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Average mark during studying in baccalaureate: 4,92
Knowing foreign languages: ukrainian, english, french.

  • — Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe DreamWeawer, Flash, 3D MAX, CorelDRAW;
  • — Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Word, Visio);
  • — Assembler, Pascal, Visual C, C++ Builder, Visual Basic, Matlab;
  • — Visual FoxPro, Microsoft SQL Server, Cache;
  • — BPwin, ERwin, Rational Rose;
  • — NetCracker, NetSim;
Interests: photography, compiter grafic, web-design, classik literature, yoga, East philosofies and cultures, different kinds of creative work.


They say from birth I had a thoughtful, studying look. At the day of my birth, on January, 17, 1988, from a few layers of blankets and diapers two black eyes were watching after adults attentively. Quiet, not capricious, talkless child, I did not make scenes with screamings «I want!», but deeply and sadly breathing, said « I do not have a bicycle.» And I could have everything the next day.

A stay-at-home, father’s daughter, I did not like to stay far and a long time from my parents. Missed and cried in summer school camps. Somewhy I was afraid of growing up. Childhood seemed such ideal, carefree, warm and clear. But some strange, absolutely not childish, concern visited me while thinking about adult life.

My family helped me to develop the innate character traits. I’d like to thank my parents for the study of foreign languages, sport, needlework and great number of other developing excercises. My mother (Zhukova Larisa Anatol'evna) and father (Zhukov Konstantin Victorovich) are well-educated, wise, interesting people. They are the best examples for me of strong loving pair, real friends, and interesting interlocutors. Special thank to my dad for our evening philosophizing with a cup of tea and development the reasonableness in me. Thank to the grandmothers and grandfathers for weekends in our summer residence, patties and rolls, and just for they are in my biography. Thank to my junior brother for the experience of quarrels and avoiding the conflicts, for ability to accept people such, as they are, for the difficult way our relations suffered.


Being yet a preschool child, I lived quite close to a school court and sporting ground. But not about sporting equipment and the surprising easy way I used it, it would be desirable to tell about. The beautiful school evening is remembered. The best student of school in a beautiful dress danced in the school yard as a queen of the evening. And so it pleased to me, that I decided to be the first, to be the best, as she was.

In next September I entered the school 48. Studied well, loved the deserved praise. For any failures I scolded myself more than parents or teachers could do it. The strong sides of character were useful in achievement of aims: persistence, assiduousness, obligatoryness, executiveness, quick wits. But, as I understood later, not the good marks would make you happy. Loved drawing somewhen. (Possibly I love till now, but I don’t do this for some reason.) At school drew the holiday wall newspapers, drew by gouache — large, bright, colourful. It brought me much pleasure.

School years were also notable by searching myself in sport. Never had a purpose to make a sport career. However I couldn’t live without any trainings (and moral rest also). So after doing exercises with my dad on sporting equipment in preschool age, I started folk dancing in school. Then there were swimming, choreography, aykido, athletics. And two yeas ago I’ve founded yoga for myself. So here I’ve stopped.

I have finished studying in a lyceum. There were a few pupils during that period, so we spent the time comfortably, in a friendly manner, like at home. There I’ve got the picture of my future profession and some opinions for life. My favourite teacher — the teacher of Russian and literature — became a good friend and tutor for me, taught to be a psychologist in everyday life and made me love the classic literature. In the lyceum I discovered tourism for myself. Thanks to the winderful teacher of physics — Postupaev A. A. — I've seen Krimea and Karpats from inside. Now I'm sure that better than mountains could only mountains close to a sea be.


Philosophy and psychology, French and English languages, mathematics and informatics, literature and sport — with such luggage of interests I went out to my adult life — entered to the speciality of IMS of the Donetsk national technic university. Where to go and on what speciality, had been decided itself, I had no any other variants, and I don’t even remember how it was.

It is difficult to describe and estimate studies in university, being yet a student. I will finish writing in a year or two :)

From flashbacks ideas occur the Saturday mornings in the period of studies at the 1st year, when I thought that Monday was coming soon, and on Mondays we were to pass our programming works. Taste is differ, and someone won’t believe and would argue, but I studied with application, tensely, inlaying forces and emotions. Child's aspirations influent, probably. It is desirable to trust that my efforts are not in vain. So I’m sure that dreams come true.

I also know that everything has a purpose and I don’t spare about the hours spent reading or writing lectures. Who knows, what or when would be useful for us: are they the actual knowledges and abilities, or simply skills to study, working with information, perceive it, quickly to process and use, make decision, react for a situation. In my opinion, education in an university as a good school of life above all.

Plans for the future

Work, career, success... for what? To satisfy ambitions. Family, house, children? Normal necessities of a normal person. Machine, fur coat, diamonds, other values… quite silly, if to think of it as about global aims. It’s good to see all our desires, plans and dreams realized. All is needed and all we would have (if it is indeed needed). This is my point of view. But on this page of my life I dream about trips: about Paris and Rome, about Venice, about India. I want to look as many as possible, to disciver many new things about people and traditions, about religions and histories and about other things... The world is so enormous and various. We can’t waist our time.

Today I’m not only a student but also claimed imposer and web-designer, interested with photography, polygraphy and computer design in common. Being a good specialist is the way to realization of aims. In my nearest plans is to determine the kind of my profession for future and to move fast and productively in the chosen direction. And the choice is difficult, because everything can be learned and it’s possible to score a success everywhere. You should only have desires and aims. It is important not to be cheated in feelings of your own and do the things you really like.


Short Resume

Faculty: Computer Sciense and Technologies
Chair: Informative managers systems and technologies
Specialization: Informative managers systems
Theme of Master Work:
The measure of complexity of object-oriented model
Supervisor of studies: Fonotov A.M.