Materials on the theme of master's work About the author
The problem of safe and effective mining on gas-bearing coal mines was formed many decades ago, but especially it has intensified lately in connection with deepening of mines and intensification of production processes, here the natural gas-bearingness of the developed coal layers and containing rock and accordingly gas abundance of mines sharply.
Presently the technical and economical indexes of work of gas mines are 35%-50% below, than nongas mines in the same mining and geological conditions. The expenses on a management of gasisolation (ventilation and degassing) in the prime price of mining amounts to 25%.
In the countries of the CIS the guantity of inuse methane does not amount to 10% from extracted methane by degassing. Abroad this index in several districts (pools) amount to 80-90% [1].
According to estimations of anumber of specialists, on the territory of the CIS the supplies of methane in an layer 5-7 times exceed the supplies of natural gas and estimated in 100-150 trln. m3. The coal mines of Donbas are classified, as one of the most gas-bearing in the world. By the resources of methane Ukraine occupies the 4th place in the world after China, Russia, Canada, leaving behind the USA. According the last estimations our resources make 12 trln. m3 [1, 3].
Consequently, basic coal pools must be examined as gas and coal one must foresee not only mining but also methane at their developing.
The size of maximal natural methane bearing of coal layers in the countries of the CIS makes for coals: long-flame and gas – 8-15 m3/t, coke, fat – 16-28 m3/t, poor and anthracite – 20-35 m3/t. Methane, contained in coal deposits, can be examined as additional energy raw material.
The aim of the work – studying and the analysis of on methane extraction technologies in conditions of overcategory mine "Shcheglovsky - Glubokay" for the purpose of expansion of use of capturing methane.
The problems solved in master-degree work:
1. To carry out the analysis of researches concerning definition of the maximum potentially possible volume of capturing methane, and also its dynamics in time.
2. To make the analysis of all existing modern ways of decontamination and technology of methane extraction. To choose the right one for investigated object.
3. To define and prove possible directions of rational use of capturing mine methane as a source of raw materials for the industry.
4. To give an economic ground of the accepted technological decisions on extraction and use of mine methane in the conditions of the real enterprise.
Object of research – technological processes of extraction and use of methane in the conditions of mine "Shcheglovsky – Glubokaya".
Research methods – systematization ordering, analytical, methods of technical and economic calculations, a modelling method, solving the situational problems, forecasting, a method of statistical data processing.
Scientific novelty – it's possible to analyze, towork out and ground the technological decisions probably only taking into account definition of total amount of methane extracted in mine and the feasibility report on its cost price, that allows to approve further projects on direct use of mine methane as an attendant resource on the coal enterprise.
The scientific novelty reveals in the following results of the achievement:
• analytical forecasting of volume of the general allocated and decontaminated methane for mine with application of methods of mathematical modelling is made;
• a choice and a substantiation of directions of rational use of mine methane in the conditions of the investigated enterprise;
• the feasibility report on use of methane taken from mine as raw resource and possibilities of its use is made.
Practical value – practical offers for a choice and a substantiation of directions of mine methane use are executed, technological schemes of recycling taking into account mine conditions are offered.
The basic prospect of master-degree work is possibility of use of results of research both at the enterprises of the coal industry, and in other branches of a national economy as a whole. The data received in given master-degree to work will allow to make the most effective decisions on application of the taken methane.
Results of the performed work will allow:
• to estimate the influence of mine methane on safety of working conditions in preparatory and stooping faces, and also loading change on them;
• to estimate influence of emissions of methane on surrounding environment;
• to apply advanced technology of extraction of methane in mines;
• to predict changes of volumes of isolated methane;
• to prevent the subsequent negative influences of methane;
• to define ecological and economical, technological and social effect from application of advanced technology.
Results master degree works will form a basis for the further researches.
The purpose of the work– studying and the analysis of technologies on extraction of mine methane in conditions over category mine “Shcheglovsky – Glubokaya” for the purpose of expansion of capturing methane.
1. The analysis of researches concerning definition of the maximum potentially possible volume of capturing methane, and also its dynamics in time is carried out. 2. The analysis of all existing modern ways of decontamination and technology of extraction of methane is made. To choose the right for investigated object. 3. Possible directions of rational use capturing mine methane as source of raw materials for the industry are defined and proved. 4. The economic substantiation of the accepted technological decisions on extraction and use of mine methane in the conditions of the real enterprise is given.
By the time of writing of the given abstract of thesis the master's degree work had not been still completed. Final completion: December, 2009. The complete text of work and materials on theme can be taken from the author or its teacher after the indicated date.
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