

Freely know Russian and Ukrainian languages, English — sufficiently for reading and writing technical documentation.

Programming languages: C++, Java SE, ANSI C, Assembler (x86)

Libraries and technologies: QT, Libtorrent Rasterbar (C++), Swing (Java), Boost (Fundamentals, C++), STL (C++), MFC

Development Environments: Visual Studio, C++ Builder (Fundamentals), QT Creator, Eclipse, NetBeans

And also:

  • Skills of software designing using design patterns;
  • Software Documenting: UML; Doxygen, Javadoc embedded documentation;
  • Software testing: regression testing, Unit-testing etc



I was born 19 March in 1988 in Makeyevka, where I spent the whole time so far. I did not use to go to a kindergarten and never didn`t regret this, because I spent time with my cousins at home no less fun: crazy games, playing on the grendparents nerves, walks in the yard, etc. So, there is nothing remarkable.

School years

I went to the primary school № 5 when I was 7 years old, and after that I went to the school № 61. After 8th class I enrolled to the liceum. At that time I was interested in mathematics and other technical subjects. From the first class I went to the school chess club, but I lacked perseverance obviously. I didn`t get any significant success in chess, so it simply lost interest to me after the 5th class. For a while I used to go for a swim and I believe this gave me a lot of good. Around the same time, and almost to the school end I played football: amateur teams, competitions, almost reaching a fight — classic... From the school subjects I liked physics more that others. Mathematics seemed to me too abstract. I liked section of electricity significantly more than "multistory" fractions with all known and unknown to mankind trigonometric functions. From the eighth class I consistently won school Olympiads in physics, sometimes occurred first in mathematics. In the 10th and 11th classes I won the town Olympiad in physics, and in the 10th class I was third in the regional Olympiad. In eighth class I also took first place at the Olympiad in English. I am grateful to my teachers, which spared neither effort nor time for their pupils, and, of course, to my parents that chosed this school.

Choosing a future profession. The question, of course, very responsible. In 7th class I really wanted to be a doctor. I like physics and biology, but I changed my mind. I was interested in programming much earlier, somewhere in the 5th-8th classes. Sometimes I had a feel that I choose a programmer profession just because it is demanded and prestigious. Now I know that it is mine, and I am so happy about it.

Thus, fiscal place on the specialty "System programming" and the gold medal in the school — this is a convincing result of my school years.


Many people believe that university years are the best period of their life. I am think so too. I had lots of fun, but also I became wiser, found new and interesting acquaintances, as well as some experience.

The first course I associate with immersion in a completely new world of programming. All that was known to me before — Pascal, which I studied to pass the ratings. Our programming lecturer Nazarenko Viktor gave us the first knowledge on algorithms, programming style, and so on. I was entirely occupied by programming, so I didn`t wait for the summer practise, and began learning assembler. Touching the holy of holies of operating systems and applications deliver me more excitement, therefore year after that I decided to learn programming drivers for Windows. Apparently, so every I see a "blue screen of death", I remember this time. Chronically awake, with a concentration of caffeine in the blood above any reasonable limit, I was happy.

Later, I was interested in programming of microcontrollers and electronics. I have translated the USB specification and approximately learned this technology. After six months I realized that it is not my ... First interview on C++ showed that I do not know anything. The state was catastrophic, especially given the fact that I studied good. This event was a signal to active myself. I started to learn C++, the fifth time regular studying the Stroustrup book. Before that the language seemed complicated, and the presentation — completely incomprehensible. But this time, each thoughtfully read section fit into a coherent set of ideas about the language. The first program with attempts of using object-oriented approach was course work on the system software. Imagine my surprise when at the end of the work this software did not fall apart into pieces, did not throw exceptions, but rather worked stable.

Just at that time assistant of our department Anton Grytsenko started to each us a course. He exactly repeated in the conclusion of my interview. So I started learning C and C++ even more. After several successful solved problems I feeled a confidence came. Great attention was paid to the structure and logic of programs, good style and careful design. After working on real projects, I feeled the role that these aspects play, because the clearer and more logical programming prevents errors, simplifies code understanding and adapting the program to changing requirements. Elective classes started in the next semester, and I was very pleased. It was something like a club of interest, since it was completely voluntary. I made some knowledge of the C, learned to look for trivial errors, met with several very popular algorithms and data structures. But the most important thing is that my perfectionism came out, irrational, and generating a lot of problems. Specifically, I stopped trying to solve the problem of universal scale, when I only need to write an algorithm of recursive traversing of a binary tree. At these lessons I have acquired skills required to design programs and good programming style.

As for my masters work. After one semester of course "Digital Signal Processing", it became clear that it is extremely difficult discipline, it is full of mathematics, non-trivial and rarely intuitive. So when Alexander Samoschenko proposed me to do masters work in topical and popular theme of this area associated with the geological tests, I knew I will have a lot of work. But on the other hand, I wanted this to work to be something significant. This topic is really novelty, there are complexity, urgency. Scope of digital signal processing using is obvious: audio and video encoding, automation systems and medicine. The first results of the work have already been reached, and for the remaining time, and this remains quite a lot, I'm going to explore already found sources and write a full-fledged master work.

So, it is left to study a little more than a semester, and it's time to take stock of my studying at university. I got a lot of knowledge, experience, and laid basis for future professional growth. But the list of technologies in the summary is too pure. Of all the things that now claimed, I know only a small percentage, and the need for employment is already upon me. It means that I have missed something, some being irretrievably lost, but that is no a reason to despair.

Future Plans

My interests are currently focused on application programming in very different profiles. Over the next few months, I plan to explore the technology of object-relational mapping Hibernate, and to learn the corporate platform Java EE. Experience in application design acquired during the atudying at the University gave me some confidence, so solution of my plans is only a matter of time. I don`t have any end goals, I want simply grow as a programmer from day to day, know more than I new yesterday and, of course, realize my knowleges.

And finally, I owe my success primarily to my family. I would also note many lecturers of our department, who gave me the basic knowledge and taught to educate ourselves. In my failure I blame only myself. Ultimately, the conditions in almost all alone. This way of thinking, in my opinion, the most productive, because I could correct my mistakes, and nobody could correct something that doesn`t depend on him.