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Student of Donetsk National Technical University Gubin Timur

              Gubin Timur

                         Faculty: Mechanical

     Speciality: «Technology of machine-building»

Theme of master's work: The upgrading machine details by the combined finishing-strength and blade treatment and substantiation report for rational conditions of it application

Scientific adviser: the associate professor, candidate of engineering sciences Ivchenko Tatjana

About author

Summary of master's degree work

Actuality of the work

        The reliability and longevity of the machines and machinery depend on the quality of the detail’s surfaced layers. It’s necessary to use that methods of the treatment to improve the fatigue strength and endurance, which in parallel with the improvement of detail’s surface microgeometry change the structure in the necessary direction, change physics-mechanical characteristics and strained condition of the surface layer.

        That’s why the questions about combination tool’s application, development and upgrading are still remains actual in modern machine building branch, because that treatment ensure the essential reduction of the labour-intensiveness due to combining the operations and the high quality of the detail’s surfaced layer.

Object of the work

        The object of the work — is the improvement of the surfaced layer’s quality and productivity of the detail’s treatment with the application of the combined treated sharpening and surface-plastic deformation by development of the methodology of the optimal parameter’s identification and combination tool’s constructions upgrading.

Scientific newness of the work

       The scientific newness consists in development of the methodology of the optimal parameter’s of the combined treated thin sharpening and diamond pressing. Also in the work solving the problem of choice of the optimal constructions tools for combined treated sharpening and for surface-plastic deformation, which are provides the best quality of the surfaced layer after treatment and the universality of the application.

Substantiation of the combined treatment rational parameters the thin sharpening and diamond pressing

       In combined treatment rational parameters the thin sharpening and diamond pressing the level of roughness Racomb calculates, considering that initial parameter for diamonds pressing is level of roughness, which taken by thin sharpening of the same surface with the same cutting speed and submission.

       The dependence graphs of the level of roughness Rа from the submission S on the thin sharpening Rаsh, pressing Rаpr (with the constant value of the initial roughness Rаini = const) and combined treatment Rаcomb presented on the fig. 1.

The dependence graphs of the level of roughness Rа from the submission S on the thin sharpening Rаsh, pressing Rаpr (the initial roughness Rаini = const) and combined treatment Rаcomb

Figure 1 - The dependence graphs of the level of roughness Rа from the submission S on the thin sharpening Rаsh, pressing Rаpr (the initial roughness Rаini = const) and combined treatment Rаcomb

       On the combined treatment the initial value of the roughness taken after the thin sharpening, that is initial roughness is changeable and reduce with the reducing of submission. Therefore, the level of roughness, formed as a result of the combined treatment is lower, than on the usual finishing-strength treatment by pressing, on conditions that Rаsh< Rаini. As a result, on the combined treatment for the same submissions the lesser roughness of the surfaced layer could be reached, than on the usual finishing-strength treatment. In that case, when Rаsh>Rаini, the parameter of roughness Rаcomb on the combined treatment is getting larger, than on the usual pressing, what should take to the point, when the treatment’s parameters are chose.

       The graphs of the two-parameter dependences of the roughness Rа from cutting speed V and submission S, which are presented in the fig. 2, let us to estimate the changing of the roughness in changing of the cutting’s modes on the combined treatment sharpening and pressing. By the lines of the level, on which values Rа are shown as the numbers, the correlation of the cutting speed and submission, which are meet the given values of the roughness, could be also set.

The graphs of the two-parameter dependences of the roughness Rа from cutting speed V and submission S in combined treatment

Figure 2 – The graphs of the two-parameter dependences of the roughness Rа from cutting speed V and submission S in combined treatment

The tool’s constructions for combined treatment by sharpening and pressing

       The most quantity of the combined tool’s constructions have been developed for combined treatment be cutting and surface-plastic deformation of the external cylindrical surfaces [9].

       The most simple scheme of such tool for combined treatment — is combination of usual cutter with ball or roller deforming element. Here the deforming element could be connected with cutting element strongly or elastic. The combined tool with the diamond presser, presented on the fig. 3, is most simple construction of such type [13].

The combined tool with the diamond presser

Figure 3 – The combined tool with the diamond presser

       In the holder 1 due to screws in rectangular slot the cutter 2 is fasten, and in holder’s threaded hole screwing the thread bushing 3 with the fixed diamond presser 5 inside of the bushing. The tightness of the deforming element created by screwing or unscrewing the bushing with diamond presser on the necessary size relative to the top of the cutter. There is the screw 4 for the fixation of the presser in the required condition.
The scheme of the combined tool’s work with the diamond presser (quantity of the frame – 27, the number of cycle’s reiteration – infinite, volume - 83.4 КВ)
Figure 4 – The scheme of the combined tool’s work with the diamond presser


       In the working process there was based the suitability of the application of the combined treatment thin sharpening and diamond pressing for tempered steel 45 by the identifications of the treatment’s optimal parameters, which provides the necessary level of the roughness of surfaced layer and burst performance. As a result there was a proof, that combined treatment provides the lesser level of roughness of the surface, than on the usual finishing-strength treatment. There is presented one of combined tool’s construction with the diamond presser in the work.

Bibliographic references

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    Автореферат магистерской работы Петряевой И.А. на тему: «Повышение качества обработки деталей машин с использованием комбинированных методов обработки» - Донецк, ДонНТУ, 2007.

    Автореферат магистерской работы Кузнецовой А.В. на тему: «Повышение эффективности обработки деталей машин с использованием современных инструментальных материалов» - Донецк, ДонНТУ, 2007.

    Автореферат магистерской работы Дубоделовой О.С. на тему: «Повышение качества обработки деталей машин с использованием методов поверхностно-пластического деформирования» - Донецк, ДонНТУ, 2005.

During the process of writing, the master’s work hasn’t completed yet. Final completion: December, 2009. The full text of work and materials on the theme could be received from the author or him scientific adviser after the indicated date.


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