Nastya Selikova
Faculty of computer sciences and technologies
Speciality: Economic Cybernetics

Evalution of the competitiveness modeling on the basis of the marketing business process
Scientific adviser: Grigoriev Alexander 
Nowadays the question of competitiveness is global and major in the world. Economic and social aspects of practically any country depend on the ways this problem is solved, as well as every consumer depends on the implemented marketing strategies.
Not long ago the biggest target of all companies was to gain market share, however today world’s leading companies are most concentrated on gaining loyal and regular customers, on customer service [1]. Mass marketing is being replaced by individual marketing or “one to one” marketing. This market strategy allows producers to be slightly ahead of the consumers, as they can forecast the changes in customer’s wants and needs.
For every company today, being competitive is a must, as companies are forced to concentrate on customer service as well as on staying competitive in total, in other ways they will be displaced in the world global markets [2].
Relevance of the research material
Ukrainian economic changes (from planned economy to “market” type of economy) have determined and established the possibilities for the growth and development of competitiveness in Ukrainian commodity market and services.
Companies are faced with having to increase competitiveness of their products and services in order to react fast to the changes in the overall demand, to study and respond to the needs of the population in new products, to decrease the time of preparing orders for customers, to guarantee reliable deliveries, etc [5].
Achievement of these requirements assumes providing principally new organizational conditions in enterprises, reviewing traditional approaches to organizing production, developing marketing methods of managing production.
Goals and targets of research
The main objective of this work is to develop theoretical, scientific and methodological specifications, to out together practical recommendations for increasing competitiveness on enterprises on the basis of improving marketing in companies. According to the main objective there were set the following tasks:
• To study the meaning of the economic categories “product competitiveness” and “competitive enterprise”;
• To determine the factors and directions of providing competitiveness of the enterprise;
• To improve methods of estimation the competitiveness potential of companies;
• To justify a set of strategies to increase competitiveness of companies based on marketing;
• To suggest recommendations of increasing the enterprise competitiveness on the basis of marketing activity.
Review of relevant researches
Studying this topic is important to mention that this problem has been studied by many scientists and economists: G. Azoyev, Y. Anisimov, V. Bautin, I. Bogomolova, V. Voronin, V. Vlasova, E. Golubkov, A. Demchenko, M. Dolinskaya, A. Zhukov, I. Konev, V. Rodionova, I. Soloviev, R. Fathutdinov, A. Horev, L. Churikov, A. Shskin, and many others.
Expected new scientific aspect
The dissertation work brings us to a new aspect and view on competitiveness. Overall it is based on using methods of estimation of competition and improving marketing services.
The most significant new aspects and views shown in the work are:
• A list of benchmarking factors;
• Fair competition, that forces a company to develop production;
• Justified methods of estimating the potential of companies, which are adapted to national systems of accounting and reporting, advantage of which is an integrated approach of industries.
One of the objectives of marketing is producing a product that is demanded by the population, fairly priced using most of the stimulating funds [10].
Any product in the market, in fact is judged by customer’s needs: every customer purchases a product that suits his personal needs the most; the product that is bought by the majority of customers is suited to the population in total, other than other goods.
That’s why we can determine the competitiveness of a product only by comparing same or similar goods of competing companies. In other words competitiveness is a relative concept, associated with certain markets and time [11].
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2. Г.Л. Азоев. Конкуренция, анализ, стратегия, практика / Г.Л. Азоев – М.: Центр экономики и маркетинга, 1996 – 208с.
3. И. Ансофф. Новая корпоративная стратегия / И. Ансофф – Спб: Питерком, 1999 – 416с.
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