Student of Donetsk National Technical University Shaidt Artem DonNTU   |  Masters portal   |   RU   |   UA   |   ENG

Shaidt Artem

Faculty: Computer Sciences and Technologies.

Speciality: Software Engineering.

Theme of master’s work: Creating a software system for analyzing the operation of complex economic processes based on multilevel models of space and time.

Scientific advisor: Grygoryev Alexander Vladimirovich.

About myself

I know Russian and Ukrainian fluently. I know English in volume sufficient for reading and correspondence.

Skills of programming:

  • C/C++, MS Visual C++
  • Pascal, Delphi,
  • Assembleer
  • Lisp, Prolog
  • Perl, PHP, Javascript, HTML
I have experience with databases:
  • MS Access
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
I own packets:
  • Autocad, 3Ds Max
  • CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
  • Mathematica, MatCad
  • Rational Rose
  • MS Office.


The preschool childhood

I was born on December, 31st, 1987 in the small city of Chartsyzsk of Donetsk region. My parents are Shajdt Yury Evgenevich, Shajdt Vera Ivanovna. Brother Stanislav is older than I for ten years. When there were any inconvenient situations, I always asked for the help to the big brother. My grandmother Eudoxia Petrovna took care about my education.

At the age of three I started to go to kindergarten "Katyusha". It was the finest lifetime — many laughter, fun, games. Already then I have got acquainted with the future schoolmates and companions, Vitaly and Michael with whom and now I communicate and I was on friendly terms.

Low and high school

In 1995 I have started training at comprehensive school ¹ 23. In 1998 class I pass in 22 school. Except immediate study I often participated in the Olympic Games on geography and history (for all time of training hasn't passed any). The further course of life has helped to select. Many thanks to teachers, whose contribution to my formation, has defined the future trade.

In 2003 has passed studies in Chartsyzsky Lycee ¹ 2 in a physical and mathematical class. During the same time I decided to become the programmer though earlier I tended to history and economy more. But interest to computer technologies and creation of programs (then on pascal) have moved, and I have begun preparation for arrival in HIGH SCHOOL.

Study at university

In 2005 I have left school and have begun the HIGH SCHOOL choice. Parents wished, that I studied as specialities "the registration and audit" in DoNNU, as well as my brother. Despite it, I would like to become the programmer. I have selected DonNTU as it was one of the best technical a call of the country and most-most in Donetsk.

So I became student of DoNtU of the first dial-up of a speciality "The software of the automated systems and the Internet" ADP equipment and computer science faculty. Despite diligence, the science is given to me not easily. Besides that I live in Chartsyzsk affects and is forced to spend much èíè for road. In 2009 has passed baccalaureate examination on 4 and has received an appropriate level. I have decided not to stop on reached and in the summer of the same year have arrived in a magistracy.

Plans for the future

In the near future I plan to finish and protect good post-graduate operation. Till now I earn additionally a complete set of computers and setting ïðîãðàìíîãî supports, I adjust networks and I connect the Internet, that is I perform operation of the typical system administrator. Quite probably after university I will be engaged in it on a professional basis. Also it would be desirable to learn English.