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Sergey GutsalyukFaculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automation (CITA)Department: Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation behalf Ruvim Leybov (MEA)Speciality: Automatic Control of Technological Processes (ACP)Theme of Master's Work: Operational Efficiency Increase of the Haulage System of Combine UKD-250 Based on the Motivation Automated Electric Drive Rational ParametersScientific Supervisor: Ph.D. (in Engineering), Associate Professor of MEA Department Sergey Dubinin |
Brief resume
Date of birth: July 25, 1987
Average mark in bachelor’s degree: 4.86
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English (colloquial and technical)
Professional knowledge and skills:
- development of electric schemes with use P-CAD, Workbench, MicroCap;
- mathematic packages: Mathcad and MATLAB;
- databases: MS Access, MySQL;
- work with a drawing: COMPAS, Adobe Photoshop, MS Visio;
- programming languages: VBA, Assembler, Pascal.
Personal qualities: resoluteness, purposefulness, responsibility and self-organization.
Hobbies: Internet-surfing and reading different genres of literature.
I was born on 25 July 1987 in Donetsk in a family of the mining electro mechanic (father) and the kindergarten’s tutor (mother).
I was living a long time with grandmother and the grandfather because my parents often were changing their place of residence.
The brightest childhood memories are connected with walks across Donetsk and pastime on a summer residence which is settling down nearby to Putilovsky forest plantation.
I have received preschool preparation (including, on the Ukrainian language) in a kindergarten #7.
I have gone in 1-À class of school #54 in 1995. My class consisted basically of my former kindergarten children. This circumstance, and also the first teacher, Galina Anenkova, have promoted my easy adaptation in new atmosphere. However I have studied not for long at this school and with moving I have gone to 2-B class school #57 in 1997.
Among the all favorite lessons for all time of studying at school it is possible to allocate lessons of the Literature, History, English language, and also Labor lessons. I took active part in the school and regional olympiad on Geography, Mathematics, Ukrainian language, Chemistry, Physics.
I were visiting chess club “Donetsk Kaissa”, sections on Wrestling, Gymnastics, Drawing, Kickboxing, lessons at music school on game on an accordion in after-school time during the various periods of life. Besides, it is necessary to note visiting of automodelling club where within three years at creation of car’s radio-controlled models such the basic skills in technics area were formed: soldering, working on turning and milling machine tools, creating the elementary electric schemes. I had possibility to take part in a number of competitions on automodelling sport which were in such cities of Ukraine, as Nikolaev, Khmelnitskiy, Kramatorsk during the club visiting time.
I have visited courses on mathematics and Ukrainian language at DonNTU from September, 2004 till February, 2005. I have considerably raised the level of preparation in the above-named subjects thanks to these courses.
“The diploma which is received by graduate DonNTU, is the diploma of the international sample and is quoted all over the world”. Such statement has played a considerable role at the High School choice. Besides, studying at technical university gradually forms such qualities in student’s character: the system approach to the organization of independent studying, ability accurately and correctly to formulate a question (problem), responsibility for the made decisions. As to a specialty choice the choice was affected by names making it – “automation” and “management”.
I have been enlisted in DonNTU by results of ratings on the mathematics in 2005. “Automatic control of technological processes”, “Introduction in a speciality”, “Mining”, “Hydraulics” and “Mining transport” were one of the first courses which told about a speciality profile.
Among the all disciplines that were taught on the 1-3ths courses, it would be desirable to allocate a course “Theoretical bases of electrical engineers” (the lecturer – professor of the department MEA Stanislav Karas) and a practical lessons on higher mathematics (teaching assistant – Alexander Savin.).
I studied technical and then professional English language as a facultative subject from the second to the fourth courses. I also took part in the olympiad on the “Engineering drawing” and “Details of machines”.
I was engaged in studying the question of automation of a clearing combine UKD-250 with the removed haulage system on a third course in STÑS’s cut . I have received all consultations on this question from my, associate professor of the MEA department – Sergey Dubinin. I chose the theme of masters work “Operational Efficiency Increase of the Haulage System of Combine UKD-250 Based on the Motivation Rational Parameters Automated Electric Drive” on the fifth course together with my scientific supervisor.
I took part in four scientific conferences and two competitions during the last three courses.
I have received base higher education in a preparation direction «Automation and the computer-integrated technologies» in June, 2009. After this I have been enlisted in a magistracy in the same direction of preparation in July, 2009.
Plans for the future
If to accept as a reference point the moment of a writing of the given biography plans for the future look as:
1) Working on Master’s Work. For today the received results do not allow to tell about the finished research in the field automation
2) After session delivery I’m planning to leave for city boundaries to have a rest from process of studying..
3) Since new academic year in parallel with practice passage I will be engaged in consideration of possible variants of employment on the mining or metallurgical enterprise.
4) After diploma reception I will be arranged to work on the enterprise in one of the above-named branches for the purpose of deepening of knowledge and experience accumulation.
5) In case of work’s flexible shedule it will be possible to think about other important problem: a choice and graduation of the second higher education.