Gordus Olga


Qualifying master's work

"System of monitoring of loyalty and satisfaction of the consumer"



Recently many firms in Ukraine and abroad as an element of the strategy began to choose increase of satisfaction and loyalty of clients. Within the limits of realisation of such strategy they have begun to be engaged in monitoring of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers, to introduce systems CRM (managements of relations with clients) to spend interrogations of consumers. However frequently the organisations do not create for monitoring of satisfaction and loyalty of a separate control system which would be a component of a control system of the company, do not give special value to how results of monitoring of satisfaction and loyalty will be entered in a technique of decision-making existing in firm, first of all — strategic. As a result the system of monitoring of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers, and also the analysis of results can appear incapable to give to a management the data which vital for the formation and realisation of strategy. Without becoming an organisation component, the system of processes of monitoring of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers gradually loses the value.[1]

Real pluses of consumers's loyalty

Figure 1 - Real pluses of consumers's loyalty (animation: volume – 25 097 byte; size – 400х400; consists of 14 frames;
a delay between last and the first frames – 5 000 msec;
a delay between frames – 2 000 msec; quantity of recycle – continuousb)


Theme urgency

There is a set of certificates that the attention to satisfaction and loyalty of consumers positively affects realisation of strategy and the basic results: reduction of expenses, productivity increase, increase in number of repeated purchases. For example, the indicators describing satisfaction and loyalty of consumers, are grouped in the second of four prospects of the balanced system of indicators (BSC) R.Kaplan and D.Norton — the tool of structurization popular all over the world and strategy realisation. According to item 2.1 requirements, 2.5, 2.9, 5.2 GOST Р ISO 9001:2001 maintenance and increase of satisfaction of the consumer — one of main objectives of system of a quality management. Monitoring of satisfaction of the consumer, the account of the information on satisfaction at activity planning — one of the basic requirements of GOST Р ISO 9001-2001, GOST Р ISO 9004-2001. According to requirements of model of perfection of the European fund of a quality management (EFQM), satisfaction of consumers and other interested parties — the major indicator of productivity of a control system (an indicator «Results for clients» groups of indicators "Results"). Indicators of satisfaction of consumers are considered almost in all national awards on quality (the award of Deminga in Japan, the award of Malkolma Boldridzha in the USA, the European award of quality, the Russian award of quality and so forth) Indexes of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers (the American index ACSI, the Swedish barometre SCSB, etc.) — the important sources of the information on a condition and tendencies of development of this or that branch, national economy.[2]
There is a set of references from which it is possible to learn that such satisfaction and loyalty, what kinds of satisfaction and loyalty and their factors what communications between satisfaction and loyalty and financial results as the attention to satisfaction and loyalty of consumers promotes increase of financial results of the company are available. Many researchers in detail described techniques of interrogations of consumers, drawing up and testings of questions, a choice of scales and statistical processing of the received data. It is possible to carry F.Rajhelda, R.Kaplan, D.Norton to number of such researchers, D.Gremlera, S.Brown, J. Griffin, R.Rasta, A.Zahorika, T.Vavry, R.Olivera, etc. Scientists who have actually generated new area in the management, connected with studying of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers and have considerably affected distribution of programs of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers to the companies worldwide.[3]
Nevertheless, some aspects remained not investigated. Among them — construction of a complete control system by process of monitoring of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers (which is a component of the general system of processes of the company), and also a choice of a control limit (a reaction threshold), which would allow to define taking into account variability of answers of respondents, when the consumer is dissatisfied (or it is disloyal) and this discontent is caused by special, not system factors to which it is necessary to pay attention immediately. The given work pursues the aim of working out of such technique.

All it causes an urgency of the chosen theme for any company interested in creation of system of processes of monitoring of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers and reception of scientifically well-founded data from consumers for acceptance of administrative decisions both strategic, and the tactical plan.


The purposes and work problems

The work purpose consists in increase of efficiency of the organisation of process of sale of goods. According to a research object in view following problems are formulated:
1. To prove expediency of creation of system of monitoring of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers in the company.
2. To analyse existing methods of research of system of monitoring of satisfaction and loyalty of the consumer.
2. To formulate key requirements with which the developed system of monitoring of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers and the analysis of the received data should satisfy.
3. To develop new system of processes of monitoring of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers.
4. To develop a technique of the analysis of indicators of satisfaction and loyalty of the consumers, allowing taking into account variability of answers of respondents to define a control limit.
5. To approve the developed technique of the analysis of indicators of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers, to estimate economic benefit.[5],[6].

Theoretical and methodological basis of research

Theoretical and methodological basis of research works of domestic and foreign scientists and experts have made, materials of scientifically-practical conferences, standards of ISO 9001:2001, ISO 9004:2001 and ISO 10002:2004, methodical materials on carrying out of interrogations of consumers, and also introduction of systems of a quality management and search of ways of increase of productivity of realisation of strategy. As research methods statistical management of processes, structurization of function of quality, a method of control cards of Shuharta, methods of carrying out of interrogations of consumers, the process approach have served the historical and system approach to object and an object of research. At carrying out of research and ordering of the data their statistical processing was carried out.[9]

Scientific novelty

The method which allows to raise demand on the basis of monitoring of satisfaction and loyalty of the consumer is offered.

The review of existing methods

Satisfaction of consumers is measured by means of four principal views of the entrance data: complaints and the offers given from warranty service, interrogations of buyers and custom-made researches.

Each of these methods has the advantages and lacks and scopes. The most simple source of the data about satisfaction of consumers are complaints and the offers of buyers sent under own initiative. Other source of such data is the information from the guarantee operation, registered in information system. As a rule, these sources of the data are connected with unsatisfied consumers. More adequate representation about satisfaction of buyers gives a method based on questioning.

Apparently from drawing the method of interrogations is the most labour-consuming, we state the fullest estimation of a problem. For this reason for an estimation of level of satisfaction and loyalty of consumers this method has been chosen.[13]


The literature

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