] 39. Simulation motion of fluid . Article of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences of mathematical models of fluids. http://www.rae.ru [in russian] 40. Aslan Jafarov. Wastewater treatment plants of Volga sity. This work researches toxicity of wastewater. http://pages.marsu.ru [in russian] Other links41. Journal "Industrial automated control systems and controllers". The magazine is designed for industrial enterprises to build ACS. In its archives have been found useful articles on projects implementation of PCS in the wastewater treatment plants in Moscow. http://asucontrol.ru [in russian] 42. Journal «Water cleaning. Water prepearing. Water supply». Industrial enterprises are actively addressing environmental problems by adopting modern technology. http://www.teko-filter.ru/ [in russian] 43. Journal "Water cleaning" 2007. The magazine is a production-technical monthly telling readers about the news in area of clean water, changing regulatory environment, advertising platform and publisher of various articles and scientific papers. [in russian] 44. Journal "Mechanics of fluid and gas". Magazine researches mechanics of fluid and gas. http://fludyn.imec.msu.ru [in russian] 45. В. Berezin. Snakes attackes wastewater treatment plants. Article is about the terrible creatures out of the sewer. http://www.konstantinovka.com.ua [in russian] 46. Page of scientific supervisor Koreneva B. This page is located at the Donetsk National Technical University "Electronics". [in russian] 47. Lectures of hydraulic resistance. Lectures are necessary for understanding complexity flow of fluid and methods of mathematical analysis. http://gidravl.narod.ru [in russian] 48. Working programs of courses department of physical and colloid chemistry. Barnaul. 2003. Program and summary of the chemistry course in the Altai State University. http://www.chem.asu.ru/files/phys.pdf [in russian] 49. Electronic textbook of analog and digital circuitry. Textbook indispensable for studying most advanced science -electronics. It is responsible for the electronics of modern scientific and technological progress. [in russian] 50. "We make the water clean!" — it is slogan Mosvodokanal. "Mosvodokanal" — Russia's largest water company providing water and sewerage services to more than 13 million inhabitants of Moscow region. www.mosvodokanal.ru [in russian] |
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