Annotation of graduate qualification work


  The topicality of the study

Domestic solid wastes disposal and neutralization is one of the most significant problems that influences the condition of environment and it is one of the most important indicator of sanitary wellbeing of people and social hygiene. In spite of this, the problem of waste recovery does not so far receive all the attention it deserves. Present system of wastes handling is old-fashioned and should be revised as soon as possible. Non-observance of necessary codes of landfill design and absence of streamlined system of monitoring have caused existing landfills or rather domestic solid wastes dumps to be considerably dangerous and it will be continuing for some decades[3].

The present investigation is concerned with ecological problems closely related to Larinskiy domestic solid wastes landfill activities and the topic is conditioned by the fact that interconnection between natural and anthropogenic factors when polluting the components of geological environment in the landfill and beyond its border appears to be underinvestigated. The study is topical because the landfill is situated near the suburban settlement Larino (recreation zone) and a great part of the inhabitants live within the sanitary zone of this object. The consequences of the landfill activities have negative influence on inhabitants’ living conditions, and the ecological problems should be solved immediately.

  Connection between the study and scientific programme

The study is connected with research scientific work of the department of the minerals and ecological geology N8-07 “The study of geological peculiarities and structure of ecological risk areas of Donetsk region and elaboration of the method of its prognostication”.

  The target and aims of the work

The target of the work consists in ascertainment of the peculiarities of spatial distribution of pollution agents in the environment components. Interaction between natural and anthropogenic factors and their influence on Larinskiy domestic solid wastes landfill.

The aim set in the research is accomplished by carrying out a number of the following tasks:

  1. To process the statistic data of geochemical areas and to determine background and abnormal levels.
  2. To draw a pollutants map and the map of abnormality, exceeded the level of MPC (maximum permissible concentration).
  3. To establish the natural and anthropogenic factors which influence forming of the pollution areas and the nature of their interaction.
  4. To elaborate the guidelines on improving environmental situation at the landfill.

  Scientific novelty

Scientific novelty and the greatest importance of the above target is establishment of the natural and anthropogenic factors which influence environmental pollution near the Larinskiy domestic solid wastes landfill.

The system of clefts passes through the Larinskiy domestic solid wastes landfill was investigated by the instrumentality of remote methods. The clefts may become a filter bed for pollutants, restraining ingress of contamination in deeper layers[4]. Such kind of research has not been conducted earlier, although one cannot but notice its importance. Pollutants, getting into such filter beds, may cover great distance and pollute wide areas. The compositions of the subsurface water and the soil were analyzed within the landfill. Ascertained nidi of contamination were compared with the location of the clefts.

The practical importance of findings

The practical importance of the work lies in that the results of research let us establish that the pollution areas are generated by the interaction between the natural and anthropogenic factors at the Larinskiy domestic soli d wastes landfill. The guidelines on improving environmental situation at the landfill were elaborated.

  Section 1 Assessment of natural environment at the area

  1.1 Geological structure

In concordance with physiographic division of Donbass into districts, the territory of the landfill belongs to Krinsko-Nagolchanskiy district, which includes Donetsk mountain ridge, upriver the Kalmius and the Mius (tributaries – the Krinka and the Nagolnaya).

Complex modern relief came into being according to geological structure and tectonics. Limestones and sandstones (which are more weathering- and erosion-resistant) form various crests, domes, “barrows”, ridges. The surface of the region densely networked with river valleys, deep ravines and gullies.

Vegetation is typical for steppe zone. Herb fescue mat-grass steppes are widely distributed on the watersheds and glacises. Small leafy forests in steppe ravines mainly consist of oaks, ashes, acacias, maples and they are situated in ravines and gullies, and bottomland forests – in river valleys. In the areas with bedding rocks there is scant vegetation.

  1.2Environmental situation

Domestic solid wastes landfills are dangerous sources of environmental pollution. Meanwhile all natural constituents are influenced negatively: atmospheric air, soils, surface and subsurface water, flora and fauna, the population of adjacent territory. The complexity of the given effects shows itself also in the fact, that the wide range of macrocomponents and microelements, emitted by the domestic solid wastes landfills, pollute environment in different ways. The list of pollutants is constantly enlarging in connection with the extending of people’s consumer capacity and with the onrush of technology and it makes the range of current agents wider. The technology of operating of domestic solid wastes landfills and landscape-geochemical conditions of its location determinate areal sizes and pollution intensity within their bounds[7].

  Section 2 Research technique

According to the results of earlier lithogeochemical and hydrochemical surveys the influence of landscape conditions and geological structure on pollutant allocation within the area still stands out.

In connection with this the following tasks were carried out:

- The analysis of topographical conditions.

- The field reconnaissance of the area was carried out, the places of toxic agents filtration and their discharge into the Kalmius were ascertained.

- The geological traverses were followed, rock outcrops and the features of clefts were studied.

- The space images were analysed (remote methods of research).

  Section 3 Own findings

The location of Larinskiy domestic solid wastes landfill was scrutinized to estimate environmental threat of the object. It was detected that while choosing an area for domestic solid wastes landfill the instructions on design, construction and operation were not obeyed.

According to the characteristics of a modern landfill, a wastes storage area should be chosen with a glance of water source protection. At the present time filtrate gets freely to the Kalmius but it’s inadmissible for the water body with potable water. The important issue in the current research stage is to work out the protective measures of surface water and to organize the system of monitoring at the landfill[5,6,10].

Earlier available data were statistical processed and due to researches two component associations were discovered: 1) SO4-Zn-Na-Cl-NO3; 2) Co-Ni. Other pollutant associations were found in the soils: Ni-Mn; Pb-As. The level of maximum permissible concentration in the soils of the investigated area was exceeded by lead, cadmium, arsenic and vanadium.

The following results are expected to be reached:

- To scrutinize the geology of the area, to measure structural altitude and to reconstruct the deformation field, which shall help to identify the conditions of filtration.

- To carry out more ample analysis of space images and to chose design profiles to work according to structural geodynamic mapping. It shall allow of forming a bond between abnormality of toxic elements and clefts[1,2].

  Section 4 Guidelines on improving the situation

To reduce negative influence of landfill on environment the following measures are suggested:

- To create an impervious screen. The main purpose of function is to protect landfill base.

- To introduce an engineered barrier which shall restrain filtrates from rocks of aeration zone and from groundwater, especially from the areas which are influenced by faults.

- The problem of filtrate collecting may be solved if it is led along the bottom of foundation pit to isolated drain boxes, which are situated out of the wastes storage platform. Filtrate is supposed to be pumped out from time to time and to be removed to the nearest cleansing structures.

- The system of environmental monitoring is suggested.

- To protect existing ground surface against wind erosion and ablation it is suggested to plant trees and shrubs. Tree plantation and shrubbery should be planted along the braes and terraces and permanent grasses should be sowed along the slopes.


During the study the natural and anthropogenic factors which influence environmental pollution near the Larinskiy domestic solid wastes landfill were established. The natural factors are determined by climatic and landscape-geochemical conditions. The main climatic factors are preponderant wind direction and wind speed, the quantity and periodicity of precipitation, air temperature. These factors influence migratory properties of pollutants in atmospheric air. Landscape-geochemical conditions influence migratory, localization and further agents’ redistribution in the main landscape types of the territory. Let’s enumerate the basic factors. Landform (watershed, steep slope or glacis, river valley, gully degradation etc.). Geological structure conditions (mostly lithology of near-surface subsoil layer); depth of groundwater occurrence (especially at underflooding and bogging areas). The structure of vegetation. The type of the soil (mineral texture, especially grain-size classification, organic texture, microbiological composition, salt content).

The features of the faults which may influence vertical migratory from the earth interior, with formation of hydrogeological, geothermic, geochemical abnormality in bedding rocks, were determined and vice versa the leakage of the pollutants to the deeper layer and spreading them widely with subsurface water. It is supposed to be a bond between abnormal elements’ spreading and clefts. More ample studies should be carried out to specify the influence of clefts.


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  • Note

    When writing this abstract the master’s qualification work is not completed. Date of final completion of work: December, 1, 2010. Full text of the work and materials on a work theme can be received from the author or his scientific supervisor after that date.

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