Boris Litvinenko 
Physical and Metallurgical Faculty
Treatment of metals pressure
Theme of master's work:
Development of a mathematical model of the force parameters of rolling and reduced compression when stroking rolls previously single and multiple compressed in the vertical rolls for reducing slab
Scientific adviser: professor Evgeny Rudenko
The trend of development of production technology of broad bands at present is the use of continuous slab of large mass.Peculiarity of the technology for continuous casting slab is that the slabs of different widths are filled through the respective molds. For a wide assortment of slab width must have a large fleet of molds. Replacing the mold requires time-consuming. Therefore, to obtain a wide assortment of ready-bands across the width should be able to change the width of slab. This process is called - reducing.
So far, reliable for finding the energy-power parameters for reducing a calibrated vertical rolls available.
This work is relevant, as is aimed at developing a method for determining the force and moment at reducing in vertical rolls.
In the work force and torque at reducing considered as a function of the parameters of a single crimp in the vertical rolls. Objective is to find a reliable and simple relations for determining the force parameters for reducing.
The results, ie obtained dependence can be used to calculate the force and moment redukuvanya in calibrated vertical rolls.
After research yielded the following results: p>
As a result of regression analysis in the program «STATISTICA» obtained according to the mean pressure (а) and the coefficient of the shoulder of the resultant force of rolling (б).
Odds of multiple regression equations (a) and (b) are 0,97-0,98. The average error of approximation of 6-10%.
In future we plan to investigate the influence of other factors and to experiment with multiple compression in the vertical rolls
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