At free time, I will play with other children, run on a court yard. Every time I ran, I fell down and hurt myself, my hands and legs bleed. My father bought my first bicycle "ZAYCHIK". I have inexhaustible energy and I would ride from sunrise to sunset. At the time I was using my bicycle, I was interested to know how its mechanism turns and spins.
At free time, I opened my father’s tool box and I used spanners to loose and tightened the wheel so I would learn what made it turn. As a result of my curiosity to know how the mechanism of my bicycle worked I damaged it. As a result of this when I was riding the bicycle, the front wheel pulled out, I fell down beside a fence and hurt myself, it was so final painfully, but I was sick to see the broken bicycle. However, my father’s professions made me start to like engineering; I was very attentive and observed when my father repaired electrical devices. I was also accustomed to work with metal and mechanisms.
To school has gone in 1995 at the age of 7 years. Initially me have given to a class with a choreographic bias, but, really having estimated a situation and my dancing possibilities, parents have changed the mind and have translated me in a class with an English bias. So from 1 class I began to learn English.
In the first and in me second classes all training was given very easily, and I with ease have finished them with honours, but here, since the third class, in my life there was a black strip. There was such impression, that to me have simply disconnected brains, and I have at all forgotten all that has learnt early and could not solve the most elementary problems. The two and three at once fell down, and I have finished the third class with predominant good marks.
To me has very much carried with the teacher of initial classes! It not only has learnt us to the curriculum, but also a life too. She has let to us know, that the childhood has already passed and it is necessary to be responsible for the acts. This remarkable person has re-educated 30 hooligans and idlers in diligent and responsible children, than I am very grateful to it.
Unfortunately, the elementary school has quickly ended, and I have gone to the fifth class. It, certainly, qualitatively new level of my development: the new subjects, new teachers. And again I have noticed, that that black strip in any way did not wish to say goodbye to me, both again and again I received the deserved two and three. I remember, how in the end of the fifth class has written semestrial control on the mathematician on 2, but to me has carried, and the teacher has put me a three for a semestre. In the sixth class the situation has not changed at all.
During free time from study walked with friends in a court yard in "machines", "war". Liked to assort all mechanical toys, and to study their principle of action. Especially I liked to repair them, of course, then my main tool for this purpose was plasticine. Always with impatience waited, when with parents we will go to the grandmother with the grandfather to village. I cannot live without the nature! Especially I there liked a dog, a huge sheep-dog on a nickname Barsik. Time and again I went to it in a box also am sweet slept on a warm wool. It was my bodyguard. We with it went on small river, that is it me drove it: I was the little boy, and it a huge dog more me. More truly it did not drive me, and dragged on a grass and bushes to this small river as standing I was not in forces to resist against it. And if someone at its presence started to raise the voice on me it in turn too did not graze back and barked at this person that there are forces.
Having disaccustomed by 5 and 6 class extremely badly, I have decided to undertake a head and began to study well: I have finished 7 class with honours, as however, and all remained. At school I with pleasure learnt and understood algebra and geometry, physics and chemistry, but hated the Russian literature. For me was a huge problem to read product and to analyse it. Especially it concerned poems: well I could not understand, that the author that or differently wished to tell. Well he has written it and it is good. At the best have learnt, have told and will suffice, so is not present! It is necessary to torment poor nurseries heads.
So my study smoothly has come to the ninth class, and there has come time of my examinations first in a life. Marvellously I have handed over them with special ease and have received the "red" diploma first in a life.
Here there was a question how to be with study further: technical school or 10-11 classes? And I have decided to leave school completely. To my surprise 10 and 11 classes have flown by very imperceptibly. In the beginning 11 classes to me the class teacher has approached and has informed the most unpleasant news: " Ilya, in it to year you will receive a medal ". On what I have strongly objected, knowing it threatens with what consequences, but all have already solved for me, and I had to reconcile to it. At each lesson to me said, that I should receive only the five. And then extended me as could because I did not want it, and for them same image of school on city arena. In general, have extended me on the five and when time has approached to delivery of final examinations, I have understood that have got to"fairy tale". I and two more medallists passed all examinations in the special program: every day at school till 9-10 evenings. And here now I the happy owner of a silver medal. In the senior classes in our family there were remarkable Soviet mopeds"Carpathians". From now on almost I spent all free time in garage, being engaged in eternal repairs. Sometimes it was possible to me even to sweep a little. These repairs have led to that I already blindly could disassemble and collect the engine. Here that the present interest to technics also has woken up.
Special gratitude, certainly, to the teacher of work. It it has learnt me to use metallworking and woodworking equipment, has imparted love to drawings, machine tools and discipline. University
In 11 class before me there was a university and speciality choice. Seriously having thought and having estimated the possibilities and desires, my choice has fallen on DNTU. Took the booklet with all specialities and has started to choose that unique and unique. Having seen two beautiful words "the technology of mechanical engineering", my eyes have lighted up, and I have precisely decided, that I will connect the further destiny with technics and mechanics.
At giving of documents to me have suggested to study this speciality in French. And has dared at French. It was interesting to me, as I after 10years English studying at school from zero will study French. Marvellously process has gone easily, and I have quickly enough accustomed. I will not hide, at times it was very difficult to hand over higher mathematics, material resistance, theorie of mechanism and many other things subjects in French.
But in all it there were also pleasant moments: our curriculum has been facilitated in comparison with Russian-speaking groups. During an institute life I was involved very quickly as I very much liked all this atmosphere and the relation to you from others. To study at university in me it was pleasant more than at school. The first course also was remembered by participation in a debut of first-year students in which our command took participation in KVN. Though we also have not won prize-winning places, but it was all the same very cheerful and pleasant. There were new acquaintances and friends. So 4 years of training have cheerfully flown by. I well enough already knew French and have at all forgotten English.
Every year all became more difficult and more difficult and to study more cheerfully and more cheerfully simultaneously at university. In the end of 3 and 4 courses I passed to practice at Jasinovatsky machine-building factory in machine-assembling to shop. I assembled coal combines. Here then I also have understood, that such present heavy mechanical engineering. I have seen a large quantity of the various equipment and including the modern present processing centre - an unforgettable show.
During training on my way there were both bad, and good teachers, but basically, certainly, good. To cost to note such teachers as Onishchenko Valentine Petrovich (material resistance, theorie of mechanism), Tishechko Inna Anatolevna (the French language), Boguslavsky Vadim Aleksandrovich (all subjects on a speciality). Thanking these people in my head it was postponed a lot of helpful information. It is possible to carry successful participation in many Olympic Games, a writing of articles to special successes and achievements in different subjects.
Having finished 4 year with the "red" diploma, at once has decided, that I will arrive in a magistracy. Has decided to receive higher education on the full. Certainly, on a magistracy I have passed. With the beginning of study I have learnt the supervisor of studies and to it was very glad. We with it have discussed my theme, and I have understood at once, that it is the newest tendencies in mechanical engineering and that my work can really help to deduce on qualitatively new level of processing by cutting.
The operational experience about the Internet was limited to search of abstracts about the helpful information for study.
Upon termination of a magistracy I have decided not to connect myself more with a science and not to go to postgraduate study, and to start to work at the enterprise. I hope to find a suitable place, to realise all luggage of the knowledge which has been saved up for years of training at university.
Certainly, strong having located in this life, I will get a family. And that it to support, at in me plans opening of the small business probably connected with the received speciality.