Boris Litvinenko 
Physical and Metallurgical Faculty
Treatment of metals pressure
Theme of master's work:
Development of a mathematical model of the force parameters of rolling and reduced compression when stroking rolls previously single and multiple compressed in the vertical rolls for reducing slab
Scientific adviser: professor Evgeny Rudenko
My publications and reports
Experimental study of power parameters of the process of reduction of slabs in the calibrated vertical rolls
Authors: Litvinenko Boris, Rudenko Eugen
Description: The article on the subject: Experimental study of power parameters of the process of reduction of slabs in the calibrated vertical rolls
Source: Proceedings of students of physical and metallurgical department. DonNTU 2010
Experimental study of changes in the width of the plates when using the stand with vertical rolls
Authors: Savosin N., Starichenko A.
Description: The study results of the broadening during rolling Tole - th sheet in the longitudinal and transverse patterns. (Efficiency change the width barbette with breakdowns by vertical rolls up 60-66%)
Source: Thematic Sectoral collection 'Усовершенствование технологии произволства толстолистовой стали'. Moscow 'Metals', 1981 y. p. 39-42.
Improved modes of deformation in the stands with vertical rolls
Authors: Eremin U., Nabatov G., Tishkov V., Gordeeva I.
Description: It is shown that the level of rolling across the width of the main brand and size assortment of bands on the mill in 2000 CherMK (average allowance) for rolling - 22,5 mm, for the finished strip - 18,6 мм. Analysis of existing regimes in the mill breakdowns in the vertical rolls demonstrates their considerable instability. In order to improve the modes of deformation of thick rolls in the stands with vertical rolls defined field allowable values of breakdown. The calculated modes of compression, except the apparent uniformity of the distribution in each crate and maximize their ability to leveling, have a significant practical advantage.
Source: Thematic Sectoral collection 'Совершенствование технологии прокатки, термообработки и отделки толстолистового проката'. Moscow 'Metals', 1987 y. p. 59—62.
Investigation of the effectiveness of the use of stand with vertical rolls
Authors: Dolzhenkov F., Godskov V. , Poltorapavlo U.
Description: The results of experimental rolling of lead samples in a laboratory sheet mills, conducted to study the effect of the breakdowns in the stands with vertical and horizontal rollers
Source: Thematic Sectoral collection 'Усовершенствование технологии производства толстолистовой стали'. Moscow 'Metals', 1981 y. p. 49-52.
The method of determining the broadening of stimulated after repeated compression slab in a vertical stand broadband mill
Authors: Rudenko E.,Tankin S.
Description: The method of definition of individual enforced broaderings of metal after each slabbing action in vertical rolls and conditional adduce in horizontal rolls and general enforced broadering after several series passes is adduced.
Of forming rolls with all the original non-rectangular shape in plan on rolling in the vertical rolls
Authors:Rudenko E.
Description: The mathematical description of change of parameters of the form(shape) of test leadss of a sheet rectangular hot-rolled breakdown in the schedule is adduced at rolling in vertical rolls.
Source: DGMA