Mechanical faculty |
Abstract |
T E C H N O L O G Y O F M A C H I N E B U I L D I N G |
Vaskovsky Anton NikolaevichFaculty: MechanicalSpeciality: Technology of machine buildingTheme of master's work:Improvement of the structural and technological support for processes of the shoulder-blades manufacturing for compressor gas-turbine engine under conditions of Snezhnyanskiy machine-building plantScientific adviser: professor Mihajlov Alexander NikolaevichAbstract on subject of the graduate workСontentsIntroductionActuality of work Purpose and tasks of work Scientific novelty of work Basic part Shoulder-blades of compressor of gas-turbine engine Forming of superficial layer on the operations of finishes of making of shoulder-blades Vibroabrazivnaya treatment of shoulder-blades Conclusion Literature IntroductionActuality of work A resource and reliability of aviation engines is mainly determined as bearing strength of shoulder-blades of compressor (fig. 1), it’s the most responsible and high-loaded details, testing in the process of exploitation the considerable parts and cyclic loadings which influence on them with large frequencies. Shoulder-blades of compressor are the most mass, high-loaded and responsible detail of aviation engine. Figure 1 - Model of the blade of the compressor GTE (10 shots, 20 cycles) Presently at making of shoulder-blades of compressor wide application was got by the methods of plastic deformation and tooling, and also complex technologies on the operations of finishes of technological process.
Vibration treatment (VP) on the special options found wide application in the production of shoulder-blades of compressor from titanic alloys. Positive influence on efficiency of vibrations treatment renders application together with the abrasive chemically active liquids. Ultrasonic treatment marbles (UZU) allows to form combination of descriptions of superficial layer of shoulder-blades of compressor, having small inflexibility, high exactness of making, complicated configuration and thin edges. Press treatment (PDU) is characteristic sliding of marbles with the surface of feather of shoulder-blade, shutting out them. It is set that PDU is accompanied diminishing of structural heterogeneity and gives a structure, distributing of phases and remaining squeezing tensions more homogeneous character in the superficial layer of feather of shoulder-blade. Technological micro-defects of superficial layer, formed on the previous stages of technological process, accompanied the considerable increase of limit of endurance, by the decline of dispersion of longevity and does not require the subsequent polishing of thin edges the hand polishing [6]. One of perspective methods of consolidating treatment is a method of the magnetically-abrasive polishing (MAP). The distinguishing features of MAP consist of possibility of process details with different configuration and combine finishing and consolidating operations in one process. A problem of erosion of shoulder-blades of engines of gas-turbines is confessedly. Intensity and type of erosion of shoulder-blades of compressor depend not only on the terms of particles with the surface of feather but also of combination of descriptions of superficial layer. For the increase of wear-proof of shoulder-blades more wide application was got by the different types of complex technologies is causing of plasma coverage in combination with different consolidating methods. Development and applying in serial industry of engines is presently accompanied progressive designer-technological decisions, expressed in appearance of new details, application of on principle new materials of constructions, and also improvement of technologies of production, assembling and test. The progressive technological processes of tooling, based on conception of the high-speed cutting, are widely used in the methods of consolidating and heat treatment will be perfected. Purpose and tasks of workA purpose of work - is an increase of longevity and quality of shoulder-blades of compressor of GTE due to perfection of the structural and technological providing of processes of making of shoulder-blades of compressor of GTE. Basic tasks of work: Scientific novelty of workThe scientific novelty of work consists in development of recommendations on perfection of the structural and technological providing of processes of making of shoulder-blades compressor of GTE and creation of optimum structure of technological process of treatment of shoulder-blades of compressor of GTE. Also this work foresees the decision of problem of wear-proof of shoulder-blades of compressor of GTE. Basic partShoulder-blades of compressor of gas-turbine engine. The shoulder-blades of GTE work in the conditions of high temperatures, arriving at for a turbine above 1200°С, for a compressor above 600°С. A frequent change of the thermal modes of operations of engine is the rapid heating in the moment of start and rapid cooling in case of stopping of engine - causes the cyclic change of thermal tensions, characterized as a thermal fatigue (fig. 2). Figure 2 - Scheme of the motion of gas streams in GTE (3 shots) The production of shoulder-blades of GTE is occupied by the special place in air-jet motor options, that is under a number of factors main which it is been defined as:• Difficult geometrical form of feather and the end of shoulder-blades; • High exactness of making; • Application of expensive materials, such, as the alloyed became titanic alloys; • Mass character of production of shoulder-blades; • Equipped of technological process the expensive specialized equipment; • High labor intensiveness of making. For the production of shoulder-blades of GTD the followings types of tooling are characteristic for today: • reaching; • milling; • rolling; • polishing; • Vibration levels; • Heat treatment [11]. Forming of superficial layer on the operations of finishes of making of shoulder-blades At making of shoulder-blades of GTE micro-unbalance, risks, appear on their surfaces, and there are structural and phases transformations in a superficial layer. In addition, there is an increase of hardness of metal and
forming of remaining tensions in a superficial layer. Vibroabrazivnaya treatment of shoulder-blades A place of treatment by vibrations is in the technological process of mechanical work shoulder-blades, as a rule, finish process, executable on the finishing stage of treatment. Figure 3 – Dependence of roughness on treatment by vibrating in U-vivid container (1) and by the method of POVO (2) Achieving the roughness of Ra=1.5 by the above method of POVO, as follows from fig. 3, takes place approximately after 30 mines, and by ordinary treatment — 1,5 hours [1].
Research of treatment of shoulder-blades of turbines and compressors shows advantages of this process as compared to polishing and glossing by hand. Conclusion A large value is in the decision of problem of providing of resource and reliability of aviation GTE, and also development, perfection and creation of new technological processes, has creations of engines of new generations, methods of treatment of details and equipment, which promote not only the productivity but also quality of making. Literature1. Богуслаев В. А., Яценко В.К., Притченко В.Ф. Технологическое обеспечение и прогнозирование несущей способности деталей
ГТД. -К.: Издательская фирма «Манускрипт», 1993. - 332 с. The Important remark! |