Abstract of master's work
Relevance of the topic. The basic directions of the economic transformations occurring in Ukraine, are transition to market economy, achievement balanced and a sustainable development of the country on the basis of participation in job specialization world process is, is continuously connected with creation of the necessary conditions providing competitiveness of national economic system.
Experience of the advanced countries shows that the key driver of economic growth, increase of efficiency of economy is introduction in production of progressive technological innovations. Degree and dynamics of development of innovative processes act as a determining indicator of an economic condition of the country.
Development of innovative activity both on an enterprise level, and at state level predetermines creation of qualitatively organized and reasonable system of financially-credit provision. In the conditions of deepening of the crisis phenomena in financial and economic system of the country, absence of positive transformations of structure of national economy, inefficient process of forming of the state financial resources there is a reduction of possibilities of centralized financing of scientific and technical development against practical absence at the enterprises of own means for realization of innovative activity.
Thus, transition to market economy objectively leads to increase of a role and value of financially-credit provision of innovative activity.
The purpose and research problems. The purpose of this master's work is the further development of theoretical positions and development of methodical recommendations about enhancement of management by financial provision of innovative activity of the enterprise.
The task master's study are:
- analysis of the current state of innovation as a tool for effective development of the enterprise;
- Study essence of financial support innovation enterprise;
- defining the principles of financial support for innovation;
- Identify sources of financial support for innovation activities of the enterprise;
- defining methods for the financial support of innovation activity of the enterprise;
- choice of models study the sources of financing innovation;
- substantiation of innovation and investment projects to be funded with risk-based activities;
- development of guidelines to improve the financial security of innovation enterprise;
- offers strategies to optimize financial support for innovation.
Object of research. The process of managing financial support of innovation activities of the enterprise.
Theoretical propositions and practical foundations of the financial support of innovation activity of the enterprise.
Scientific novelty of research. The basic scientific result of the dissertation is complex system the decision of questions of enhancement of financial provision of innovative activity of the enterprise.
Scientific novelty consists in the following:
- Specification of the economic essence of innovation as a tool for effective business development, taking into account the basic laws of its implementation in modern conditions;
- identified methodological bases of financial support innovation in the enterprise;
- A model study of sources of financing innovation;
- A model of optimization of financial support innovation enterprise;
- A strategy for financial security innovation enterprise.
Practical value of the received results. On the basis of theoretical principles and a holistic systems approach to the justification of financial support for innovation activities of the enterprise proposed guidelines that allow optimization model to develop a modern financial security and a strategy for this optimization.
Approbation of results of work. Key provisions of the conclusions and recommendations of the research were approved at the conference «Current status and problems of investment for development» (Donetsk, 2009).
Main content of master's work
In the first section «The Scientific and theoretical foundations of financial support for innovation activities of the enterprise» investigated the importance of innovation in economic development transformation of Ukraine's economy, specifically the economic essence of innovation and innovation as the object of funding considered theoretical questions of financial support innovation, disclosure is necessary, the classification and features of the financial support of innovation.
Some problems the place and role of innovation in economic growth enterprises. The problems of the financial support of innovation in the works of foreign and domestic economists.
Determining the classification of sources of financial support innovation and enterprise development stages of financial innovation development strategy of the enterprise.
In the second section, «Methodological foundations of financial support innovation activities of the enterprise» investigated methodological foundations and stages of the financial support of innovation activity of the enterprise. The mechanism of financial support innovation and business trends in financing innovation. Considerable attention is paid to issues of public management innovation.
In the third section, «Guidelines for improving the financial security of the enterprise innovation» formulate recommendations for improving the methods of financial support innovation enterprise.
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