Abstract of thesis
A crisis situation is connected to decreasing of amount of traditional
energy resources in the world prompts scientists to the search, development and
introduction of new energy-saving technologies in all spheres of life of
society. Questions of the effective use of present energy potential, both
country and every region become more actual. The limited nature of primary energy
resources is acutely become aware in our country to. Last time cogeneration is
more actively introduced by majority developed and developing countries of the
world. For example, in the USA is accepted special program, aim of which is
doubling of having power of cogeneration to 2010 year comparing with rate of power
in 1988 year. It means that by the end decades will be additionally entered
approximately 46 GVt.
of work
Ukraine related to the countries, partly provided with the traditional
types of primary energy resources, therefore forced to import them. In addition,
our country has high energy capacity of manufacture, considerably exceeding the
indexes of the developed countries. Besides, problem of reliable heat supply
systems of population in autumn - winter period has sharp social character. It
is therefore possible to assert that for Ukraine the question of steady and
energyeffective development of this sphere has a primary value.
tasks and goals
This work has tendency to the increase of efficiency of the use of
organic fuel in the communal economy of Ukraine, increase of energy safety due
to determination of terms of expedient introduction of cogeneration
During realization of work:
were created the fundamentally new summarizing
criteria of efficiency of the used plan of heat-and-power supply system, allowing
comprehensively to estimate energy and economic expediency of it application
taking into account all influences;
were improved principles and methodology of planning
of the heat supply systems;
practical results
At planning of mini-HES on satisfaction of load of heat supply electric
energy, produced on it, is partly consumed on own needs, and surplus is given
out in a grid. Delivery of electric power of mini-HES in a grid in the
night-time of twenty-four hours can have negative consequences. Fitting out of mini-HES
with system of accumulation of heat energy in a daily daypart allows to reduce
the production of electric energy in a night-time. For majority modern buildings,
having the radiator system of heating practically the only variant of
accumulation of heat energy is a tank-accumulator (TA), which present from
itself a tankage with hot water, which can provide amount of heat supply.
Maximum temperature of water in a tank is 90-95°С. On a picture 1 the
fundamental plan of connecting of tank-accumulator with system of heat-and-power
supply with the use of CGI.
Picture 1 – The Fundamental plan of connecting tank-accumulator and
cogeneration installation (CGI).
Use of TA turn to the increase of production of electric energy in peak
and half-peak periods of day's diagram of the electric loading and decrise in
the period of nightly minimum. Therefore charging of TA carried out in the
clock of the maximal loading of grid in the different modes of operations of
Use of the offered scheme allows to increase the part of electric energy,
producible in the clock of peak-loads to 50%, while in lack of TA in a heat scheme
this part does not exceed 21%, that positively influences on the economic indexes
of work of HES.
The terms of recoupment can hesitate from 8 to 25 years depending on a
cubic capacity TA is used and correlation of prices on heat and electric
In this work we analyzed the methods of division of fuel consumption in
cogeneration system and showed their defects. We offered a new method, where
put into operation the criterion of efficiency µ, being delineation of
competitive alternative scheme of consumer. The offered criterion in fact determines
the value of electric energy in respect to heat in the cycle of their joint
production, and also on condition of their competition use by a consumer.
Besides, in a work the possible methods of adjusting of correlation electric
and heat powers produced on HES by means of TA are analyzed. Researches of heat
supply schemes and indexes of work of HES with the use of tanks-accumulators at
implementation of the different heat loadings are conducted. The corresponding methods
of design of the most rational schemes are offered.
1. Перспективы применения когенерации в коммунальном хозяйстве Украины /Колесниченко Н.В., Сафьянц
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2. Вариант реконструкции системы централизованного
теплоснабжения. /Сафьянц С.М. ,Колесниченко Н.В.,
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3. Преимущества и недостатки внедрения когенерационных
технологий в Украине /Сафьянц С.М. ,Колесниченко Н.В., Константинов Г.Е//Всеук.
Науч-техн.журнал «Энергосбережение», №8, с.28-29
4. К проблеме эффективности использования альтернативных
источников энергии в системах теплоснабжения / Колесниченко Н.В. //Сб.трудов V-й
Международной конференции «Стратегия качества в промышленности и
образовании» 6-13 июня
Закон України
«Про комбіноване виробництво теплової та електричної енергії (когенерацію) та
використання скидного енергопотенціалу» (Відомості Верховної Ради України
(ВВР), 2005, N 20, ст.278 )
определения теоретического потенциала энергосбережения на разных уровнях
управления экономикой / Н.В. Гнедой, Е.Е. Маляренко // Проблемы общей
энергетики. - 2007. -№15.-С.17.
Мала енергетика
та її значення в регіональних системах майбутнього / В.Д. Білодід, К.В.
Таранець// Проблемы общей энергетики. - 2008. -№18.
At writing of this abstract of thesis master's degree work is not yet
completed. It final completion will take place at 1-st December 2010. Text and
materials of it can be got from an author or his tutor after this date.