Postolenko Vitaliy
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Speciality: "Ecology of Mining Technologies"Scientific advisor: Сandidate of technical science, associated professor of Ecology and Environmental protection department is Artamonov Vladimir Theme of master's work: "Reorganization of the waste dumps group of minesfor the further forming of recreation area " |
Fig. 1 - View of the test subject of master`s project
1. 1. Analysis and ecological characteristic of the region, which is considered.
1.1. Review and analysis of ecological situation.
1.2. Influence of waste dumps on the environment.
1.3. The concept of recreational areas. Conditions of their formation
1.4. Technical landscapes.
2. 2. Waste dumps as a source of pollution and load on the environment.
2.1. Concept colliery spoil and waste dump. Properties of rock piles.
2.2. Requirements, methods and legal foundations.
2.3. Possible directions for the reorganization of mine waste dumps.
3. 3. Justification and providing environment-measures to reduce the negative impact of waste dumps on the environment.
3.1. Impact analysis reshaping waste dumps on ecological and socio-cultural situation of the region.
3.2. The choice and substantiation of measures on environmental protection in the formation of landscapes.
3.3. Predicting changes in environmental and socio-cultural situation.
Reference list
Relevance of the topic
Economic and ecological crises of cities in Donetsk region, the spiritual degradation of the population turned real life in contemporary fiction, and ideas and projects into reality. Strict conditions make to look for extraordinary ways to improve environmental conditions.
The urgency of developing a plan to create a recreation area determined by the need for economic and spiritual rebirth of populated areas, the solution of demographic problems, improve the environmental quality of life in Donetsk region and Ukraine in general.
The solution of such problem as to ensure the sustainable development of recreational areas Donetsk region will take a leading position. It should be create a valid experimental model of "sustainable", ie "developed dynamically" territorial formation. The main goal of design is to develop design concepts for creating a new type of recreational area that meets the modern task of economic recovery, spiritual renewal and social and environmental well-being of small settlements and the wider region. As such experimental formation proposed recreation area.
Among the recreational resources of the landscape occupied a special place mountains characterized by a variety of natural landscapes, the presence of extreme benefit of a supportive and comfortable environment for the development of various kinds of recreational activities (sports, health and health-treatment).
Recreation (polsk. rekreacja - rest, from Lat. Recreatio - recovery) - rest and recuperation man’s energy that was lost in his work. In this sense the term is used in the 1960's in literature at the wider problem of leisure.
One of the main directions of change in old industrial regions is of environmental measures aimed to restore and improve environmental quality, reduce the negative effects of economic activity. In the industrial city this problem is formulated as the formation in the city or in suburban areas and recreational zones, which in turn important factor in creating favorable conditions for life, recovery, maintain health and men’s vitality.
However, in the industrial city of the need for removal of significant planes in the recreational area gainsays high price of land and in the presence of industrial buildings.
At this time dumps of coal mines are a visiting card of Donbass. But this is not a good indicator for the coal industry and socio-cultural development. Dumps contaminate soil, groundwater, air and dramatically reduces the aesthetic value.
The main factors negatively impact dumps on the environment:
· violation of the natural landscape of the earth's surface;
· dusty pollution;
· violation of hydrogeological regime surrounding areas;
· chemical and radiological contamination of soil and water.
Above all relevance of research various aspects in connection with the dumps due, they no longer needed for the city because dumps occupy large areas. Next to that, dump rocks may be interest as secondary minerals. Finally, in the active development of cultural center availability dumps as they are now junk as aesthetic terms and in terms of health.
Researched dumps of Donetsk region were scattered, specialized, selective, confusion in nature. Accumulated material requires a systematic, taking into account scientific and technological progress.
In recent years study the negative impact of pedigree dumps on the environment gained significant development, primarily due continuous increase in the volume of dumped refuse and consequently strengthen the technological burden on the environment.
Detailed results of these problems appear in 80 of the past century. They are associated with organizations such as: VO "Ukrvuhleheolohiya" DRHP "Donetskgeology, OJSC Donhiproshaht, but all studies focused primarily on evaluation of the use of dumps in national economy, environmental issues in this works were considered little in several projects about fire and reclamation of heap. These works associated with the names of such scholars as: Canon J.F., Hanopolskyy F.I., Pelipenko S.A. Part of specialized information located in the city and district SES.
In the later period appear different department's (DonNTU, DonNASA, DonNU and others) employee’s summarizing works. In this works already spare more attention to questions of ecological safety mountain waste dumps.
Purpose and tasks of research
Purpose of research - ground areas of environmental measures to reduce the negative impact of dumps on the environment based on the solution of such problems:
· analysis of research and practice in the establishment and operation of recreational areas;
· develop ecological, economic and social requirements for the establishment of recreational areas;
· perform sociological research to identify areas of recreational areas;
· develop draft recreational areas for the concrete conditions of the region;
· assess social, ecological and economic effect of creating recreational areas;
· to review and assess the environmental situation in the region;
· install the dumps impact on the environment;
· set the possible directions of restructuring dumps of mines;
· analyze the impact reconfigured dumps on ecological and socio-cultural situation of the region;
· conduct selection studies and providing measures for environmental protection in the formation of landscapes;
· prediction to hold change of ecological and socio-cultural situation of the region.
The research subject - a group of mine dumps and the surrounding territory and settlements.
The subject of research - the impact of upheaval dumps, their diversification in the direction of a recreation area.
· to review existing research literature used for analysis;
· generalization of research results, which were held earlier;
· fieldwork dumps;
· analytical and mathematical modeling.
Scientific novelty of the work
Studies towards the elimination or reduction impact of dumps on the environment are not being first decade. There are already a dozen decisions and measures in this regard. But none of them considers the need for the region increased in recreational areas, puts social and cultural aspect to the fore.
The measures of this work provide especially significant increase in socio-cultural effect and reduce the negative impact of dumps on the environment.
Project features
One of the most topical problems of Donbass is troubled ecological conditions that escalated in the extensive restructuring of coal mining complex, which was held here and the elimination of more than 40 coal mines. There is broken nature of the landscape in much of this territory (the total area of 10 thousand km2). In the area of influence of coal formed specific complex, including the negative ecological processes and phenomena associated formation of mine dumps and other causes of industrial nature. Elimination of mines in Donbass led to the emergence and development of "secondary" man-made processes caused by natural tendencies of environment to achieve equilibrium in a pedigree leaving piles and the like.
The solution to this problem finds its place in formation the recreation areas in such territory. Significant impacts on the development of these recreational areas make many factors, such as: the level of economic development area; road access area within the sociocultural system (SCS) Sufficient manpower; existence of the settlement. These are the real factors specific development of the recreation area. On the other hand, their absence does not play such a role is significant and takes the task as developing a recreational area. Basic to this process - needs SCS in developing this or that territory, and if it starts to get used as a recreational area, the problems are fixed no matter how favorable factors mentioned above.
Primary reason is the need of social and cultural development of a territory. Selecting a particular direction depends on its development potential of the territory and sociocultural system (SCS). This may be an industrial development, recreation or any other. Depending on the choice begins the process recreational, industrial or other vocational areas. Every one of them is the only consequence, a private form of the general process of mastering a given territory. In the case of recreational vocational areas a default occurs: there is a territory which is to be developed within the SCS; if its potential promotes progress recreation, the process begins - and not because there is an urgent need to rest in the area and such a manner that offers the area that suddenly developed. Recreational development starts and develops only because it's time to development of the territory. Selecting a specific way, really, partly depends on its potential. The outcome of the process of development is appropriate development area as industrial, recreational or metropolitan area. After passing the some peak comes stabilization in this direction of development: capital can be transferred to another city; intensive industrial development depletes area resources, generating regional ecological crisis and is losing momentum and prospects; recreation displaces recreation because of multifunctional growth and instability in the region, which suddenly became clear. Specific expression miscellaneous - sociocultural mechanics of development process single. Recreational vocational areas based on a natural basis. However, a natural base excess, but opportunities and needs of recreational areas is very limited. The result of this contradiction is that the choice of a specific area for recreational development is largely determined by social and cultural development needs of the territory. There are much more candidates for recreational development between different regions than real possibilities of their development. This includes the initial stages of development area for recreational purposes, and support phase of the achieved level of recreation. Annual recreational activity of population SCS is a very limited resource which redistributed depending on the needs of the sociocultural system. Much of the process of recreational developing of areas, even the really unique, depends on SCS. Certainly the development of certain cultural standards is in the first place.
The role of natural bases in the formation of a recreational area is not completely clear. And in the development of new territory to the district would like to be there to "Niagara Falls". But in general, recreational areas can be formed and based on natural resources, catastrophically bad for recreation development.
Basic principles of organization and planning of recreational areas are as follows:
· landscape should not be monotonous. The internal diversity of the landscape and meet essential conditions of its sustainability, environmental and aesthetic requirements, although not always correspond to the near economic interests. Rotate the small areas of pastures, shrubs, woods, groves, ponds, marshes is always ecologically appropriate;
· reconstruction of all types of land should give priority to green cover, due to its stabilizing function in the landscape;
· to support the natural balance, appropriate extensively, "gear" use land. Natural cenoses fuller use solar energy and water than cultural cenoses and they are more effective for environmental conditions of a settlement;
· the organization of the territory intended for recreational areas should be considered comprehensive interrelation its elements, their relationship through the circulation of air masses and drains to be consistent with the prevailing wind direction and surface and underground waste;
· important task is to reduce losses of valuable nutrients mineral nutrition from the soil of the parent species, intensification of the biological cycle and therefore the increase of biological productivity.
Vegetation can intercept such items on their migration routes, playing a crucial role biogeochemical barrier. It is recommended to place these barriers with high vegetation in the valleys. Ponds could serve geo traps for that part of the biologically important elements that could not hold the green barriers. Inconvenient (pit, mounds, ditches, dams, etc.) create the prerequisites for the formation of a natural system of accounting for its large variety of morphological units, which formed as a result of adaptation to each type of "their" form of relief.
The overall objectives of the project planning recreational area are:
· zone boundary adjustment;
· clarify the functional profile and recreational program;
· zoning area;
· develop proposals on the overall organization and protection of human and natural landscape;
· specification of network and functions territory not for recreation to the needs of recreation.
Must be counted and displayed all the basic elements of space, affecting the overall plan structure in the region.
Practical significance
If the measures will be implemented in practice, largely from the best side in the formation affect the benefit of favorable environmental conditions of the region and reduce the negative impact on human health.
Thus, environmental problems caused by the presence of dumps, are relevant for the Donetsk region and will be studied in future. Data will be received on the necessary arrangements for the reorganization of groups dumps for further formation of recreational area in the end, the master's work.
Work is on the stage of planning and is not finished.
Reference list
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