
    My average mark was 4.73, during the study at university. I speak in Russian and Ukrainian. I also know English in amount enough for reading and writing. I have wide skills in work with personal computer and different software Surfer 7.0, SPSS 16.0, Turbo Pascal, Scilab 8.0, Microsoft Office 2003-2010, Photoshop CS3

The autobiography

   My full name is Pasenko Olga Arthurovna, though it sounds rather pompous for a girl of my age. I was born on June, 9th, 1988, in Donetsk. I was named in honor of my great-grandmother. My mother’s name is Tatyana. My father’s name is Arthur. Long time I was the only one child in a family, but now I have younger sister-schoolgirl and three brothers.

  The childhood

   In 1992 I went into kindergarden. I remember nothing that time. In 1994 I went to the first class of the Donetsk Ukrainian humanitarian collegium. At school I was the diligent schoolgirl. My favorite school subjects were geography, biology, literature, French. My hobby are drawing, dances, art, cutting and sewing, sports aerobics. I draw oil paints, water colour paints and gouache. I participated in many competitions, concerts and exhibitions.

  Student's years

    Studying at DonNTU became my family tradition. And that’s why I entered there. I have chosen speciality "Ecological geology". Study at university was difficult, but interesting. In this time I have many new friends. Educational practice in Crimea was the most cheerful adventure at that time. My favorite subjects were: monitoring, toxicology, paleontology, recovery and reclamation of waste. In 2009 I’ve got Bachelor degree. Now I study in a magistracy, at chemical faculty. Theme of my final work is "Assessment of natural and anthropogenic factors on environmental pollution in the area Larin landfill". Theme of my diploma is acutely relevant to the problems of ecology of our region. My supervisor of studies is Alekhin Victor Ivanovich.

   Plans for the future

    I want to find a good work. I decided to get the second higher education. I will also improve my English. I will associate my future with traveling. I was very interested in history and culture of other countries. I want to visit all continents and to start to visit Europe.

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